It's a new world, new characters, new plot, new features, it's obviously going to be a bit shaky at first. ME1 was proper shady in some parts (UI, repetitiveness etc) but it came together with ME2.
I suppose they don't have as much of an excuse now as they are a massive studio, but I get your point. It's funny, Mass Effect 1 is one of my favourite games of all time, but I try and replay it now and I can't get past how awful the UI is, the combat, the clunky dialogue. But it's still the best.
I suppose they don't have as much of an excuse now as they are a massive studio, but I get your point. It's funny, Mass Effect 1 is one of my favourite games of all time, but I try and replay it now and I can't get past how awful the UI is, the combat, the clunky dialogue. But it's still the best.
The Mass Effect trilogy to me is my fave ever. I think reading the books prior to each game helped the immersion also. ME2 is a masterpiece in terms of fixing the UI / Combat and the story was very strong compared to ME3. :)
I found the second one the best. First was a bit clunky and i struggled with it a bit. Second one fixed the clunkyness and had a great story. Enjoyed the third one a lot but the story wasn't quite as strong.
ME1 and ME2 a little less so, are two of my fondest gaming memories. ME1 was just incredible, there was nothing like it when it released. Andromeda will have none of those feels, I think it will be "just ok" in it's own right, but if you want that true ME feel then you aren't going to find it here.

For me, I'm more excited to see the MP game compared to the SP story, and that's really saying something for a Mass Effect game. It just looks horrendous IMO, will be the worst story of all previous games...I'm sure all the reviewing outlets will overlook it's glaring flaws and early Bioware RPG omissions and give it a 9/10 though because of the title.
Just realised there is less than a week to go and I'm still cautiously optimistic. Not going to preorder/buy though until I see some reviews and positive word of mouth.
Just realised there is less than a week to go and I'm still cautiously optimistic. Not going to preorder/buy though until I see some reviews and positive word of mouth.

Same, if it's good, I'll get at the end of the month, but until then, I've got Zelda, and to be honest, even if it scores highly, I won't bother for a while.
This looks like a mixed bag from what I've seen so far. Slightly generic open world RPG shooter that in 2015 would have been impressive, less so now. The combat and shooting almost seems clumsy? Hopefully the story and missions are something different.
My only worry with what I've seen so far is the facial animations look 'off' I hope come launch it's better or as you play it doesn't really get too noticeable.
Very much looking forward to this. Apparrently the 10 hour trial for Origin Access members goes live at 11:30pm tonight. Will be on that tomorrow morning ASAP!Avoiding all spoilers so hoping people here respect the spoiler rule.

Not much of a Multiplayer gamer, but Might try ME:A's, as ME:3's is really well thought of.
Early impressions are early impressions. But like I've said a few times in this thread, this game will simply suck for the old skool Mass Effect fan.

It's always looked to me in the videos, like a generic game with pretty visuals and combat. But nothing in the way of story telling, character progression, true open world exploration, discoveries of new world's and new species. This is what in essence was always what Mass Effect and Bioware excelled at. Yes Bioware had its flaws, but it was a winning formula back then, and as each game in the series progressed, it got worse and worse with the EA getting more involved.

Dragon Age Origins was incredible, Inquisition was a train wreck. Same for Mass Effect 1, a masterpiece but each one that followed gradually got more watered down for a wider audience with the game style changing.

This is just another game that's going to disappoint. Unless your 14 and couldn't care less about the previous titles that just likes to kill stuff and get gooey over visuals.
Origin access lol couldn't think of anything worse.. wtf is the point in playing for 10 hours then having to wait for Wednesday night lol
Well the game is 43.77gig in size, this is the actual client so if you buy it you'll be ready for launch.

The client is playable after 42%... saying roughly 50mins for full download 13 Mb/sec
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