Interested in this, could you explain a little further?
I think in hindsight it's a cash out for lay bets, when team A or B score and the current result is NOT a draw, there is liquidity in the market to cash out for a profit.
Interested in this, could you explain a little further?
I think in hindsight it's a cash out for lay bets, when team A or B score and the current result is NOT a draw, there is liquidity in the market to cash out for a profit.
I think in hindsight it's a cash out for lay bets, when team A or B score and the current result is NOT a draw, there is liquidity in the market to cash out for a profit.
Was a little put off by yesbets today. I seem to have noticed (I haven't been keeping track, but it feels this way to me) that there have been a few more "bragging" posts about big casino wins - not necessarily risk free or low risk offers either, but using one's own money. I mentioned that I personally don't feel that there's much place in a risk free matched betting group to post big headline numbers for casino wins but was shot down by several people quite quickly for not being supportive and not having a right to say how people should "reinvest" their matched betting profits.
I suppose I feel that a matched betting group should revolve around finding and sharing matched betting opportunities with the odd low risk/risk free casino offer chucked in, but it's getting a bit a bit of a "who made the most money" vibe.
Pretty much this. Study the stats, pick games with good stats for goals and make your selections. Lay them for what you can afford to lose and when, if, a goal is scored, the odds on the draw will go up and you can lay off for a profit.
I completely agree, there was a mega brag post this morning, I think I know who you are now on there, ha!
Personally I've refrained from posting about punt wins because it defeats the whole purpose of what Yesbets is about, and as you say it seems like a contest of who made the most money.
A large majority of the community simply cannot sit at the computer all day like some of those folk do, and when they try to make out everyone should be making X amount of money I can't help but facepalm (I had one chap who seemed to get frustrated at the fact I took a higher QL and that I should be aiming for much less - the only problem is I'm not going to spend my whole day observing the market to secure a lower QL just because he can).
There comes a point where you can see which members are spending hours and hours a day on MB, not something I'll ever do, end of the day it's top up spending money and will never substitute salary income.
Well you use a back/lay calculator (arbcruncher's is the best) to calculate it like you would a normal matched betting qualifier.Would you mind just doing a worked example of the maths of this please?
Perhaps assume that the 1x2 on a game is odds of 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 respectively and the first team scores moving the odds to 1.4, 7.0 and 12.0. What are the calculations you make to lock in profit?
The best advice I can give, is don't try to emulate others. Ignore everyone. Become a robot. Stick to the plan and make yourself whatever amount of profit you can. Yes, there are those who make thousands, but they sit there all day everyday. Most people work full time and can only spend 30mins a day doing it. If you only make £50 a week, it's still £50 a week.
Wow, interesting piece of software that!
Edit: Just downloaded the software and messing around in practice mode, it seems pretty straight forward and there is scope to pretty much learn the tricks of the trade with the more experience you have.
I may give the 24 hour access for £0.99 a try this weekend and see how it goes.
Would you mind just doing a worked example of the maths of this please?
Perhaps assume that the 1x2 on a game is odds of 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 respectively and the first team scores moving the odds to 1.4, 7.0 and 12.0. What are the calculations you make to lock in profit?
Low risk is irrelevant, it should be +EV.
If it isn't then it is dumb regardless of whether it is high or low risk.
Yes, +EV if we're being technical but I'm only a layman so I like to keep it simple! The case I raised on the Yesbets group related to gambling one's own money on a slot without any bonus offer etc, therefore it was -EV. The user in question justified her accounting by saying it was the house's money, so it was therefore fine, and that she also had a "system", which it transpired is basically the Martingale strategy applied to slots.
I just think it's a very easy line to cross: matched betting into punting the odd "win" here or there. It's not what matched betting is about and I just don't think it has a place in a matched betting group. What concerns me is that someone (not sure who) actually punted their matched betting winnings on the slots, lost it all, and subsequently self-exiled himself from matched betting lest he generate a net loss. Despite someone mentioning the user who lost out, there was actually a new post soon after where someone was eagerly testing this new-fangled Martingale strategy on another slot! Surprise surprise, they came out with a loss.
Incidentally, I also think sports trading is another thing that gets conflated with matched betting too often, but that is a whole different kettle of fish entirelyWorth remembering that for every Peter Webb, there's a hundred (random number plucked out of the air) wannabe traders who bust out their bank without advertising it. Peter Webb, in particular, has a trading program to sell (he made Bet Angel), so of course his videos are going to make sports trading look effortless.
Personally I'm not sure that it is. I changed my monthly subscription to annual (as it is effectively 2 months free) so get the casino cruncher as part of that. Don't use it all that often though.
I switched to the annual sub because I'd had a good week and figured it would save me some cash in the long run. Previously I'd tried a few of the casino risk free offers and had always busted out. I did the first one on the CC and made £20 on it. I don't bother with the other CC offers, just the totally risk free ones when they come around. If I can use the profits from those just to cover the sub I'll be happy. I find slots tedious and I'm averse to risking my own money anyway! Sure some people have won big on them, but I'm fairly happy just plugging away at MB. I don't spend huge amounts of time on it and don't clear anywhere near what some people do but at the end of the day it's extra pocket money for me.
I agree with all of this. On the Oddsmonkey forum it irritates me when people talk about a huge win on the back of a free bet or a small stake. Unless that bet was laid off IMO its not match betting its gambling. MBing is about ZERO risk.
Well you use a back/lay calculator (arbcruncher's is the best) to calculate it like you would a normal matched betting qualifier.
So you lay 4.0 for £20 (liability £60)
Then back at 7.0 for £11.43 (profit £68.58)
£68.58-£60.00 = £8.58 profit