mates girlfriend is driving us insane!!!!

Move out. That’s too many people living in one house to ever stand a chance of leading a peaceful existence. Why don't you just sign up for big brother instead.
"So this is about my mates girlfriend, basically when both of them go out argue like kat and dog, kept the flat awake one night from 4 till 7 am, spoiled mine and woke the flat up another night and they have only been going out two months and he claims a couple of days being great together is worth it (between the arguments), but we have to suffer (he didnt say the suffer part), They've gone out tonight again and im at a loss on what to do ...."

Longest sentence ever?
I haven't read it all but the solution seems pretty easy, talk to them first (get all members of the flat to sit down so you don't come across as the being a loan 'moaner'). If that doesn't work they should leave.
We had 10 in one two-story flat once - quite a rabbit-warren of rooms - and indeed it did seem to separate out into upstairs-downstairs, arguing, messiness. Good fun all in, though :D

Get earplugs. Seriously. If you're worried about waking up, set your phone alarm to LOUD with vibrate and have it under your pillow.

Earplugs saved my sanity, so good when you just want bed :)

tell them to grow up

when they start arguing, just put christmas songs on really loud until they stop

Im contemplating that now, off to itunes

Firstly...........What a post! input :D

My analysis (for whats its worth) Rachel + Drink = Problem!

1) I think somebody needs to sit down (whilst sober) and explain to Rachel, If she is drunk she comes no where near the flat....END OF!
2) Explain that there needs to be some respect for all other parties in the flat.. may i suggest?? some house rules!!
3) I know its not your issue and some may say to keep out....however im with you on the fact that you have to live there too
4) Explain to James that its getting up your nose, if he is any sort of mate then he will do something about it.

Overall it seems that Rachel is the issue, she needs sacking off !!

I hope that helped?

agreed and thanks for the input, ill definitely try and use this

You make it sound as if they are 16!

shocking isn't it

nope i live in heaton tho:D

we shud go round with a few cans to see the show:P

yeah why not .... well have a heaton meet !

and about the spelling of cat, Im going to blame the late night :D


update of last night,

They came back argued rachel tried to have a heart to heart with paul and then they ate peoples food, there's wine all over the living room floor, couch is covered in crumbs and I find her on the couch and James is in his room.....
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God that was painful to read.

If they wake you up, tell them to shut the **** up or you'll eject them both from the flat.

Anything else that happens is just politics and nothing to do with you. Tell them to grow up and get on with your life.
This whole issue can be resolved in two simple steps:

1) Punch to the ovaries
2) Kick to the knackers

If they are able to argue after that, then I can't help you.
Move out. Or, talk about it. I had a crazy ex, my housemates (one of them is a member here lol) had numerous chats with me about it. In-fact she was barred from a house that we lived in, and quite rightly. Needless to say it ended..
drug her, tie her up, drop her off at nearest forest

edit: failing that next time this happens gab a sock burst into thier room and just stove it into her mouth :D
thanks for that now after reading the summery

I think know what the root of the problem is

right so i live in a flat of 3 guys (inc me) and 5 girls,

Clearly too many people living in this flat.
Seriously, life is too short to be putting up with **** like that on a regular basis. Either do your best to make sure she is no longer allowed/welcome in the flat or start looking for a new place to live.
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