Matthew Perry dead at 54 - RIP

First I've heard of this but for years I've watched 100s if not 1000s of ED/Ambulance/Air Ambulance TV programmes where they give ketamine at least twice an episode so that the Clinicians can pull bones into place while the patient is off their head and the weird thing is the effect doesn't last long so once administered they have to do it quickly before they come around.
Matthew Perry must have been proper hardcore.

It doesn't need to last long for someone to slip under the water in a hot tub and drown. He might well have been proper hardcore as you say or he might well have been a regular user of a more moderate dose which should never have been prescribed so easily and should have been more carefully monitored, restricted etc..
Some strange comments here, expecting compassion and morals from drug dealers.

They found an easy target and exploited them to the point of death. They have done it before and they will do it again - the only thing they will feel bad about is that they killed off a golden cash cow.

Humans suck.

on average another 270+ people would have died from drugs that day in the US

what happened to him is no different, its just all over the news because he was a well known Celeb
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It doesn't need to last long for someone to slip under the water in a hot tub and drown. He might well have been proper hardcore as you say or he might well have been a regular user of a more moderate dose which should never have been prescribed so easily and should have been more carefully monitored, restricted etc..

Exactly, every one of those patients would be dead if they were in water, they have no idea where they are.
Yes, because Harold Shipman was a pillar of society ;)

Medical Doctor does not always equate to good people.

No one said it did always equate to that - you were talking about expecting it... and we do expect it from people in that profession, they make a big deal about taking an oath and adhering to professional standards. There's nothing strange about having some reasonable expectations of those in a positon of trust like that or indeed wanting them to be held to account when that trust is broken.
No one said it did always equate to that - you were talking about expecting it... and we do expect it from people in that profession, they make a big deal about taking an oath and adhering to professional standards. There's nothing strange about having some reasonable expectations of those in a positon of trust like that or indeed wanting them to be held to account when that trust is broken.

I agree that there is an expectation of people in positions of trust to be honest, professional etc, the sad reality is that this isn't the case.

Society has become, me, me, me and that includes from all walks of life and from the top down.
Some strange comments here, expecting compassion and morals from drug dealers.

They found an easy target and exploited them to the point of death. They have done it before and they will do it again - the only thing they will feel bad about is that they killed off a golden cash cow.

Humans suck.

It works both ways surely. No one would serve perry, so he exploited people that wanted the money and got them to do illegal things with the promise of a stupidly good pay.

Rich man took advantage of not so rich people. The difference here is in the end perry lost out.

What would be most sad is if there was evidence of perry fighting to stop, and they were playing perry to get him to keep wanting more.
I agree that there is an expectation of people in positions of trust to be honest, professional etc, the sad reality is that this isn't the case.

Society has become, me, me, me and that includes from all walks of life and from the top down.

I disagree and I think you're taking some outliers and acting as though they're the norm - the reality is that most medical doctors won't just let you have ketamine on demand and would be quite alarmed if you were to ask for it.

It's absolutely not expected behavior and we should expect morals and compassion from doctors. I guess maybe we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one though as your positon seems so far apart here.
I disagree and I think you're taking some outliers and acting as though they're the norm - the reality is that most medical doctors won't just let you have ketamine on demand and would be quite alarmed if you were to ask for it.

It's absolutely not expected behavior and we should expect morals and compassion from doctors. I guess maybe we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one though as your positon seems so far apart here.
No, deffo not the norm, thankfully. I just don't think we should be surprised when we find out it wasn't low life street dealers, but low life doctors.

Same as MJ's doctor - greed.
Drug dealing doctors in the US? Shocking what goes on these days!

Anyway, back in 1992:

Worst thing is one of the involved doctors have a definite Doctor Nick vibe about him

I just find it wild he was injecting Ket, I always associated recreational use of ketamine as snorting the powder form

Yup, my circle of friends used to take Ketamine quite regularly in the late 90s and it was always taken by snorting powder.

Really weird seeing how mainstream it’s become, my memories of it are crawling around on all fours at raves/squat parties barely able to speak or function lol

Not a particularly pleasant drug or one id have assumed would become as popular as it has.
Yup, my circle of friends used to take Ketamine quite regularly in the late 90s and it was always taken by snorting powder.

Really weird seeing how mainstream it’s become, my memories of it are crawling around on all fours at raves/squat parties barely able to speak or function lol

Not a particularly pleasant drug or one id have assumed would become as popular as it has.
You just gave me a flash to the 1993 partying using ketamine, twice was enough for me (had to be sure) . I did not know until the recent news it was used as a therapy drug , I thought it was just used by clubbing cloud these days why I don't know with the effects !!
I just find it wild he was injecting Ket, I always associated recreational use of ketamine as snorting the powder form

It sounds like he was past the recreational phase of use and just addicted to it

From what I’ve read in the past your body quickly builds a tolerance to ketamine and injecting it for him would have made it more effective and removed the need to put ridiculous amounts up his nose

What a miserable way to be living and a sad end to his story
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