***Max Payne 3***

7 Apr 2011
The nightmare levels were so strange. Oh... and that weird ass boss in the Ragnarok nightclub. :(

That was the only PAYNE!! (sorry lol) in the a** about the that game was the walking on the lines of blood knightmare levels, I fell so many times in that level I was close to giving up, freaky as hell too with that crying baby noise in the background *shiver*
12 Mar 2009
Hah yeah those stupid blood trails were so annoying. I think it was the second nightmare, where there are levels of the blood trails and you have to jump from one level to the other. When you jump it went all slow motion and sometimes you'd make the jump and other times you'd keep falling short. SOOOO infuriating.
12 Jan 2010

Ok this video is meant to explain bullet time in multiplayer but it doesn't for me! I still don't understand this "line of sight" system. To me, it sounds like if you have you and another player, if either one of you or both you are pointing your weapons at each other, you will both go into bullet time. If that's the case what the hell happens to other players in the server?

To me it sounds like an advantage not to be in bullet time.
6 Jun 2011

Ok this video is meant to explain bullet time in multiplayer but it doesn't for me! I still don't understand this "line of sight" system. To me, it sounds like if you have you and another player, if either one of you or both you are pointing your weapons at each other, you will both go into bullet time. If that's the case what the hell happens to other players in the server?

To me it sounds like an advantage not to be in bullet time.

No. The way it works is that if you press "bullet time" you and anyone that can see you, and anyone that can see them etc etc goes into bullet time.

Effectively you'll go into bullet time a) when you choose to and b) whenever anyone else on your screen is in it. The result is that there will never be a situation where one player is out of bullet time and they are shooting at someone who is in it, or vice versa.

So it should give some pretty epic bullet-dodging gameplay. I hope they put the awesome spinning reload thing in so I can do that underneath shotgun sprays like I did in MP2 :)
12 Jan 2010
No. The way it works is that if you press "bullet time" you and anyone that can see you, and anyone that can see them etc etc goes into bullet time.

Effectively you'll go into bullet time a) when you choose to and b) whenever anyone else on your screen is in it. The result is that there will never be a situation where one player is out of bullet time and they are shooting at someone who is in it, or vice versa.

Ok. Can someone explain this to me.

Scenario 1

There are 3 players in a server. A, B and C. Let's say that our game characters run at 1m/s. Let's say that bullet time slows down time by a factor of 1/2.

There are two corridors, X and Y, that run parallel to each other but are separated by a wall. The corridors are 5 metres long.

Players A and B are in corridor X and player C is in corridor Y. All three players start at the same end of the corridors (i.e. if you could see through the wall, they would be next to each other).

At the same time all 3 players start running in the same direction. Player C gets to the end of corridor Y in 5 seconds. But, players A and B go into bullet time together. Player C has reached the end of his corridor whilst A and B are only half way down corridor X.

One player has got to his destination twice as quickly as the other two, but the same amount of time has elapsed for all parties involved.

Scenario 2

3 players. A, B and C. Let's say the devs have modelled the bullets to travel at 100m/s. And remember that bullet time halves real time. It's worth noting that in interviews, the devs do actually say that due to bullet time every bullet is "modelled" as it's fired so the bullets do "exist" in the game world.

Players A and B are in a completely enclosed room but with no roof. Player C is on the outside of this room standing a few metres away from the wall.

A and B go into bullet time together. C, who is not in bullet time, fires a bullet over the room.

For C, the bullet will travel at 100m/s as he is operating in real time.

A and B are operating in bullet time therefore the bullet will be (relative to C) travelling at 50m/s.

All players are watching the same bullet, but this bullet is travelling at different speeds according to where they're standing.
12 Mar 2009

Are you asking if individual bullets will be entered into Bullet Time if they are fired by someone who is not in BT but is "seen" by people who are in BT? If so you'd have more luck typing an email to the developers because none of us will know the answer to that question. :)

The only thing I've understood from the information we've been given is that as soon as you see people in Bullet Time you'll enter it, and if they can see you then they will enter it too. No idea about any other variables because we haven't been given that in depth information.
6 Jun 2011
Ok. Can someone explain this to me.

Scenario 1

One player has got to his destination twice as quickly as the other two, but the same amount of time has elapsed for all parties involved.

Correct but it doesn't matter. They can't do anything with this advantage because as soon as they see someone in bullet time they also enter into it. Obviously this does preclude game modes like capture the flag because then as you say, being out of bullet time would be a huge advantage. If the game is limited to deathmatch or team deatmatch then it doesn't make a difference to the gameplay.

Scenario 2

All players are watching the same bullet, but this bullet is travelling at different speeds according to where they're standing.

Again you're correct but again it doesn't matter to gameplay. The path of the bullet only matters if it hits a player. If it's aimed at a player then the shooter must see the player they are shooting at hence if he's in bullet time, then the shooter will also be in bullet time. If the bullet is being shot off into space it really makes no difference where it is.

The only exceptions to this are:

1) exploding barrels. In your example if the bullet hit an explosive barrel it would explode at a different time for each player. I assume this means destructible/interactive scenery won't be in the multiplayer.

2) you shoot a bullet at a corner, then just before the bullet reaches the corner someone comes round it in bullet time. They'll have no time to dodge the bullet. This is just tough luck really and won't happen too often.

Are you asking if individual bullets will be entered into Bullet Time if they are fired by someone who is not in BT but is "seen" by people who are in BT? If so you'd have more luck typing an email to the developers because none of us will know the answer to that question. :)

This is the only logical way to do it, otherwise there will be some full speed bullets and some half speed ones while you are in bullet time which would just be stupid.

A thought just occured to me: It'd be really cool if they simulated muzzle velocities accurately. So a sniper rifle bullet travels much faster and is harder to dodge than shotgun pellets fired from the same range.
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