May 20 is ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’

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I saw the South Park episode last night where they drew Mohammed, I have never laughed so hard when he turned the peice of paper round with a stickman on it :D

'wait...are we allowed to do that? Surely we can do that?'

bahahah :p
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I'm busy drawing a pic of Mohammed. Although, he is getting rodgered in the pic so it might not be appropriate for a family forum.
Lol since when is Islam a race?

It isn't. It's just the word is used willy nilly without the idiots using it actually understanding the right application of it. You can tell by the way he comes across in his grammar that the 'lights' in there may or may not be on :p

Keep the drawings coming, it's highly amusing.
The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not consummate the marriage with Aisha until she reached puberty. Marriages in the past and today in other parts of the world even take place before girls reach 16 but none of their husbands are being locked up..? I believe this is merely a case in the Western World but the big difference in Islam is the marriage aspect which is compulsary.

Furthermore, the reason why Aisha was married to Muhammad (PBUH) so young was because she had an excellent, precise memory to retain a vast amount of detail accurately, the understanding to grasp the significance and the principles of the teachings, powers of reasoning, criticism and deduction to resolve problems on the basis of those teachings, the skills to convey knowledge to a wide range of audience and, finally, have the prospect of living for a considerable period of time after the death of the Holy Prophet in order to spread his message to distant generations.

Dude, are you listening to yourself :confused:
swearies and insults

Ultimately you're doing yourself and your faith (I'm assuming you are Muslim given your previous comments on the pictures) no favours by reacting like this as you are just supporting the stereotypical view of over the top retaliation.

I don't understand the reaction to the pictures myself, fair enough it may be an offensive depiction of an important ecclesiastical figure, but is it really worth all the fuss. Do random people's views on your faith diminish your belief in it? If not they why let their views affect you in this way as ultimately there is nothing to be gained from your reaction. You're certainly not going to encourage them to change their views acting this way and in fact you will only ellict more of the same as everyone knows they'll get a reaction from it.

I think the pictures are really just going to stir trouble but maybe it's trouble that needs to be stirred. Certainly the previous actions against the original cartoonist were completely uncalled for and a protest like this will hopefully show those involved in the violence just how silly they were. At the end of the day all they really demonstrated was that a cartoon, a mere conglomeration of scribbles, was as important to them as the Quran, I'm not sure if they were insulting their religion or praising the cartoonist by doing that though.
I think it's more a problem of a very, very small group of individuals eroding freedom of speech by threatening death over what is just a picture.

This whole campaign is aimed and highlighting the unacceptable stance some Muslims take on this issue. It is fundamentally wrong for some in the Muslim community to issue death threats and even set off bombs in response to someone drawing a picture.

I see this campaign as highlighting that point. I don't agree with those who say it's childish or folk should just be more tolerant - it is wrong to tolerate the actions of some in the Muslim community in response to the cartoons.
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if u cant read my post above that means you are a noob.....anyway let me repeat it for you.....Its Not For You To Deicide If Hes Real Or Not

I keep asking this, but none of the religious nutjobs ever give me an answer. What gives YOU the right to impose YOUR views on other people? We don't follow your cult, we don't have to follow your rules. Seriously, who tf do you think you are?
Racists will remain Racists
i hope she and everyone who draw a picture dies with a cancer

This would be the religion of peace we keep hearing about?

Furthermore, the reason why Aisha was married to Muhammad (PBUH) so young was because she had an excellent, precise memory to retain a vast amount of detail accurately, the understanding to grasp the significance and the principles of the teachings, powers of reasoning, criticism and deduction to resolve problems on the basis of those teachings, the skills to convey knowledge to a wide range of audience and, finally, have the prospect of living for a considerable period of time after the death of the Holy Prophet in order to spread his message to distant generations.

Brainwashed much?
if its so like this than how about me standing in your street and asking evryone to draw your mum's picture getting nailed by your neighbour,becuase i thnk shes a *****.you won't mind that would you? i know you people wont because these things are meaningless to you scum bags, fags

When a group murders someone for drawing a picture a thousand more will take his place.

Even if they disagreed with him.

We will not be cowed by threats or violence.

There's no solidarity like heathen solidarity, after all we've only got this life so gotta make the best of it.
Lol @ the drawings.

So is this freedom of 'speech' only for today, or tomorrow, or the next day?
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