To be honest im not sure yet as its a new version of Decimation containing a lot more real pure silver. The colour was not 100% what we wanted as we were more after a grey look to the build how ever that is nano fluids for you, they surprise you at every turn. These are nano tubed particles were as Chrystal / ball particles look duller and more dirty brown / black so this is a much better option.
I may pastel it a little more and try and give it a metal look how ever that could with draw it from its simplicity and the fact its a real super coolant.
hehe all main parts are coming next week how ever Mayhems has seen a 10 fold in sales which means the factory is working over time to keep up, so every thing is being done when we get time to jump on it .
Can you please just post some pretty pictures? I've got a splitting headache after trying to understand nano tubed particles / ground silver / 3nm nanometer fluids / ball particles etc
The time it takes to make such fluids would be impossible to scale up and sell right at this moment in time, It taken about 150+ hours of work just to get it this close and the fact its working out at nearly £2,000 per ltr puts it out of reach of the vast majority of consumers. How ever it gives you a good glimpse into what we are upto and possibly future developments.
i just saw that i nearly Cried .. EK are sponsoring this build how ever i didn't ask for that block ... now ill just go hide in a corner .... More info once Ek's stuff has landed
Over at Mayhems were totally shocked by the support MSI has offered us on our build below are two pictures of what MSI sent us. We will go into more details about them but first we have a couple of front and back pictures of the boxes. Im going to say off the bat the MSI has completely gone about and beyond there call for help and given more than we could have ever asked for.
Pictured left is MSI Ge Force 980 GTX which packs more punch than Mike Tyson on a Friday night out and speaks more than he could ever wish. On the right we have ….. the MSI Z170A Gaming main board is gorgeous silver and black…. Even the box has you standing in awe over its beauty.. But first boxes pics before we go into more detail .
More pics will follow with more information over the next few days
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