Mayhems Project Silver Bullet

That mobo is gorgeous, going to look stunning in the 805 with its panoramic views! Coming together really nicely
EK sponsorship blocks and fittings arrived, So much to do and so little time in between what i do now,

Got straight on with fittings the EK 980 Lightning GPU block to the MSI Geforce GTX 980 TI (Perfect fit). Pics below of the beauty in all its glory.


The MSI Z170A Xpower Gaming Titanium Edition Mainboard for the new Skylake CPU from Intel look very impressive close up with the whole board being silver it will complement the whole build. The EK -Supremacy Evo Nickel Plexi suits the board down to the ground, We haven't gone with a full cover block as the Heat sinks on the Z170A complement the system very well and covering them over would be such a shame.






We love the back and detail as much as we love the front ...


Making a Back Plate using a cheap Chinese laser cutter and coral laser.

To make a Back plate for the MSI Ge-Force GTX 980 Ti wasn’t an easy task when you literally know nothing and when asking questions all you ever seem to get is people saying use other software, however this would cost a fortune. So we set out to make it using just the tools we had.

First off using a regular scanner we can the back of the MSI Ge-Force GTX 980 Ti using a 100% ratio so we would get a like for like copy of the back of the board. This is important as we need to measure up the board so we can replicate it digitally. If you get lots of Black around you print out like we did just lay white paper around the PCB so that you get some clean lines to work with.


Once completed test the photo copy of the back of the PCB against you Ge-Force 980 Ti card and make sure everything matches up correctly. This took us a couple of attempts but didn’t take long.

Once we had the scan we simply took measurements of the now flat Paper PCB such as the 5 holes were going to mount the plate to and the surrounding edges that we wish to plate up.

Next we opened up coral laser and imputed the rectangle size and cut offs needed and then place the correct size holes corresponding to our back plate. This Made life ultra-easy and not much messing was needed to get the sizes correct.
Your back plate is now ready to go. However we would like to show who make the MSI Ge-Force GTX 980 Ti so next we took a copy of the MSI logo from there Logo page here ->

And we added the dragon to the back plate. We had to adjust the dragon a little just so that the laser had clear lines to cut and didn’t over cut on some parts of the dragon. We didn’t like adjust the mascot but for the plate to look good with the cheap laser we didn’t really have much option.

Next we added the MSI logo and sizes it to the back plate and then added the wording for the GTX 980 Ti (we didn’t add Ge-force as it would have been to much). One thing we noticed was the lettering would have not worked as it was plain and the 0’s in 980 would have feel out and would have needed gluing in which is a pain to do. So I nipped over to and chose a stencil font and installed it to the PC and used that to create the correct type of wording. This made life so much easier than faffing on.


Now to create test peace’s we didn’t want to go slicing and dicing expensive peace’s of plastic to make sure ever thing fitted so we simply laser cut sheets of paper and tested them on the back plate, after a few minor adjustments to the design we finally got what we needed and moved over to running a 1 off test peace in 3mm ply.
**Pictured below is a test peace in 3mm Ply. This was cut at power 40 on the laser and speed 6mms. It cut through the first time which is perfect for our needs and as a test peace. (plz remember if you a pro you may know better, how ever I’m not).


As you can see the images of the dragon still needs some work as we lost the eye but getting there slowly. :)
We tested the GPU in the board and in the case and decided that we needed to brake up the colours a little as it was overly too silver. Since the main board has a Red Led stripe showing the separate sound amplifier on board we've decided to change the MSI Dragon to a red dragon as in MSI very own logo. This will give it a little more bite.

We have all so gone for a aluminium plated reflective Main backing plate and insted of have black backing were swapping over to Black lettering. this will give the illusion of more depth and also reflect the main board better.

It taken longer than expected due to other commitments how ever its better to take you time and get it right then waste a fortune of doing it wrong.

We will also publish the files needed to do one your self as this doesn't happen often.
This is Aluminum layered on black plastic on Aluminum mirror with accents. There is a clear Perspex for the top to protect the plate. For got to add about the back plate -Thank you to Nate George and Toby Kirkby for your advice with out you guys id still be working on this.

The cutting procedure was done on a CNC and Laser cutter, The aluminium plates were done on CNC and the Decorative work and clear perspex were done on laser.


The base plate is lifted from the PCB to aid in creating air flow so we have no warping issues.

The cost to make the plate was approx £20 for materials. How ever if you doing more the cost could literally be halved due materials left over.
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Me and Matty have been playing and learning how to bend plastic, not as easy as people think when you don't have the right tools.

How ever we managed to get a good result for the PSU cover in the end after wasting a few sheets of Acrylic.


here is the coral draw file we made and you can use as needed. Its made spacial for the In-Win 805 case with a 60mm thick Mayhems Havoc rad with the sun flower logo but you can adjust as needed.
Looking good!

Do you think the cover could restrict airflow somewhat? Or will that be offset by keeping the psu separated from main chamber? Really keen to see how this performs :)
As it is, it would be fine how ever its a massive dust trap, where removing the front glass and extending it a little so there is more flow and replacing it with a mirror front (we may use a coach type bolts for fixing it in place). There is loads of pic's to be taken how ever i forgot to do them lol and will get around to doing soon.
Weve stripped down the case again due to some mistakes and replaced the front glass panel with a aluminium glass like fascia, we've also lifted it more forwards to give better air flow.


Here you can see matt getting ready to fit the mayhems Havoc 360 into place that he has spray painted silver. We've also mounted the EK Res and pump combo to the rad.



We then fitted back in the main board and placed all the wires behind the main board so it neatens every thing up. We've allso put back in the PSU shroud. We caught some of the paint work on the rad so that will need touching back up.


Ive made some of my own rulers to measure up the Glass tubing on the laser cutter (cost was about £2.00)


And Matt and my self cut some peace's to size and matt sanded the edges down


Dont ask me what hes doing here but it does look painful ...


Preparing for the first peace to go in.

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