Maz's done it again! Ive just brought a V8 range rover!!!

mazza7282 said:
lol ok then towing is not the answer,lol
And I simply drove the range rover back to luton, like i do with all my buys, how exactly r u supposed to get a car back with insurance if you dont know if you are going to buy it ?

Not content with getting grief from the above posters for wanting to tow a range rover with a vectra, you come out with the above statement.

Sorry chap, but the last place I'd admit driving a vehicle with no MOT, no insurance is on OC motors.

Not that I haven't but I wouldn't tell this lot ;) :) oops!
Malt_Vinegar said:
It seems that its illegal to tow a vehicle over the weight of towing vehicle. Might be worth checking this out...

you can tow a braked trailer over the weight of the towing vehicle and if he doessn't want to tax / mot his rangie he'll have to put it on a trailer anyway. From what I know most of the green lane events are run at least partially on public roads so hyou WILL need tax, MOT and insurance to run.

Be prepared to repair it if your offroading! :) Had my 90 for nearly a month and had a few repairs on it. Offroading is harsh! It will stress all the components of the vehicle :) Also its gonna drink petrol and i mean drink!
mazza7282 said:
lol ok then towing is not the answer,lol
And I simply drove the range rover back to luton, like i do with all my buys, how exactly r u supposed to get a car back with insurance if you dont know if you are going to buy it ?

You are joking, right? You actually don't even think that driving an uninsured, unroadworthy car with no tax from Birmingham to Luton is... dodgy?

Please stop buying cars.

I can get it insured under my mums name for £500 so when i get a full time job again, ill reinsure the vectra and the range rover. Ill have to do that then.

But its not your Mums range rover, is it? So how can you do that?

And where do you plan to keep it?
[TW]Fox said:
You are joking, right? You actually don't even think that driving an uninsured, unroadworthy car with no tax from Birmingham to Luton is... dodgy?

Please stop buying cars.

I agree with Fox here!

Maz, I'd hate to be in your shoes when something goes wrong. You're right... you HAVE done it again.

Driving uninsured, unroadworthy cars on the road is inconsidarate and ILLEGAL.

Insuring yourself on a vehicle under someone elses name (on the basis they'll be using the car more than you, when they're not) is ILLEGAL.

If you can't afford the insurance, don't get the car. WHEN you crash it'll make it very difficult for the victim to receive any compensation for injury/their vehicle with any expidence.

Then you tell everyone here!??! I hope when you crash into someone uninsured that you don't hurt anyone.
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vanpeebles said:
when my auto mini was towed, i just shifted it into neutral and left the engine running :p
I didn't think it was possible to get less than the normal 10MPG out of an old V8 Range Rover but that will do it :)
You may as well close this thread, your not gonna get any advice from these bunch of leeches after you've made a comment like that :p This forum is like the tip of a very moralised ice berg :p
I don't know, I feel bad if impluse buy a pair of shoes and don't wear them for a month! You impluse buy (sketchy) cars with no intention of driving them anytime soon - madness. As even thinking of towing it there.... are you nuts? I'm a woman and I know you can't tow a 4x4 with a car, sheesh my Mum doesn't even drive and knows you can't. As for insurance, if your are interested in a car you can get a quote from an insurance company with all the details and just call them up when you get there if you decide to get it.

Seriously, next time you even think about buying a car post here first and ask for opinions (becuase you can't trust your own :p ;) )
SgtTupac said:
Be prepared to repair it if your offroading! :) Had my 90 for nearly a month and had a few repairs on it. Offroading is harsh! It will stress all the components of the vehicle :) Also its gonna drink petrol and i mean drink!

Offroading doesnt have to be damaging at all - its all down the the skill of the driver at the end of the day.

To the OP - if you need to get your rangie sorted and roadworthy i can reccomend an excellent garage (DFS in markyate) who specialise in LR's and really know their stuff, and best of all they are very reasonably priced. If you need the details then shout.
NiCkNaMe said:
You may as well close this thread, your not gonna get any advice from these bunch of leeches after you've made a comment like that :p This forum is like the tip of a very moralised ice berg :p

I had to wait OVER a year to get reimbursed for the money I spent on fixing my car after I was crashed into by the first uninsured driver. This seriously messed with my finances.

It is a bad thing to break the law like this because it costs other people money! Why should I have to pay extra because you pay nothing!?!?!

As I said before, you'll be :ping on the other side of your face when you crash into a car and kill someone when you're uninsured.
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Ive been waiting 2 years and the other driver had insurance when they drove out of a junction into the side of me..

I think everyone dreams of buying a 4x4 like you did and messing around with it but your going to have to pay for that dream and get it roadworthy again imo. Theres a lot of V8 Range Rovers converted to LPG and they do ok at the reduced
prices and I think the big V8 bulky engine does well on it with all that torque.

Whats wrong with this car, did the seller say? The last fail sheet would be good

The car MD mentioned -

I think this Range Rover will have full time 4x4, no compromise is their whole thing
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So, to summarise:

1) Driving it home with no Tax, MOT or Insurance is a bit daft.
No tax? Well that's between you and the government - you aren't actually doing anything "wrong" in the sense of the word. Your lack of tax is hurting nobody.
No MOT? You can probably get away with that in the same category - it's just a formality, albeit an important one - unless of course the vehicle cannot pass another MOT because it is in need of structural work/brakes/tyres. If it is unsound then you are posing a risk, if not then it isn't the end of the world.
No insurance - pretty risky - I'd have rung up and had it covered on the spot or had the V5 transfer done temporarily into my girlfriends name so at least I'd have minimal cover through the DOC extension on my policy.

2) Nearly all 4x4 vehicles can suffer from terminal chassis rot. This may well be why yours has no MOT - certainly worth checking! You may find what appears to be a sound car is far beyond economical repair.

3) You can't tow it with no MOT/Tax/Insurance

4) You shouldn't tow an automatic - it can cause serious damage to the gearbox

5) You can't tow it with a Vectra - a Vectra is far too light and small for the job.

Have fun :)
mazza7282 said:
lol ok then towing is not the answer,lol
And I simply drove the range rover back to luton, like i do with all my buys, how exactly r u supposed to get a car back with insurance if you dont know if you are going to buy it ?

Dealerships will not let you drive the car away unless you have proof of insurance first. Either you pre-arrange it. Or ring them up on the day. At least then when you crash, you're covered, even if you dont have the paperwork yet.

What you've done is just plain illegal. And i dread to thing why it has no MOT either, if it was just a formality, the guy would have done it to aid the sale. After all, an MOT is what £35 ? if nothing is wrong.

mazza7282 said:
Dont plan to drive it for good couple of months anyway........just wanted one.

talk about buying things on a whim :rolleyes:
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What i have always done is set up insurance via the net before ive left (takes literally 2 moments, so if i dont buy the car then so what), save the quote and note the number it gives me down. Then go and see the car, risk it and drive it uninsured on the test drive, just round the block. Then when i want it i phone the insurance company and tell them the online quote number, give them CC details, and you have instant cover for the drive home.

Would have been harder in your case mazza with no MOT, but you really should have hired a trailer with brakes to pick the damn thing up :)

The thing i am worried about is how cheap it was, £620 does not buy a working range rover really, with an MOT that thing is worth £1500 at only 104k, i cant think why a dealer, who is there to make money, would not have spent £20 and an hour to put an MOT on it to triple its value :confused:
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Last time I bought a car my Dad drove it on the test drive - he was covered third party by his insurers for other vehicles. When we bought the car we left a deposit and agreed to pick it up a week later

When we came back we had a banker's draft for the full amount and insurance sorted

If I do it again I'll just arrage cover through (it's only £10 or so). This means I'm covered for the test drive and the drive home (if I buy it on the day)
With something like Dayinsure in the uk, there is no excuse to drive uninsured.

I'm pretty surprised at your attitude towards your purchases - you must have money to burn.

Get the RR through an MOT and tax it. Then use dayinsure to insure it everytime you want to go greenlaning.

If you cant use dayinsure, then sell it, cut your losses and wait until you are in a financial position to afford what you want. I've waited 4 years to be in a position to run my own car. It's not that hard (especially seeing as you already have a vectra :rolleyes: )
mazza7282 said:
Dear o dear, talk about over the top, the way i see it, its my money so i reacon i should spend it on whichever i choose.

But has the fact that every single one of the now 5 cars you have bought in your very short driving career has been some sort of dodgy, expensive old nail not taught you that perhaps buying used cars is not your forte? It's no big deal if it isnt, most of here would have difficulty sorting the wheat from the chaff but the difference is we ask for advice, do research and seek the opinion of others before we do things we know nothing about.

Ok so i made a bad on the towing the car, looks like it wont be towed, ill just rent a railer every month from a place i know, i dunno yet, i havnt thought all of it through.

You've not thought ANY of it through, you've gone 'OMG A RANGE ROVER' and thats the extent to your thinking. You can't tow it with a trailer, what do you intend to tow it with? Even a V6 Vectra wouldn't manage it.

And to my knowledge ive had lots of people go and buy cars off of people, and they go and get the car and then insure it once they know that the car is theres.

And lots of people rob banks, hardly makes it the universal indicator of whether its correct or not. You arrange insurance THEN you drive it away - had you had an accident in it on the way home, and lets face it with an 18 year old driving an unroadworthy, MOT faliure V8 Range Rover it was more than likely, some poor guy would be royally shafted by your 'dont give a stuff' attitude.

How would you feel if in 20 years time you are driving around in your dream car and some kid in a 4x4 with no insurance kindly writes it off for you? You'd be dead chuffed, and I'm sure you'd be posting on a forum 'Its no big deal'.


The RR will stay on the driveway with the other 2, and as for the vectra...........thats running ok i guess, that ent got tax or insurance anymore as i cancelled it all as i lost my job so that has been sitting on the driveway for bout 2 weeks.

So you lost your job yet you are collecting uninsured cars? Forgive me for thinking this is perhaps a little bit bizarre :)

I am prepared to fork out if bits go wrong because i want to learn

What have you learnt from your previous 4 cars? Nothing it would seem as you kept going out and buying more Vectras :p
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