Maz's done it again! Ive just brought a V8 range rover!!!

mazza7282 said:
And to my knowledge ive had lots of people go and buy cars off of people, and they go and get the car and then insure it once they know that the car is theres.

i know a few people who drive over the drink limit

doesnt make it legal or morally acceptable though.
Next time you are taking the Range Rover out for a spin or are buying a new car, post here before you leave with the Reg. number.

I apologise for being a grammar/spelling nazi but the word you want is not's


I can't believe you bought a V6 Vectra without getting even one insurance quote for it.
That is just insane, I have no idea of your home situation so I apologise if I tread on any eggshells here, but haven't your parents gone:

"Stop buying cars without knowing what the hell you are doing!"
iCraig said:
"Stop buying cars without knowing what the hell you are doing!"

Surely, using the logic in this thread, if they dared express that opinion this would make them 'ghey' and mean they 'have an answer for everything'?
I think its safe to say breath is being wasted in this thread.

Dont worry guys, it wont be long before he is either broke/broken down/nicked/fined :D (or any combination of the above)

NiCkNaMe said:
Fox you are a bit ghey and do have answers for everything :(

Not for everything, but he aint "ghey" as you put it. :o

But yes buying a car/s and driving uninsured is rather stupid, enough insured mot'd idiots on the road without illegal ones as well :rolleyes:
austinpowers said:
buying a car/s and driving uninsured is rather stupid, enough insured mot'd idiots on the road without illegal ones as well :rolleyes:

Well, he's proved the latter point!

Keep up your "dont care attitude",perhaps you'll meet somebody else driving a similar death trap with an equal attitude to yourself.....

As a professional driver, who wants to NEVER meet the likes of you on the road, I say mazza7282, your a moron. :mad:
[TW]Fox said:
Go easy on the personal insults please guys - by all means express your opinions but don't get personal :)
If that was directed to me Fox, I don't accept. He is a moron, his attitude clearly demonstrates this.

One day, he'll grow up and realise what a moron he was when he was younger. - Why do I know this? - I was just like him, once. :o

Or, do we applaud him and await the "Maz has crashed & killed some poor soul" thread?
Blunt, but these are the concequences of actions such as driving a non roadworthy vehicle on the road with a "could'nt care less" attitude.*

I'm off to bed now, I've got some morons to watch out for tomorrow.

I'm SICK of seeing road accidents, if my views earn me a holiday, then fine. :mad:

* I ask you, what car dealer, worth his salt, is going to sell a safe & roadworthy vehicle minus its MOT and lose money? - None. That Range has no MOT for a reason, its a shed that should be Bic Razors, not on the road.
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mazza7282 said:
And you keep suggesting im going to have a crash ? but i ent had one yet have i?

Yet being the oprative word..................

Ive been driving for only a year and 5 months

Wow, that long?

and ive driven z3's, mustangs, massive sprinters and various other trucks n cars and i ent crashed yet?

So? Does that mean that you won't in the future?

so why keep suggesting im going to

Because you will, at some point.

ok one day i might.

Well done, a light bulb moment?

But hey "poo" happens.

You won't be saying that when you get if you get caught, get a ban and a fine!
NickXX said:
WOAH. No it's not. It is legal if you explain it's what you're doing. It's how I intend to save a lot of money legally insuring a 530d.

OK, I didnt realise that.... I wish that I'd know when I renewed the insurance on my car! rrg. :)
[TW]Fox said:
Like he said, it's only fraud if you lie/deceive/misinform the insurer. If you tell them exactly what the situation is and they say 'That is fine', its above board.

They'll almost certainly say 'No, clear off' but if they do say its fine, its not fraud - fraud is lying for financial gain.

Your mission should you choose to accept it :)

Find insurers that allow this :)
Well another 5* thread....

Simple fact as said by others is why would a dealer not MOT the Range Rover and get more money for it, simple answer is cause its a Nail and needs more money spending on it than the thing is worth.

If you drive without insurance your a muppet simple as that, if you carry on with that attitude your going to land yourself in trouble and rightfully so, I hope they throw the book at you, I have no time for your lackadaisical attitude to motoring, I can only presume since your vehicle had no MOT it also has no TAX, so lets hope its not parked on the road hey!

Instead of buying stupid motors on a whim, why not buy something that will work and you can actually afford the insurance for.
Firestar_3x said:
why not buy something that will work and you can actually afford the insurance for.

Thats what most people would do :p but maybe the OP likes a challenge, and that buying something that actually works, isn't a challenge :D
Firestar_3x said:
I can only presume since your vehicle had no MOT it also has no TAX, so lets hope its not parked on the road hey!

to be fair to him, the vehicle does have a few months tax remaining.
I love these threads :)

What astounds me most of all is why an 18 year old would buy a V6 engined car without getting a single insurance quote first?!

Before I bought either of my cars I spent about a month before hand shopping around for insurance quotes to be sure I could afford it and I am sure most people (certainly youngsters with not much/any NCB) do the same.
PeterNem said:
I love these threads :)

What astounds me most of all is why an 18 year old would buy a V6 engined car without getting a single insurance quote first?!

Before I bought either of my cars I spent about a month before hand shopping around for insurance quotes to be sure I could afford it and I am sure most people (certainly youngsters with not much/any NCB) do the same.


its the only thing stopping me from buying an impreza

at 23 with 6 points and only 2 years NCB, nowhere on-line will even quote me for an impreza.
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