McCanns going too far?

Another good point Shep...

Can anyone shine any light on that?

Even the police highlighted that an accident could have occured earlier in the evening as she was last publicly seen at around 6pm.

By the sound of it the police are wanting to do some tests at the local church as the McCann's were very pally with the vicar and his wife, to the extent they even had their own key. :confused:
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Well if knowone knows if she wasnt in the room that night she could have been killed earlier on etc. and know reporters/paparazzi would have seen as they wouldnt have known about it then.

Therefore anything could have happened!

But the car was hired 25 days after her disappearance was reported. The Police say they have found forensic evidence in the car suggesting that they have moved the body which would have been during (and probably in the height of) the media frenzy.
BBC news has just quoted the McCann's saying they will not use the "Find Maddie" fund to fund there legal costs etc.

they'll sell the house to pay legal costs and then buy a new house with the funds. :D

joking aside, that's the right thing to do. they knew they'd face a backlash if they spent the money on legal fees defending themselves. :)
Maybe the high degree of media attention was a double bluff. They figured that with all the attention surely nobody would check if they had a body in the back of the car?

However that's not the main issue. The main thing would be how they would have disposed of the body. I doubt they could drive out somewhere and bury it, or chuck it into the sea, without somebody following / watching.
As i have said why did the police not keep the car locked up if it contained evidence?

you cant re-test it now can you, or is this what the police there wanted?
they police cant prove they did any thing, and neither can the McCann's prove they did not.
key stone cops come to mind.
Police Bid To Seize Kate McCann's Diary

Updated: 13:34, Wednesday September 12, 2007
Prosecutors in the Madeleine McCann investigation have made an emergency application to seize her mother's private diary, say Sky News sources.

9 am Woke up fed children.

10am Showered, went to the beach.

4pm Arrange to go out for a meal.

7pm Go out, abandon kids.

7.30pm Someone checked on them.

8pm Check again, still fine.

8.30pm I popped back, nobbled the eldest.

9pm Order Scampi and chips.

I mean come on what are they expecting a detailed account of the murder.

If anything it is only at best likely to contain circunstantional evidence. If there was anything that clearly incriminated them surely they would have destroyed it.
9 am Woke up fed children.

10am Showered, went to the beach.

4pm Arrange to go out for a meal.

7pm Go out, abandon kids.

7.30pm Someone checked on them.

8pm Check again, still fine.

8.30pm I popped back, nobbled the eldest.

9pm Order Scampi and chips.

I mean come on what are they expecting a detailed account of the murder.

If anything it is only at best likely to contain circunstantional evidence. If there was anything that clearly incriminated them surely they would have destroyed it.

I wondered all along whether it was them,, and now it says on the BBC that madeline mccan's blood was found in the back of a hire car, they rented 25 days after she went missing..

who knows.,.
If a joke regrading this threads topic will offend you please dont read the following:

Renault have just brought out a people carrier so spacious, so comfortable and luxurious that you can hardly notice that the kids are in the back.
They have called it the Renault McCann.
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