MCU to "Refocus” and Disney sinking faster than the Titanic (Starwars is dead Marvel is dead)

Oddly, Daisy was on the One Show talking about it this week (and her movie Magpie). They talk briefly about it at 2 minutes in:


Throw another epic disaster onto the fire.

Imagine being this bad at your own job, but on a daily basis, with no repercussions?

Monday: 9:15 AM: Cause eletrical fire in the kitchen, building loses power, 150 people sent home.

Tuesday: 11:45 AM: Sensitivity training group session: When asked what qualities you particualry admire in a woman, you confidently assert: "Loose morals".

Wednesday:4:20 PM Line manager catches you smoking weed on the fire escape, to which your response is "It's 4:20 bro".

Thursdsay: 3:30 PM Accidently fail to end a call properly with your companies most important client, and you're overheard calling them "W*nkers"

Friday: 9:00 AM: HR meeting. Given a 5K a year raise, and an extra weeks holiday, annual bonus increased by £500.
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I really don't have a good feeling for anthony mackies Captain america but at the same time I hope it can prove me wrong. It really does need a red harrison ford hulk though to save it.
I find Mackie a hard sell as the leading man in most of the things I've seen him in tbh, the only exception that comes to mind was the Twisted Metal show, which was a wacky over the top comedy/action series based on the game of the same name.

Given the state of the last few MCU movies, coupled with the blatant trainwreck production cycle of Brave New World? I suspect this is going to end up losing a lot of money
I find Mackie a hard sell as the leading man in most of the things I've seen him in tbh, the only exception that comes to mind was the Twisted Metal show, which was a wacky over the top comedy/action series based on the game of the same name.

Given the state of the last few MCU movies, coupled with the blatant trainwreck production cycle of Brave New World? I suspect this is going to end up losing a lot of money
He's very good in the banker. I don't think it will take a trip to the cinema and watch A brave new world though. I haven't truly enjoyed a marvel film for a very long time.
He's very good in the banker. I don't think it will take a trip to the cinema and watch A brave new world though. I haven't truly enjoyed a marvel film for a very long time.

I honestly used to think he was just a crap actor, but I've slowly been swayed toward the idea he's probably been in the wrong roles and possibly had to deal with the wrong sort of direction on top.

Twisted Metal was a ton of fun and I really enjoyed it, it's camp and silly but he nailed his part in it. It actually made me more willing to check him out in other productions, but certainly not anything in the MCU or big budget Hollywood.

I'm tempted to give The Banker a watch now tbh.
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I think the problem they have with Mackie is that hes been a crap character in the MCU. Its very hard to turn a character around once people have made their mind up on them and even harder when you probably aren't actually changing the fundamentals of the characters. I don't think I have seen him in anything else but I didn't like him in any of the marvel films.
I thought his character was great in Winter Soldier, the helping soldiers deal with the aftermath of conflict and loss fit really well into Cap's story. Likewise he was well used in Civil War, it's just a shame we didn't get more of him, Bucky and Cap on the screen at the same time.
RDJ and Evans both coming back eh, that's how you really know it's going down the *******. Inb4 Evans is an actual hydra agent this time
RDJ and Evans both coming back eh, that's how you really know it's going down the *******. Inb4 Evans is an actual hydra agent this time
it really is looking like they're admitting that the last few films is a failure without actually apologising for the bad product - typical disney. Sadly they've screwed the pooch so badly, I don't have any faith in them to course correct.
it really is looking like they're admitting that the last few films is a failure without actually apologising for the bad product - typical disney. Sadly they've screwed the pooch so badly, I don't have any faith in them to course correct.

You never apologise and you never admit that you made a mistake. You just quietly change direction and maintain that no, its everyone else thats wrong.
You never apologise and you never admit that you made a mistake. You just quietly change direction and maintain that no, its everyone else thats wrong.
Disney have certainly been blazing a trail in that policy. I'm shocked to discover that Moana is being considered a flop, and it's not looking good for thunderbolts, brave new world or snow white
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