Me gusta le hypertrophy

8's Finishing Weights
Box Squat - 122.5KG (+2.5KG)
RDL - 122.5KG (+2.5KG)
Inc DB Bench/ Flat Bench - 40KG's / 110KG (+2KG/-)
WG Pull Up - BW - switched for ISO seated Low row @ 26.5KG squeeeeze
T-Bar Row (Machine - high) - 50KG
Lat Raise * OHP - 10KG * 60KG - no superset. (+2KG/+5KG)
Dips - BW + 37.5KG (+2.5KG)
EZ Curl Fat Bar - +30KG
Standing Calf Raise - 80KG - switched for static hold DB shrugs @ 32KG x 1 minute holds, 30 sec rest

Exercise order has been:
Lat Raise


First session of 4's today and I'm feeling quite keen :p 91.4KG this morning, seem to be hovering slightly so will up my intake a little for these final two weeks.

Hip is generally pain free although still mildly tight, spend yesterday evening writhing around on my rumble as I've avoided any real flexibility or mobility work on my legs due to it as of late.

Got a feeling my RDL's will finish much stronger than my projection :D

Come at me bro :cool:
8 to 4? Are you doing triples as well?

Did you try blitzing your adductors?

I could consider doing a week or two of tripples, 3 x 3?

I haven't yet but will be sure to give them a peppering this evening.

Finding the time for mobility/flexibility work is tough as Iliterally go to the gym straight from work, get in cook, shower and then have my head in my books studying for all bar 20 minutes before I go to bed which I just about find time to stretch breifly before collapsing in a heap.

My Sunday Breaking Bad session contained some SMR but I'm not sure if I can hold all those feels again.
So I got a little bored on Friday's session and decided to ditch the boxed squats for the second and final week of 4's.

I also jumped up to 140KG (from 132.5KG) for working sets and would like to finish around 150KG. Bit of a jump in weight progression 5/7.5KG more than was intended for that session but part of me really is rather bored and is feeling like going balls to the wall for this final week bfore I deload and then begin DC again. I've put a short pause in the bottom of each rep, not enough to kill the stretch reflex but enough to slow the rhythm of the lift down and I actually feel I can maintain stricter form and better activation this way :)

RDL's will switch out for regular deads and probably just do 3 x 3 as I'll be doing this lift 3 times this week. Obviously not using my 3rm initially but 9 sets and 27 reps total for the week at the higher end of my range will be quite tiring I imagine.

Bench I'm on target for 120 x 4 x 3 on Wednesday, 117.5KG was comfy, last rep on last set was forced. Am feeling more happier with my recruitment & activation in the lift and also shoulder positioning.

Don't think we have 42's, not that I could find for Inc DB press so had to jump up to the 44's but don't really struggle on this lift so no care. Maybe try and finish with the 50's on Friday?...

The ISO low row I've switched for WG pull ups (as was initially intended), weighted hoping to finish on 20KG with a nice big squeeeeeeeze at the top.

Dips feeling strong, on to finish around 50KG hopefully.

Don't think there is much else to report other than feeling quite stronk and that this is probably a bit difficult to follow and diverging from my planned HSt routine but still adhering to the principles! Morning weight 92.2KG, calories up by between 2-400 a day at the moment to get the scales moving. Getting heavier but don't feel like I'm turning in a to a blob with skin actually a bit tighter than normal around my normal wobbly bits.

Inb4 in for wobbly bits.
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I really liked going maximal at the end of my HST phases.

Sometimes doing that with the 10s was a bad idea, but the lower reps is always fun.
Highlights from this evenings session:

Back Squats: 145KG x 4 x 3
Deadlifts: 160Kg x 3 x 3 (form needs tweaking, not feeling as joocey as it should/could)
OHP: 70KG x 4 x 1, x 3/1pp, x 2/1pp
Incline DB: 50KG x 4 x 3 (spot on last rep of last set)
Dips: +47.5KG x 4 x 3

Je suis fatigue.
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Need to be careful where I point my angus today with dat der internal pressure. Had an episode of funny guts/deli belly that seems to be dragging itself out.

In for extra thrust.
Bum gravy gains

Denied bum gravy gains, was a good thing.

Highlights from today's session:

Squats: 150Kg x 4 x 3
OHP: 70KG x 4,4,3
Deadlifts 165KG x 3,3,2 (form needs adjusting on these, a little to far over the bar, not expecting miracles with this as I've not trained it consistently in over 3-4 years)
Bench: 120Kg x 4 (PB :cool:, 4(1A), 4(1A) - assisted reps, probably could have got a second full set of 4 but my grip was slightly too wide so the bar was coming down too high.
Dips: +47.5KG x 4,4,3
Fat Bar Hammer Curls: 50Kg x 4, x 4, x 3 (luls)

Realised I've forgotten my creatine in my PWO for about a week, might as well give up now.

Hip feeling okay but will still work on mobility & flexability. Might have jarred a rib/intercostal as I rotated slightly with a racked barbell for squats, will pepper.
Highlights from today's training:

Squats: 155KG x 4 x 2 / 160KG x 4 (PB)
Deads: worked up to 180KG x 1 (plenty more in this lift with time & patience, not training it for a few years doesn't help)
DB Inc: 50KG x 4 x 2
Dips: + 50KG x 4 x 1 / x 3 x 2

I know, could do with more knees out :p Though tbh I find keeping things tightly stacked and fairly narrow to be a strong stance for me. Some minor buckling but get the med glute involved to winch them back out so will try and focus on this a little more.
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So I'm feeling fairly well rested (physically) after a weekend of 'revision' :/ but I did eat a fair bit so up to 93KG dead this morning :)

The end of todays session will mark the start of a short deload, probably until Friday (as I have a day off and will be bored if I can't train!).

Aiming for some season bests/PB's today. Eyes on as follows:

Bench: 140KG
(PB 135KG - 2 years ago :(, SB 130KG)
Squat: 190KG
(PB 185KG - May/June 2013)
Deadlift: 190KG
(PB 205KG - 4 :-o years ago, SB 180KG)

The reason my deadlift is laughably close to my squat is due to having not trained this lift at all (hardly) in too long. Plenty of room for progression hopefully. Ultimate aim would be 220KG but in no rush :cool:

Will report if any gains are made.

A few days off will be quite welcome actually as I would like to rest my hip properly and will probably take the oppurtunity to get a going over with the bamboo wizard.
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Not as many gains as I was hoping for yesterday. Managed to psych myself out before I even stepped foot in the gym and for some reason focus just didn't feel all there.

Squat could have been a little deeper and will try and rework my form/bar placement to stay a little more upright.

This was annoying. Bar pls respond. No PB that said 137.5KG is definitely in the bag if I want it, previous PB 135KG.

Season best deadlift 190KG so made some progress there at least. No video as I wasn't in the mood.

70 x 8
110 x 3
150 x 1
190 x 1

Wasn't messing around, wanted to get it done and go.

Not training again until Friday, minor deload/rest, where I'll be starting DC and rolling with that for 6 weeks or so. Will post up the plan shortly.
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