Medical examination in high school.

yup, army doctor did it to me too... though I think they're checking for something else when they do it to a bunch of grown men

either that or some doctors are part of a big paedo/homo ball groping ring

The latter sounds more plausible :D.

I never knew about this. We had a dentist at our school that was about it.
yup, had that at school

your girlfriend however, being a girl, didn't require a doctor to check if her balls had dropped yet - so yes it might have been weird if they'd done that to her... :D


It's a check for an inguinal hernia.
at school the standard rumour was they did it to check your balls had dropped

though google brings up this re: checking for inguinal hernia - which is probably why adults get the old cough and drop too

It's a very out dated method, no one should be grabbing your balls these days.
Drop and cough is for hernias.
If they want to check your balls, they actually check the balls....
How can people not know this?
Anyway, not done now, and last I recall they check babies in their first month to see the balls are where they should be.
Left in 95 and have never heard of this examination taking place at any of the schools in my area, would have liked to have seen them try this on me!, although there were some teachers I would have gladly allowed some cupping from ;).
not in secondary school, but had it in primary school though a parent had to be present. always found it too damn weird. even now, nearly 30 years later, it still seems weird and unnecessary
i skipped school twice as i didnt fancy getting felt up by a guy...third time i got pulled from a lesson to have it done...weirdly it was a female who did it, not complaining :p
So me and the GF were chatting and I was talking about when we had to have a medical in high school, you know the old drop your trousers and cough. She seems to think that no one else did this and my school was kinda weird.
I left school in 93 is it just my school or was this an actual thing that everyone did back then. :eek:

Well, it is weird, but not as weird as your girlfriend telling you she could remember coughing and dropping when she was in school too...
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