Medical examination in high school.

Had it here in primary school, parent had to be present.

My theory is that it was to check anyone born/conceived around the time of the Chernobyl incident to see if any of us were going to get super powers.
Went to a Catholic boarding school and my teacher, Father Seamus, did this to me every night before bed. He said i was a very pius young man and Jesus would be proud of me.
I left school in 1974 and yes we had to cough & drop all the way through school.

I never asked why I had to do it every week in the Headmasters office though.
Drop and cough is for hernias.
If they want to check your balls, they actually check the balls....
How can people not know this?
Anyway, not done now, and last I recall they check babies in their first month to see the balls are where they should be.

this is not the reason for drop and cough, the reason is, in some men/boys they don't drop, or one can be held up inside, drop and cough is to check that development in this area is all OK,

as this is a serious issue that can lead to infertility , and also it is harder to correct as you get older,

but yes I had it too, drop and cough, and if anything got aroused they hit it with a teaspoon on the head. :eek:
Cough please.

Well, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your testicles haven't descended.

What do you mean you haven't got any, Miss Jones.
Yes, we had drop and cough. I was over 13 though so had established some time ago that they were descended and functioning.

One of my jack russells had an undescended testicle.
Yep we had this, I left school in 95 and I remember around 92 there was this afternoon where before games you were called up had to change into your PE kit and go and see a doctor who had come into school.

Some people reported that they got a full inspection downstairs, luckily all I got was "Everything ok down here?" and a very brief visual check with no contact.

Pretty sure this would not be happening now and I bet this seems very strange to those under 30.
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Did this really happen?

And is the issue they are checking for (whatever that might be) actually common enough, and serious enough to need to put the entire education system through the process?

(age 32 - never had this at school)
I remember having a medical at school and everyone came out saying they'd had the "Turn your head and cough" treatment. The 6 of us who went in together didn't get it though. This was about 1983-ish. Only had the one medical at school too.

The BCG vaccination at school caused an outbreak of getting punched on the vaccination site which was agonising as I remember.
I had this, around 1988 during my secondary school years. Everyone lining up to go into a room where there was a doctor. In fact I remember how embarrassing ours was because there was a student doctor there on the same day learning on the job.

Surprised to hear that many haven't heard of it - it was something of fear and legend for most 80s schoolkids I thought!
Erm, this was always a running joke in the schoolyard by the older kids to scare the younger ones. Never actually happened, at least at my school.

Secondary school for me was 1992-1997, so maybe it had already been stopped.
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