Medical examination in high school.

I was teaching 5 years ago and I had kids from Blurton High School, James Brindley High School, Haywood High School, Biddulph High School, St Thomas More High School and several others.

Within the last couple of years these names have changed and they are all academy's.
Blurton High School is now called the Ormiston Sir Stanley Matthews Academy.
WTF is that all about?
Well I never, I've just done some googling, and it turns out that "high school" is for Scotland, most of the north and wales, and Secondary school is for the rest.

I always assumed high school was an americanism.
I was teaching 5 years ago and I had kids from Blurton High School, James Brindley High School, Haywood High School, Biddulph High School, St Thomas More High School and several others.

Within the last couple of years these names have changed and they are all academy's.
Blurton High School is now called the Ormiston Sir Stanley Matthews Academy.
WTF is that all about?

None from Edensor High School? You lucky, lucky man.
i left in 1996 and we didn't have this

amazing how things that were happening less than 20 yrs ago are now (rightly) considered inappropriate
primary and secondary usually.

Aye but yer a Scottish lad aren't yeh?

Never experienced that at school, seems to be more common in America.

I certainly never had it from 85 to 91 and 91 to end of 96.

Erm, this was always a running joke in the schoolyard by the older kids to scare the younger ones. Never actually happened, at least at my school.

Secondary school for me was 1992-1997, so maybe it had already been stopped.

This exactly. Lol! A lot of them were terrified. The panic that was set in was really something to see.

This joke rumour always kicked off in the first year of secondary/high/grammar school.
Erm, this was always a running joke in the schoolyard by the older kids to scare the younger ones. Never actually happened, at least at my school.

Secondary school for me was 1992-1997, so maybe it had already been stopped.

I remember the stories about the tetanus top up jab told by older kids involving sticking 4 larges needles into your **** :p

I also remember a guy in the year above saying that sex ed involved live demonstrations and that the class was told to wear raincoats to protect their uniforms for next weeks lesson...
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