Merge in turn vigilantes

21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore
The_Dark_Side said:
we may have to agree to disagree on our respective definitions of good practice and good driving if the following is a typical
example of your everyday attitude on the road.

That's hardly anywhere near as dangerous as what you do...

The_Dark_Side said:
but I have no problem at all blocking some merchant banker who is purely trying to leave it until the last possible moment to cut in.
5 Aug 2003
Damn annoying when that happens, I saw a police program a while ago, can't remember what one and an unmarked police car was driving down the outside lane and a vigilante decided to block him, the police car nearly went straight into him but the driver reacted quickly, the guy that pulled out wasn't laughing when they pulled him over :p
21 Oct 2003
Back with a Vengeance.
NathanE said:
That's hardly anywhere near as dangerous as what you do...
and how is that dangerous?
i don't leave in until the last minute to pull out, unlike him i might add.
i'm on my mirrors a lot and if i'm 50 yards from the right lane being coned off and way back in the distance i see some cretin flying up the right hand lane at warp factor seven i'll signal and pull out in PLENTY of time for him to see me do so and slow down safely and still stop a safe distance behind me.

yet you say that's dangerous?
how so?
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21 Oct 2003
Back with a Vengeance.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
Damn annoying when that happens, I saw a police program a while ago, can't remember what one and an unmarked police car was driving down the outside lane and a vigilante decided to block him, the police car nearly went straight into him but the driver reacted quickly, the guy that pulled out wasn't laughing when they pulled him over :p
i might add that i not only saw that program but i've seen similar behaviour on the road.
IMHO that's VERY offensive and aggressive driving and is in no way, shape, or form the same manoevure that i'm describing,
21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore
They don't need explaining. Pulling out in front of somebody going several times faster than you is always going to be a dangerous maneovour- whether they are flash git or not. It's not unreasonable to think you could catch somebody off guard and cause an accident - or perhaps worse cause them to panic and swerve into, say, pedestrians or other cars.
21 Oct 2003
Back with a Vengeance.
NathanE said:
They don't need explaining. Pulling out in front of somebody going several times faster than you is always going to be a dangerous maneovour- whether they are flash git or not. It's not unreasonable to think you could catch somebody off guard and cause an accident - or perhaps worse cause them to panic and swerve into, say, pedestrians or other cars.
if i catch someone off guard by pulling infront of them on a straight road then they'd have to be registered blind.
the driver KNOWS his lane ahead is closed so is already slowing down.
i see him coming when he's hundreds of yards behind me and i signal and slowly move out into "his" lane.
he has more than enough room to gradually slow down and still stop a good distance behind me... or perish the thought, actually try to join the other lane.
you don't panic or swerve in response to something you saw in plenty of time.
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
The_Dark_Side said:
quite a few but to be honest to convey the situations accurately and get my point accross i'll need to include diagrams and lengthy descriptions...and no disrespect but i can't be bothered lol.
turn the statement on it's head and ask yourself, do you really believe that the highway code contains every correct and proper response to every possible traffic situation?
no, of course it doesn' couldn't as it would need to be bigger than the Encyclopaedia Brittanica to do so.

i totally get where your comming from, and to explain your point ill elaborate a little more. When the traffic in the middle lane is stationary, and you drive down the 3rd lane, and try to merge at the merge point, this is fine. The traffic is stationary anyway, and as per the highway code, you should merge in turn, so that means that the person 1 car back from the merge point, should not pull of when the traffic moves to allow one car in

the merchant banker that i think darkness is referring to, are the ones that merge when the lanes are moving. Here you will most probably find that 3 cars back from the merge point, there is a gap that they could quite easily pull into. Of course when the traffic is moving at speed (not crawling) the difference it makes to the drive is negligible, a second or two at most

the ones that need a good beating, are the ones that ignore the obvious gaps in the traffic that they could merge into, and instead dangerously overtake the 2nd line of traffic, pulling into gaps that dont exist, causing the car behind to brake sharply to avoid going into him. There is no need for this sort of behaviour. If nobody is letting you in, then you slow down and put your indicator on, and slowly edge out untill eventually somebody sees sense and gives way. This sort of people are dangerous

theres no excuse for violently cutting in front of people and jamming on your brakes just so can be a couple of places up the que. Especially when there's adequate gaps 2/3 car lengths back you could have taken but choose not to in your race to get to the front of the que for the next set of lights / row of stationary traffic.
18 May 2006
surely all this grief could be solved with a big "traffic merge in turn" sign like they do in Europe.

I don't recall ever seeing one in this country.

Man of Honour
1 Aug 2004
Anyone who reads the road well will see the merge and make moves to get in lane in plenty of time and with plenty of space to do it.

I personally do not wait until the last minute to do it and use an appropriate gap and an appropriate distance to do so. I will certainly do it with at least a couple of hundred yards to spare.
21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore
The_Dark_Side said:
i thought the original post detailed my actions perfectly clearly.
IMHO i've neither retracted, modified or clarifed anything since posting the following:-

Your original comment: "but I have no problem at all blocking some merchant banker who is purely trying to leave it until the last possible moment to cut in." Compare that to what you are saying now and it's completely different.
23 May 2005
Why are people stating that those in the outside lane should indicate before they merge, I think you lot still don't get the idea behind merge in turn. It isn't my lane and his lane, its two lanes merging into one. Just because "your" lane goes straight and "my" lane has a little kink in it you think you have right of way, you do not have right of way, I do not have to indicate to merge into "your" lane as it isnt your lane it is our lane. If you are the second car behind the merge point you should be looking for the car in the other lane to go infront of you, that is merge in turn.
21 Oct 2003
Back with a Vengeance.
NathanE said:
Your original comment: "but I have no problem at all blocking some merchant banker who is purely trying to leave it until the last possible moment to cut in." Compare that to what you are saying now and it's completely different.
but i'd detailed the way i handle the scenario before you mistakenly called my actions dangerous?

EDIT:if that's what you genuinely thought then i hadn't fully got my point accross to you. Touche
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21 Oct 2003
Back with a Vengeance.
Ring Peace said:
Why are people stating that those in the outside lane should indicate before they merge, I think you lot still don't get the idea behind merge in turn. It isn't my lane and his lane, its two lanes merging into one. Just because "your" lane goes straight and "my" lane has a little kink in it you think you have right of way, you do not have right of way, I do not have to indicate to merge into "your" lane as it isnt your lane it is our lane. If you are the second car behind the merge point you should be looking for the car in the other lane to go infront of you, that is merge in turn.
i disagree.
if your lane is coming to an end then it's upto you to perform the manoevure into the other lane.
you signal to let others know of your intent.
it's called common courtesy.
22 Jun 2005
The_Dark_Side said:
if i catch someone off guard by pulling infront of them on a straight road then they'd have to be registered blind.
the driver KNOWS his lane ahead is closed so is already slowing down.
i see him coming when he's hundreds of yards behind me and i signal and slowly move out into "his" lane.
he has more than enough room to gradually slow down and still stop a good distance behind me... or perish the thought, actually try to join the other lane.
you don't panic or swerve in response to something you saw in plenty of time.
have you ever heard of the phrase "keep left unless overtaking"
18 Oct 2002
Bath, UK
If we all just stopped being so bloody ignorant and selfish we would all get where we are going much sooner and more relaxed TBH.
Its a bit of traffic, dont get so stressed. There are bigger things to worry about in the world other than being held up 2 seconds by someone blocking your way through ignorance, or having to let someone in who cant help but jump into a non-existant gap at the last second because they have somewhere far more important than you to be.
Neither party is in the right IMO. You have the idiots who pull into the other lane to block those off passing in the right who think they are the police. Then on the otherhand you have the group of impatient gits who cant just flow into a gap but HAVE to be right up the front of a queue and cant comprehend that they are making the left hand queue just get bigger and move less, which in turn causes even more of them to go right up to the front of the queue and barge their way in.
Then you have the majority that just dont give a toss and want to get home to things that really matter...
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