Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

I only Fulton people with a B or higher in the units I need them. The rest I just kill :p

I fulton anyone that will improve a unit. If a unit is not full its better to have an E than nothing. There are also plenty of people with skills that are useful even if their not that good at anything stats wise. Ive got to the point now where a B is the minimum I will fulton but most of the guys I come across now have a A in something probably 50% of the time.
I just received day 1 edition with 2 codes inside.

day one dlc bundle code redemeed ok
metal gear online addition content seems not working

who do i contact about it?

oh :P

Metal Gear Online Additional Content will be available for download when Metal Gear Online releases at a later date.
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On mission 13 enjoy the game so far but it doesn't seem like older MGS games... The cut scenes are nowhere near as good and why is snake so quiet he barley speaks? Seems hideo has cut down on the story or he rushed the game.
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I think Keifer was paid by the word, hence his lack of lines. I miss David Hayter :(

Funnily enough I don't, despite speaking less I prefer Kiefer. But I should make the point I prefer him as Big Boss, David should stay as Solid Snake. But then I also preferred David in MGS1, as the series went on it just became more and more gravelly. I just did not like it at all in the end where he seemed to be just putting it on for the sake of it, whereas Kiefer just sounds natural.

On mission 13 enjoy the game so far but it doesn't seem like older MGS games... The cut scenes are nowhere near as good and why is snake so quiet he barley speaks? Seems hideo has cut down on the story or he rushed the game.

After getting as far as I am I have come to the conclusion of it not being rushed. I think there was either major interference from Konami or stuff was massively cut (in terms of story), which there is some evidence of from the bonus dvd in the collector's edition (there are some articles on this, still not read or watched as I've not fully finished it yet.) It's defo an amazing game, just not an amazing MGS game.
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Im at the point where im just extracting gold stat ppl now unless its an extraction mission, even dismissed all those in my waiting room with B and below, left a few A's just incase my guys die when i send them out on missions.
Im at the point where im just extracting gold stat ppl now unless its an extraction mission, even dismissed all those in my waiting room with B and below, left a few A's just incase my guys die when i send them out on missions.

I'm at the point where I only extract S rank people. I've played this game too much :p

I also don't mind Kiefer as Big Boss, but I haven't played a Metal Gear Solid game in a few years now, so although the voice is not the same, its similar enough to David Hayters voice that it still fits.
So after mistakenly restarting the level rather than checkpoint yesterday, I'm back up to where I was exept now there's 3 guards in the room next to where Miller is being held hostage and I just can't take all 3 out in time without the whole base being alerted to my presence. Their patrols and the fact they are in groups of two doesn't make it any easier either with trying to eliminate the other guards first.
I've only just noticed... There are no real world weapons in this? There were in the previous titles? Bummer.

Edit. Just shy of 40 hours and about 31% complete. Excellent game. Totally hooked.
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