Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Which platform is that on, I've only found 1 on medical but ice not been looking that much just for diamonds.

Hide in a dumpster somewhere for a while and use the phantom cigar to pass time till flies are all around you then head back to mother base. To get the shower scene you need the bond with a certain character very high (possibly at max?)

Theres also a door on R&D platform.

Is it a red light by chance? I am 90% sure these are the doors you're aiming for when invading someone else's FOB, at least some of them are anyway.
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Got this for my birthday and second metal gear I have played since ps1.Really loving it but need some help.When I creep up on a guard and use r2 I knock them out or grapple them and they get stunned .When I start pressing r2 to finish them off they end up waking up .Also I always end up creeping around at the start of a mission take a few guards out quietly then it turns into a big gun fight fest.Am I being to impatient?
Got this for my birthday and second metal gear I have played since ps1.Really loving it but need some help.When I creep up on a guard and use r2 I knock them out or grapple them and they get stunned .When I start pressing r2 to finish them off they end up waking up .Also I always end up creeping around at the start of a mission take a few guards out quietly then it turns into a big gun fight fest.Am I being to impatient?

Hold R2 to grab them, then repeatedly press R2 to strangle. That will make them 'zzz' (sleep). They will eventually wake up. What you do with them is your choice...

I won't spoil anything by telling you more.
Nope. It was quite a surprise when I seen who was in there...

Ah thanks I've just seen it. :eek:

Which platform is that on, I've only found 1 on medical but ice not been looking that much just for diamonds.

I think it's on the medical platform but it might have been the brig, I can't remember. You're prompted to go to it if I remember rightly.
Hold R2 to grab them, then repeatedly press R2 to strangle. That will make them 'zzz' (sleep). They will eventually wake up. What you do with them is your choice...

I won't spoil anything by telling you more.

I'm pretty sure that just stuns them as well, the stun may last longer than a combo but I cant be sure as I've never timed it. Either way the enemy will probably regain consciousness within a few minutes.

Got this for my birthday and second metal gear I have played since ps1.Really loving it but need some help.When I creep up on a guard and use r2 I knock them out or grapple them and they get stunned .When I start pressing r2 to finish them off they end up waking up .Also I always end up creeping around at the start of a mission take a few guards out quietly then it turns into a big gun fight fest.Am I being to impatient?

Being able to stealth missions gets easier as you get further into the game as you acquire more methods of stunning/sleeping your enemies. If you only want to sleep/stun them, its better just to fulton extract them and remove them from the fight entirely. Saves them waking up themselves or someone else stumbling upon them and you gain a potentially useful staff member.

The reason you may be getting caught out is your lack of awareness if for instance you run around a corner into a patrol but again as you progress through the missions that becomes less of an issue due to abilities you acquire. If you want to make it as easy as possible for yourself to go full stealth then only do night missions, fully scout the area beforehand, mark all the enemies and wear appropriate clothing(if you have developed it). I also find it helps if you use night vision goggles as it makes enemies/items easier to spot. One more tip :p get into the habit of crouching and crawling around populated areas, it makes you a lot harder to spot.

I got caught out in the same way on the first few missions I did, its just hard to not get caught out by a enemy in a room or a random patrol that sneaks up on you.
just found out u can still get the +5 heroism from a 'hold up' even if u have tranq them before hand, just kick them awake and hold ur gun to them, think this maybe my tactic from now on in missions so they dont 'wake up' from the tranq whilst im being sneaky.
Can you replay side-ops missions?

Just did the mission with the sniper on the rock (12?) and whilst I killed the sniper and 2 guards, got his sweet weapon and generally felt smug, I decided to leap off the mountain on horseback and died. Queue the "start from checkpoint" message only to find the mission complete, no sweet weapon and my primary weapon reverting back to the one I'd swapped :(
You'll lose the "sweet" weapon upon completing the side op and returning to the ACC anyways. So I wouldn't worry too much about it. And no side ops can't be replayed unless they re-highlight.
Finished this last night, wow the story was terrible. So much promise but it's definitely like they ran out of time or had some issue and gimped the storyline.

Would definitely want to see a Quiet vs Raiden face-off in a future instalment (somehow!)
Struggling on mission 7 where I have to take out 3 tanks. All 3 missions available to me recommend a missile launcher but I'm not able to develop it yet!

I tried for about 2 hours to stealth the mission but there are too many guards, as soon as I get spotted all the tanks fire rockets at me.

Any tips?
Struggling on mission 7 where I have to take out 3 tanks. All 3 missions available to me recommend a missile launcher but I'm not able to develop it yet!

I tried for about 2 hours to stealth the mission but there are too many guards, as soon as I get spotted all the tanks fire rockets at me.

Any tips?

Place c4 on the road and use a grenade launcher and hand grenades.
I've missed the opportunity to do that because they're already in the base.

I've thrown some grenades and unless they land perfectly they seem to be ineffective.

Should I have a missile launcher by now?

Ah I don't know then, sorry.

I managed to take them out as they were going past the village you get the intel from.
Ah I don't know then, sorry.

I managed to take them out as they were going past the village you get the intel from.

I called in the Air Support as well which took out at least 1 of the tanks.

You should be able to research a Rocket Launcher by that point, just pile everyone into the R&D team temporarily unlock the first launcher and then move them back.

Either that, or just go on free-roam and go Fulton crazy to bolster your team :)
I've missed the opportunity to do that because they're already in the base.

I've thrown some grenades and unless they land perfectly they seem to be ineffective.

Should I have a missile launcher by now?

The easiest method I'd found was to plant C4 in the road, it won't outright destroy the tanks but if you spread them far enough apart you can destroy the treads of both tanks. Keep playing until you can develop the basic RPG type launcher as that's what I used to finish them off once they were immobilised. I think you can use grenade launchers too but I'd imagine it would take forever so haven't tried. Another option if you've unlocked the rockets on the chopper is to just immobilise the tanks with C4 and then call in an air strike.
Things certainly take a turn for the worse after chapter 1. The missions, story and pacing all go downhill, so much it almost feels like a different game.

The ending is pretty poor and mission 46 was an awful design choice.

That said, I loved the core gameplay and got my money's worth. Not GOTY for me but still enough great stuff to be in my top 3 so far.
I've missed the opportunity to do that because they're already in the base.

I've thrown some grenades and unless they land perfectly they seem to be ineffective.

Should I have a missile launcher by now?

This happened to me too, I could take out one tank with some c4 but doing both proved too difficult. I ended up getting so frustrated I quit the mission and did a couple of side-ops to earn enough to develop the rocket launcher. Much easier with the rockets!!!
Completely non-story related spoiler. Sorry if this is already common knowledge.

So today is my birthday.

Finished a side mission earlier today. Moments later Snake receives a call to head back to the base. As there is an emergency..... I'll leave it at that!
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