Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes coming to PC!?

10 Apr 2012
**was originally about Metal Gear Revengeance coming to PC - WHICH IT IS**

EDIT: Ha! Did everything but a forum search and turns out this is old news that has been bought up before, sorry!

Apparently though, Ground Zeroes is coming to PC aswell!? :eek:


Some more searching around and I can confirm that there seems about 99% chance of this being true!


Lets being!!11 :D :D :D

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is a prologue to Metal Gear Solid 5 featuring the Big Boss aka Naked Snake aka John who

(Warning) Metal Gear Solid 4 major spoilers - proceed at own risk!

died in Metal Gear Solid 4? :confused:

(Warning) Contains spoilers of the series:

He is the original Snake, and was also the main protagonist in the 3rd entry to the series; Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater which was set within the Cold War, after the events of Snake Eater he formed an Army of Mercenaries and created a Military Idealistic Utopic called Outer Haven, based on ending the kind of treatment his love interest and mentor 'The Boss' suffered throughout her life. He has three sons whom were cloned from his DNA;

Liquid Snake - real name unknown, technically died in 1995. He is the Spetsnaz double-double agent Ocelot (the true hero of the Metal Gear Solid Saga) whom mentally twisted and convinced himself he was actually Liquid to take on the role of Liquid (despite not actually being Liquid) to ultimately end the Philosophers (who were the leaders of the Soviet Union, Republic of China and United States, also happened to be corrupt warmongers etc.). He was inadvertently killed by the FOXDIE virus inside David when Ocelot's true personality ultimately reemerged and reclaimed his body after Liquid's goals were accomplished. Despite trying to murder John (Big Boss) throughout the events of Metal Gear Solid 4, his goals were ultimately the same as his 'fathers'. *DEAD*

Solidus Snake - George Seers, the perfect clone, a direct strand-for-strand DNA clone of John. He was masqueraded as Big Boss himself in the events of Metal Gear Solid 4, thus lead to him being murdered by Liquid. *DEAD*

Solid Snake - the ultimate clone, known simply as David. He is the main protagonist and true biological son of John and EVA (Agent alongside Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid 3). He was manipulated by Ocelot (twisted Liquid) throughout the series as a pawn, ultimately aiding Ocelot in bringing ultimate world peace one step closer to reality. *ALIVE - CONFIRMED FOR MGS5*

After a lot of mischief became the antagonist of Metal Gear Solid 1 (set after 3, before 2, despite being the first).

Metal Gear Solid is well known for having arguably the best story in all of video gaming, this is incredible news!

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4 Jul 2012
It's about time MGS games ended console exclusivity.

I think now though, is that transitional period where current gen consoles are all old and stale, devs are gearing up for next gen, so start flocking to PCs, it comes in cycles.

I think this is the very reason for Ubisoft's recent change of mind over DRM, they've though "Oh crap, this console gen is nearly over, we're gonna have to take PC seriously again and stop annoying PC customers".
10 Apr 2012
It's about time MGS games ended console exclusivity.

I think now though, is that transitional period where current gen consoles are all old and stale, devs are gearing up for next gen, so start flocking to PCs, it comes in cycles.

I think this is the very reason for Ubisoft's recent change of mind over DRM, they've though "Oh crap, this console gen is nearly over, we're gonna have to take PC seriously again and stop annoying PC customers".

That makes sense, at least we'll get Ground Zeroes and hopefully 5 before developers go back to derpland and fail all over the place.
4 Jan 2011
If this has MP like MGS4 and comes on PC, and even worse on steam I won't be doing much else for a long time.
5 May 2011
If this has MP like MGS4 and comes on PC, and even worse on steam I won't be doing much else for a long time.


I spent many days playing Metal Gear Solid 4's online mode. Still probably one of my favourite online games. Would be brilliant to see the next one. :D
10 Apr 2012

I spent many days playing Metal Gear Solid 4's online mode. Still probably one of my favourite online games. Would be brilliant to see the next one. :D

I remember MGS4's online, I swear the people playing it are stupid (most likely post-brainexploding from the awesome storyline). I'd stand ontop of the most blatant building possible sniping and nobody would try and kill me, the amounts of free kills I racked up was ridiculous. :p
8 Dec 2005
MGS1+2 both came out on PC many years ago.

MGS1 was published by MS and is the definitive version of the game.

MGS2 was one of the first PC DVD Rom only games & used an unheard of at the time 5GB to install. Again PC version was definitive but also sluggish should be ok on modern PC's though.
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