Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes coming to PC!?

15 Aug 2005
They seem to have taken a lot of gameplay mechanics from Peace Walker, which is slightly worrying as it's the one MGS game I simply didn't get along with and couldn't be bothered playing.

Also not sure how they're going to carry the narrative through the gameplay when you can seemingly decide who you play as etc.
5 Sep 2010
Also not sure how they're going to carry the narrative through the gameplay when you can seemingly decide who you play as etc.
I think you unlock stuff as you progress through the main campaign, i'm not 100% sure but i think selecting a different character is only available in free mode?

10 Sep 2009
Was watching the video embedded here:

It seems very different from the style of previous MGS games. Not sure I liked what I saw, tbh.

Seems a bit over the top. Almost seemed like an comic book game rather than a MGS game. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this very well, but the grittiness from something like MGS2 wasn't evident. It also looked more like a Far Cry game. But with more weirdness.

I mean, a horse that you attach to a balloon? Airlifting out enemies on balloons? A companion who turns into smoke and teleports wherever you send her?

Erm... Snake? You sure this is the right game? Seems you've been dropped into a Batman or Avengers game or something...

I thought this too. It seems like a very different game and I'm concerned about the level of options you have as a player. I know that's common these days, but it's not what I look for in an MGS game.

There's an option for which mission to do, an option for where to start that mission, an option for which companion to take, an option for which vehicle to take, limitless weapon customisation, air lifting items to use later (which appears unlimited). There's a lot going on there!

It also doesn't seem very tense from what I watched in the first half of that video. Isn't that part of what makes past MGS games so good? It does for me. I really don't like the idea of returning to a safe helicopter after each mission, and basically checking off missions from a list.
8 Sep 2012
I remember playing MGS 3 back on the PS2, that game really had something magical about it (just like the whole series IMO). Glad they're bringing 5 to PC, I totally didn't expect it.
17 Feb 2006
I thought this too. It seems like a very different game and I'm concerned about the level of options you have as a player. I know that's common these days, but it's not what I look for in an MGS game.

There's an option for which mission to do, an option for where to start that mission, an option for which companion to take, an option for which vehicle to take, limitless weapon customisation, air lifting items to use later (which appears unlimited). There's a lot going on there!

It also doesn't seem very tense from what I watched in the first half of that video. Isn't that part of what makes past MGS games so good? It does for me. I really don't like the idea of returning to a safe helicopter after each mission, and basically checking off missions from a list.

Also I just noticed - health regeneration :(

Seems Kojima has brought MGS right up to date, and is going with the flow of what other modern games do.

I think every modern 1st or 3rd person game has health regen now, doesn't it?

Kojima said:
“Unlike those old days where creators devote themselves creating game in the cell, today’s game development is more open to public,” Kojima tweeted. “We try to create detailed directions by doing focus test repeatedly w[ith] users from the world.

This is why all games are becoming homogeneous. Players find something they like, then they want it in every game. Focus testing is almost designed to make games homogeneous. Focus testers will say "oh, I liked regeneration health in that game, can we have it in this game?". Then bingo, every new game has it. Whether appropriate or not.

Being a game designer these days is not what it used to be. You can't paint your picture and then show it. You effectively have a commission from the focus groups, and you paint what they tell you to.
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10 Apr 2012
Think there will be a way to keep the dog stuck at base or something? Or will it be immortal?

Because if that cute little thing dies... Well, I'd rather not see that :D
17 Feb 2006
Meh. There appears to be little to no difficulty in any of these videos.

It's just going through the motions, and demonstrating how easy the game appears to be :/
15 Aug 2005
The more I see, the less excited I am. Quiet moving at warp speed across the map and constantly humming down the comms just seemed stupid, and I'm still not convinced this open-world "play it your way" style is going to work with the narrative. I was hoping/expecting more of a Mafia II style open world, where it's a bit more tightly-controlled for the sake of the storyline and characters but it seems that's just gone out the window, unless they're simply not showing any of that off.

Kiefer's voice is still completely wrong too.
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