Metal Gear Solid. The Phantom pain.

^there is hardly anything at motherbase you can interact with. There are a few little touches though that are almost hidden tbh, but you will usually get some kind of hint about it, or even a side op to do something.

About 3 missions in a row for me have dropped me off at motherbase and they seem to be desperate for me to walk around there for some reason! I spent about an hour earlier just wandering ng around there as I thought there had or be something to do. It seems like a massive missed opportunity unfortunately, it could have been epic, but it is really just a shell.
Glad I picked up the dog in mission 2. Tranqed him and man did I feel mean :D

I must have rode this horse for hours now and he still hasnt dumped either even though Kojima made a point of telling us that its a thing :eek:

Also,captured a crow...just because. Bit disappointed I cant send him into battle though. Ninja crows would have been sweet
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Major spoilers you have been warned!!!!!

ok so I have just completed the game and wow I never saw that coming although when you look at the metal gear series as a whole it does make a fair bit of sense.
I enjoyed quiets story and its too bad that you don't get to use her again after her last mission. I felt she was a great character although they could have covered her up a lot more.

The thing that annoyed me with this game is that so much is hidden such as the whole Paz thing. I nearly missed it but lucky I went looking around motherbase.

I also hate that some of the plot is hidden behind the cassette tapes. I would have loved to of seen a cutscene from all of them but I guess Kojima wanted to cut down on all the cut scenes especially after mgs 4 either that or he was running out of time and over budget but I guess we will never know.
My biggest bugbears though are :

A) the credits at the beginning of every mission really spoiled it and so did the whole coming up in chapter 2 thing.

B) repeating missions after the first chapter in order to advance the story. Fighting quiet on extreme is really really hard especially due to the fact that she cam kill you in one shot as well as any choppers you send in for help.

It had the least amount of story in all the 3d metal gears which to me is a bad thing as there is a lot which is left wide open such as what happened to that huge robot after Eli took it and did quiet really die or is she still alive because you never see her die she just disappears or it didnt happen.

The tip about the manifests thing for quick travel is amazing! How have i missed this? I literally go over every location with a microscope to find every bit of loot!

I was told to visit quiet from time to time but there doesnt appear to be any way to interact with her (on motherbase) am i missing something? Also what triggers her as being useable? Or do i have to wait for africa for that?

The Quiet Grenade Shot

Absolutely panned here though and some of the points he makes I can't defend.

Always suspicious of this type of thing. I havnt read a bad review for it since it came out and then a small site/channel gives a bad one to get people to click on his page...point proven, I just went there having never done it before and never will again :)

the "MGS games are really good...but Ive never played them before" bit make me think how is he suited to review the 5th instalment of a series?

Does the game have faults? Yes. Is it perfect? Far from it but the things that make it good are VERY good. I would rather see a game try new stuff, innovate and fail than a same old run of the mill,seen it all before title
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Guy has never played any other metal gear, he has no clue.

Although he makes good points on how the game has been dumbed down.
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Absolutely panned here though and some of the points he makes I can't defend.

You know, I disagree with almost all of what he said there in general (I think that if it wasn't named Metal Gear it would be getting even more hype as a new IP/fantastic open world game like Shadow of Mordor did) but some of it is spot on.

His point about the Prologue being absolutely dog is right on point. I loved it once it kicked off but it dragged on too long for sure, he's right there. The crawling on the floor lasted far too long and annoyed me quite a bit, and the intro while Big Boss is in bed should've been shorter too. The bit about them being the only bodies not shot is true but at some point you have to stop and realize you have to suspend your disbelief a little there and the suspense was very well done.

At the 9 minute mark he actually complains that the maps are small. He lost me there like, that's when I decided he was cashing in for views cus there's no way anyone legit thinks that, especially when 10 hours in you're still at 2-4% completion.

Tell you what like, in his clips, he's on a horse 50m away from a soldier looking right at him and he doesn't get seen? He also has a soldier 14m away walking towards him and doesn't get the ! alert. I don't get how that's possible as I'd have been spotted a long time ago in both of those scenarios.

Talks the whole video about "standing by" his opinion as if he's Jesus and his acolytes know he speaks nothing but the truth, despite the majority of his complaints being explained in the game itself (Fulton, despite being sensationalised, is an actual real life thing and not a "party baloon" that takes them into orbit like he seems to think).

At 19 minutes he talks about how the sneaking is "pointless and boring" in a SNEAKING game and that what he had to do to get some enjoyment out of the game was to sneak into the base and then go loud and shoot it up like he's playing Call of Duty. Maybe mate, if you only play FPS games cus you have an itchy trigger finger, don't bring that bias into a review of a stealth game.

Ugh he's done it for views and attention and I've fallen for it hook line and sinker :(
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His reviews are very entertaining some times but no way I would trust him as a game reviewer. I wouldn't have Witcher 3 if I listened to Mack lol.

I am a war machine I am a war machine I am.....oh

That bloke is annoying as ****

Yeah he would be lost if he reviewed game properly so by slating the big titles he gets clicks. He said he played around 10 hours and had made up his hes not really touched the story and done a couple of missions then? And he hasnt played any of the previous games so that makes him ideal to review this one does it?

Hes given bad reviews to the Witcher 3 and this but compares them both to Far cry 3? Just lol what a dude-bro :p

I guess what he does works though as Id never heard of him this morning and now I know who he is
Yeah he would be lost if he reviewed game properly so by slating the big titles he gets clicks. He said he played around 10 hours and had made up his hes not really touched the story and done a couple of missions then? And he hasnt played any of the previous games so that makes him ideal to review this one does it?

Hes given bad reviews to the Witcher 3 and this but compares them both to Far cry 3? Just lol what a dude-bro :p

I guess what he does works though as Id never heard of him this morning and now I know who he is

Yeah I actually just watched some of the Witcher 3 video for the crack. It's even worse than this review I couldn't believe it.

You're right though it seems to work, he's just gotten a few views from us and like you say we'd never heard of him.
He can be entertaining to watch, made me chuckle a few timers at least. I guess like most 'reviewers' you have to take some of it with a grain of salt, but as I said, it's hard to defend a couple of the things he comments on.
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