Metal Gear Solid. The Phantom pain.

Thats if u use a code MGS40off but i tried it and it wont work for the 2nd choice which is the game and ground zeroes. :( So im going to have to rely on MM in hopes someone has one for sale for 20-25 ish.
Just beat the game, regarding Quiet...

I'm not sure what to make of her 'ending' before mission 46 but reading up online says that she's wandered off into the desert after activating the english parasite to die alone without spreading the infection to anyone, that's pretty rough. I'm glad I gave her character a chance, Kojima has made a really good character once you get past her clothing etc.

Though, doesn't she lack a pair of lungs? I don't think the parasite can kill a host like her as it usually devours the lungs, and she had already bonded with the parasite, so maybe she's gone to wander the desert for the rest of her days, because she'd undoubtedly spread to any human she comes in contact with now. Any theories?

This is the part about Metal Gear games I hate, once you've beaten them and all of the story related loose ends don't get tied up and you're left wondering...

Last MGS title too isn't it? Ouch. Hell the last chronological thing we know about Solid Snake is the secret ending of MGS4, no closure there either. :D
Just reading up on the way side ops are handled, as I still have not got the legendary gunsmith side ops at all. It is far too complicated, and badly designed tbh.

If anyone else is having trouble with them try this link-

Also, I just cleared a camp, at night, riding in on my horse wearing the battle dress heavy armour, firing off rockets, with The Final Countdown cassette playing...Show me a better game around atm!
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Just beat the game, regarding Quiet...

I'm not sure what to make of her 'ending' before mission 46 but reading up online says that she's wandered off into the desert after activating the english parasite to die alone without spreading the infection to anyone, that's pretty rough. I'm glad I gave her character a chance, Kojima has made a really good character once you get past her clothing etc.

Though, doesn't she lack a pair of lungs? I don't think the parasite can kill a host like her as it usually devours the lungs, and she had already bonded with the parasite, so maybe she's gone to wander the desert for the rest of her days, because she'd undoubtedly spread to any human she comes in contact with now. Any theories?

This is the part about Metal Gear games I hate, once you've beaten them and all of the story related loose ends don't get tied up and you're left wondering...

Last MGS title too isn't it? Ouch. Hell the last chronological thing we know about Solid Snake is the secret ending of MGS4, no closure there either. :D

I know what you mean i was left feeling pretty disappointed with that it was a great bit with them in the desert though but then off she goes si im not too sure.. sucks you cant use her after either for ops i just got that XOF costume unlocked for her too.

There a lot of questions that are left not answered but i heard there was a missing mission due to Konami split or something.

Upsetting its the last MGS game from Kojima.. i guess you'll have to have the loose ends tied by reading up on things
I know what you mean i was left feeling pretty disappointed with that it was a great bit with them in the desert though but then off she goes si im not too sure.. sucks you cant use her after either for ops i just got that XOF costume unlocked for her too.

There a lot of questions that are left not answered but i heard there was a missing mission due to Konami split or something.

Upsetting its the last MGS game from Kojima.. i guess you'll have to have the loose ends tied by reading up on things

I think the Quiet plotline was the only good part of the game tbh, the game is a mess, especially chapter 2 onwards.

I would happily trade knowing the fates of Solid Snake, Otacon etc. for closure on what happens to Quiet, and to think I really disliked her character at first glance... Then her story arc becomes the only thing I push through the missions/side ops to experience, then bam, disappears. Dead, or off into exile to stop the parasites spreading? We'll never know...
I should really stop reading these spoilers, not even played the game yet!

Honestly the game isn't great story wise. The gameplay is great but get's boring and repetitive and the story is completely garbage, although yes you have just spoilt the only good piece of it. :D

Don't feel bad about reading the other spoilers though, you aren't missing much.
The past few comments have put me off the game, I don't think I'll bother, how the heck did it get a 10 in GamesTM? I've played it, got the gist of the gameplay, and yes it's okay, even though I resorted to all out firing mostly, but man a game has to have a good story for me. Glad I got it for nowt.
The past few comments have put me off the game, I don't think I'll bother, how the heck did it get a 10 in GamesTM? I've played it, got the gist of the gameplay, and yes it's okay, even though I resorted to all out firing mostly, but man a game has to have a good story for me. Glad I got it for nowt.

How much did you play, and have you read the thread? It's been said time and time again that you have to give the game some time before things start to really pick up, both game-play (amount of player freedom and possible variations to tackle a mission, mission diversity, buddies, developing equipment, expanding mother base, recruiting and deploying soldiers, FOB invasions, etc.) and also story wise (well, with like any story it needs time to develop character arcs, progress themes and narrative, etc.).

You have to remember that the MGS receives a lot of flak (especially after 4) for unnecessarily convoluting the story too much and making it near impossible for newcomers to pick up n' play, and this entry dials back on a lot of story elements to make it more appealing/accessible (most of the story is told through completely optional dialogue tapes like most modern games). It's not a bad story per say, just not what people (should say fans) were expecting, without going into spoiler details. It's still presented fantastically with a certain Kojima cinematic flair.
I think that overall this game is very close to being a masterpiece. If they had completed the second chapter as intended, it probably would be. The story isn't great, though isn't bad either tbh, it is just told poorly, mainly through cassette tapes(one step up from story through item descriptions!), and none of the characters are done justice, especially Ocelot and Big Boss himself. I think the biggest problem with the story is how the game gives you basically small repetitive tasks and tries to make it seem like they are part of the story...rescue this prisoner, erm he knows something about skull face I think... Now rescue this prisoner for a different reason. Let's say he once worked for skullface or something. None of it really progresses the plot and it feels like padding. One thing I do love about the way the story is told is how it can progress when you least expect it... That small side op you are doing could turn out to lead to a whole story arc you just stumble upon. I think that is great.

In terms of gameplay though, I have no hesitation in saying I think this is the best game ever made. I've never played a game where the situations you can get in to feel so natural, and progress so fluidly. The only things I will say I don'tlike about the gameplay are the easiness of just using the fulton all the time, and personally I think metal gear is at its best when you have a building to infiltrate. I would have preferred more interiors myself.
I think that overall this game is very close to being a masterpiece. If they had completed the second chapter as intended, it probably would be. The story isn't great, though isn't bad either tbh, it is just told poorly, mainly through cassette tapes(one step up from story through item descriptions!), and none of the characters are done justice, especially Ocelot and Big Boss himself. I think the biggest problem with the story is how the game gives you basically small repetitive tasks and tries to make it seem like they are part of the story...rescue this prisoner, erm he knows something about skull face I think... Now rescue this prisoner for a different reason. Let's say he once worked for skullface or something. None of it really progresses the plot and it feels like padding. One thing I do love about the way the story is told is how it can progress when you least expect it... That small side op you are doing could turn out to lead to a whole story arc you just stumble upon. I think that is great.

In terms of gameplay though, I have no hesitation in saying I think this is the best game ever made. I've never played a game where the situations you can get in to feel so natural, and progress so fluidly. The only things I will say I don'tlike about the gameplay are the easiness of just using the fulton all the time, and personally I think metal gear is at its best when you have a building to infiltrate. I would have preferred more interiors myself.

I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, I've played Metal Gear since I was a kid and while the gameplay is a lot of fun, the story is garbage for a MGS title. Quiet literally carried the entire narrative on her shoulders IMO as her story arc was the only one that felt polished and thought out, the rest end up becoming a jumbled mess that unlocks in a random manner unless you do this contrived thing nobody knew about to unlock them in the right order, and past mission 30 they no longer snyc up anymore, it stops feeling like a story, and all of the missions become glorified side ops.

That being said, it is a good game, and at first I got hyped over the idea of an open world RPG-esque Metal Gear Solid, a Mercenary Simulator if you will, but in the end all it did was completely ruin the narrative. I'd much rather of sat through hours of cutscenes like in 4, even if it hurt gameplay. MGS has always been about the story.

My advice to people picking the game up, stop playing after chapter 1 or just focus on side ops and the open world aspect afterwards if you really like the game, and Youtube the vital story aspects of chapter 2 to avoid the sour taste of the utter mess the games narrative becomes.

I didn't like any character in the game except Quiet and Ocelot, the rest were ruined by this game. I never liked Miller anyway, but Liquid has been soured by that brat Eli. Quiet is now my favourite MGS character behind Raiden almost purely because she salvaged something from the story for me, actually gave me a new and interesting character to grow attached to for the final game. Usually you finish a MGS game caring about the entire cast. :(
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How much did you play, and have you read the thread? It's been said time and time again that you have to give the game some time before things start to really pick up, both game-play (amount of player freedom and possible variations to tackle a mission, mission diversity, buddies, developing equipment, expanding mother base, recruiting and deploying soldiers, FOB invasions, etc.) and also story wise (well, with like any story it needs time to develop character arcs, progress themes and narrative, etc.).

You have to remember that the MGS receives a lot of flak (especially after 4) for unnecessarily convoluting the story too much and making it near impossible for newcomers to pick up n' play, and this entry dials back on a lot of story elements to make it more appealing/accessible (most of the story is told through completely optional dialogue tapes like most modern games). It's not a bad story per say, just not what people (should say fans) were expecting, without going into spoiler details. It's still presented fantastically with a certain Kojima cinematic flair.

hmmm I played about 3 hours, and kinda enjoyed it but didn't have the time to dedicate to it just yet, was saving it. I did find the humour fantastic, and you're saying it has a decent story? Who do I believe? It has a good start, will read the full GamesTM review tomorrow(it's a toilet read mag).
Eh..., the game tries to tackle some taboo subject matter and themes, but it never delves deep enough into them to warrant them being brought up in the first place imo.

It derives a lot of it's influence from Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, 1984 (which funnily enough is the same date the game takes place, hmm...), and also Moby-Dick. Even the game's intro music during the epilogue can give away the game's main story elements if you try to listen/analyse the lyrics somewhat. This is my main problem with the game's story; it's so heavy handed in trying to push it's influences that you can basically figure out the big "twists" that will eventually come far later on, given some background knowledge.

I still enjoy the story for what it is, but some scenes are just...
executed so poorly, especially that one where you take a ride with skull face and venom snake just sits there looking bored while he rambles on, then music starts playing out of nowhere and it just doesn't fit in.

Also as far as I'm aware the parts in Chapter 2 where you have to replay missions are entirely optional, if you wanna do side-ops instead (which tend to me much easier/quicker to complete). I see this as an intentional decision to make sure that players actually give side ops a go, given that you can miss out on some great, fleshed out content when not given the chance (gun customisation, new abilities, etc.) And as for the fulton recovery system, from a design perspective it's a great way to give a reason to playing the game stealthily. Your incentivised to play non-lethaly so you can fulton troops, to build mother base, yadayadayada..., instead of some typical contrived bonus, the two mechanics work hand in hand and compliment each other (which is always a good thing when trying to merge genres).
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the repetitive missions are getting pretty annoying now , like you have to repeat story mission you've done already to progress wheres the logic in that?

and i've been doing every side mission so far
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EAnd as for the fulton recovery system, from a design perspective it's a great way to give a reason to playing the game stealthily. Your incentivised to play non-lethaly so you can fulton troops, to build mother base, yadayadayada..., instead of some typical contrived bonus, the two mechanics work hand in hand and compliment each other (which is always a good thing when trying to merge genres).

I agree in theory, I said earlier how this game has one of the best risk/reward systems I've seen. However you are left with a game where using the fulton is always the best option when going non lethal, as it is the best way to ensure bodies aren't found. It is too easy to use as it is.

You are right about the repeating missions being optional. The story progresses with side ops being done too. Still poor design though. Also, the stealth missions add insafail stealth to the game too, which as far a I am concerned is the worst gameplay mechanic around.. An abomination that should die a horrible death and The last resort of a developer out of ideas.
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