Metal Gear Solid. The Phantom pain.

Several hundred hours later and it stands as one of my favourite games of all time.

:D 60+ hours in now and 20% complete, I can see my playtime being similar.

I have to say its also becoming one of my favourites as well. Its awesome when you call in your choppa after a hard mission and it arrives blasting the man who sold the world :cool:. Just developed the fulton that can pick up trucks and tanks and gone on the hunt for vehicles. Took me a good few goes at mission 10 to extract a transport specialist. Theres just so much to do, I love it.

You should check out the older MGS games some time if you like this. They are different in that they dont have all this mother base stuff, but still worth playing. MGS4 is quite heavy in the cutscene department, but still got a good balance of gameplay mixed in. I played through twice on PS3 and loved it both times. i wish it was available for Steam along with the remastered HD collection.

What would be the best next step for my base? The ones at 3/4 are a big step up in materials and will take me ages to save for, but if I level the remaining 2/4 platforms it will take me even longer. Would maxing out base development next be best? I'd like to get research a bit higher so I can get to lv37 for the mid durability sniper suppressor.

Just got the ability to mod weapons which is the icing on the cakec :cool:.
Mouse and kb does actually seem to work pretty well, but i prefer the pad. Makes it a bit too easy with a mouse, especially with a sniper rifle.
After a very long hiatus, fired this up last night (though had to uninstall Doom as I only had 32Mb left on the drive :p).

I am stuck though on Metallic Archaea [Extreme], I know what to do but can't seem to do it. I head straight for the roof of the nearby hanger and use a mixture of the grenade launcher and rocket launcher but always get killed. Managed to get to get down to the last two but they seem to recharge effectively.
Honestly only played this to build my oil rig base up but it became the same as everyone else's. There was not enough depth at all for that part. If you could have positioned your own sections of the base where you wanted and it dynamically linked the areas that would be good.

Choosing if you built up different levels or as wings, re-assigning parts of the base as you see fit when you expand.

The principle would actually make an amazing online standalone shooter where each person fights for domination against one another, even teaming up to take on larger stronger bases for instance.

That could be a much more interesting way of playing what they started to do with it.
After a very long hiatus, fired this up last night (though had to uninstall Doom as I only had 32Mb left on the drive :p).

I am stuck though on Metallic Archaea [Extreme], I know what to do but can't seem to do it. I head straight for the roof of the nearby hanger and use a mixture of the grenade launcher and rocket launcher but always get killed. Managed to get to get down to the last two but they seem to recharge effectively.

Its been a while since I did the mission, but from what I remember - I ran to the outside of the perimeter fence (there's an opening to the south of where you start) hugging it as to avoid the "out of missions area" warning. I then picked them off from a distance through the openings. Using this method you'll find that usually* only one will come after you at a time. When things get difficult, continue to follow the outside edge of the fence until you lose agro.

When it comes to getting an S rank on exteme in under ten mins, the best method I found was to fully upgrade the walker droid thingy, and then just keep your distance as to not get it destroyed, whilst blasting them with the cannons.
I havent touched the walker gear yet, usually always take D-Dog as Quiet always kills everything :mad:.

I wish you could use walker gear on mother base, it would make getting from platform to platform easier. Why they have to be miles apart from each other and give you the slowest moving vehicle ever I dont know.
You know you can set Quiet's behaviour from the menu when she is on a mission with you. Set her to scout a position and she will just mark all enemies for you.
Yeah but D-dog seems to do a much better job of scouting enemies. I sometimes get Quiet to take a shot and then i'll tranq a soldier and suddenly headshot out of nowhere lol. Or i'll wake a guard up to stick them up with my pistol, and she will murder them in cold blood.

I have just now unlocked the silenced tranq rifle for her, so she should be a lot more useful.
You can get Quiet to scout any point in the map though. So she can shout the whole place in the time it takes you to get there!

Also... Have you found the fast travel system yet? I played almost the whole game before I knew there was one!
Wait what.. No I haven't, I have been sprinting 2500 meters instead of wasting money on deployment each time :o.

Edit: Just googled it, thanks for making me aware. Wish I'd have known sooner, but i'm only on mission 20 so i'll make sure to find the orange bays from now on.
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I won't spoil it for you and tell you how to fast travel. I'm pretty sure it is actually a tool tip on the loading screens. I'll just say it is just as ridiculous as you would expect from Hideo Kojima!
Totally missed all of the Metal Gear Solids. Sounds like I've been missing out. I'm a bit confused with all the apparent versions of 5 on Steam. Which one is the main game?

Also - how come none of the previous ones are not available on Steam? Where would you go to get these?
heartburnron;30479057 said:
Thanks guys. So were the earlier versions not released on PC then, is that the craic?

MGS1 and MGS2 were launched on PC along side consoles years and years ago, I actually have disk versions of the original games.

They take a little messing around to get working, some patches you need to download for it to work on Win10.

But as said before best way to play them is if you have a PS3, you can buy the HD collection.

We're all dying for the games to make their way to steam but seems very unlikely.
I think if forced, I might well call Metal Gear Solid my favourite game ever. It would be close, but I absolutely loved it at the time. There was nothing like it. It was like it was on a different level to everything that had come before it. There are about 4 or 5 games I class as my absolute 'top tier', and it is definitely in there.

I got a Playstation late, and the first two games I played were Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 7!
I was a bit too young when MGS came out to get into it. I did like it, but didnt get very far as I tended to be a bit impatient and gave up. I think MGS2 got me into the series, although the story got a bit weird and I have never been able to get past them metal gears.

BTW thanks for the fast travel tip. So much faster getting around motherbase now :). Actually had a good explore of the whole base and found a room in the medical wing with something interesting in I had no idea was there and a few emblems on the main platform, plus a ton of diamonds.
I think this forced Fob thing has ruined my enjoyment of the game :(. I didnt realise you can lose soldiers from your offline motherbase? And there appears to be no way to turn it off. Built the main platform then built a base development platform (probably a big mistake?)

How likely am I to be raided? Feel like just quitting now as I have spent ages procuring soldiers with decent stats and now people are just going to be able to take away 10 at a time.

Would kitting my fob out with security devices help deter people attacking me?
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