Metro Last Light - Thread

Are you on ATI? if so then this makes me question whether I should get the 7950 then if the GFX looks blurry.

And here with the GTX 780, same settings but Tesselation set to Very High this time:


Much better.

With GFX core at 1000MHz:

Average Framerate: 38.33
Max. Framerate: 106.20
Min. Framerate: 5.59
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Loving this so far, very enjoyable to play.

Playing it through in Ranger Hardcore which, so far, doesn't seem too taxing if you take your time.

Only thing that really hacks me off is they remove the ammo count, etc., but there's no mechanism in place for you to easily check your ammo otherwise - unless you've a gun with a visible magazine.

Even then, you don't know how many bullets left you have at a glance. Nor can I easily tell if I'm using military-grade ammo or not (again, unless I can see the rounds or fire a few off). Seems to rely on you counting them at trade stalls and keeping a mental tally.

Please do say if I've missed something though!
Loving this so far, very enjoyable to play.

Playing it through in Ranger Hardcore which, so far, doesn't seem too taxing if you take your time.

Only thing that really hacks me off is they remove the ammo count, etc., but there's no mechanism in place for you to easily check your ammo otherwise - unless you've a gun with a visible magazine.

Even then, you don't know how many bullets left you have at a glance. Nor can I easily tell if I'm using military-grade ammo or not (again, unless I can see the rounds or fire a few off). Seems to rely on you counting them at trade stalls and keeping a mental tally.

Please do say if I've missed something though!

Community raised it on day one. Still waiting to see if 4A will allow us to count amo in ranger hardcore, not via a HUD but by raising the weapon and being visually able to see how many rounds are left in a magazine and in the inventory among other things which have been raised that break immersion.

With some shotguns and assault rifles you can see how many bullets you have in the chamber.
Initial couple of hours of play time done and I have to say I'm enjoying it much more than Metro 2033. Even though this is still linear the way things happen, NPCs speak and react and the way lighting plays a big part just immerses you more into the game. Being able to whack everything up also means those things are so pretty in motion.

The guns are definitely a lot nicer to use, they feel proper and not wooly like they did on 2033.

Excellent :D
Great game so far, I never really got into Metro 2033 (played about half an hour) but this has me hooked. I'll definitely have to give 2033 another go once I've finished this :)
Well just got the good ending on Ranger Hardcore. For anyone trying to get it, it's ok to kill people on The Chase and on Red Square, probably during the final battle too but I didn't do that. You also need to find a lot of secrets, donate to a few beggars and a few other choices that should be fairly obvious. Edit: There's also a bunch of conversations you need to listen to too.

Doing it this way doesn't get you the Shadow Ranger achievement though. Probably best to play on easy for that one.
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Well I got the bad ending :p :o Didn't really know that there were two different endings......

Ah well, I had fun slaughtering everyone :p

Amazing game, so much better than metro 2033 imo.

Game ran well for me on stock i5 750, 8GB RAM, 7850 OC 2GB @1080p, although SSAO killed FPS so it was switched of and TBH, didn't really notice much difference in image quality, turned of physx too, was fine when there wasn't really anything that had physx, but it dropped big time when I had people firing at me and tessellation didn't run too well on highest but again, I only noticed it in a few areas so wasn't worth the performance hit imo, kept it on low, kept the quality setting to max and texture filtering to 16x and game was super smooth and looked amazing, best lighting and shadow effects in a game yet.

Overall, I think crysis 3 still looks better though.
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Enabling SSAA mode blurs textures. With it off I see sharper texture details with minimal difference in AA. I read here I think that the game uses native FXAA anyway?

SSAA has a huge fps hit anyway so I don't see the point in turning it on in the first place.
Enabling SSAA mode blurs textures. With it off I see sharper texture details with minimal difference in AA. I read here I think that the game uses native FXAA anyway?

SSAA has a huge fps hit anyway so I don't see the point in turning it on in the first place.

Doesn't sound like there is much point of SSAA then! :p

No idea, wouldn't be surprised if it did though.
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Struggling to play metro 2033 and just jump straight onto Last Light. Im currently on chapter 4 and im pretty bored of it, I think I would enjoy Last Light a lot more.
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