Metro Last Light - Thread

Just started playing this again after putting it down for a few week, just struggled on

The boss fight infront of the church

Now I'm past that it's starting to get a lot more tense even with the
I don't think you need to spoiler tag NVGs.

Those boss fights are my only complaint about the game, they feel so damn out of place, especially considering they all occur is super obvious closed arenas,
I would much prefer more of the battle/vehicle set pieces they use to contrived "Boss Fights".
I don't think you need to spoiler tag NVGs.

Those boss fights are my only complaint about the game, they feel so damn out of place, especially considering they all occur is super obvious closed arenas,
I would much prefer more of the battle/vehicle set pieces they use to contrived "Boss Fights".

I agree the areas feel way too small to move around in properly, and the timed events after I've died a few times due to air running out but cause you can't speed the 'cutscene dialogue' up then it's made me die and redo the whole boss fight.
can anyone tell me how to make this game actually run good I have a 7850 win8.1 16gb ram and 3570k and its running under 30fps sometimes 15
Who here has unlocked the 'good ending'? How hard is it to do? Not sure if I can be assed going back to do it

Not very, the key is just not killing anyone and getting as many moral points from listening to people/discovering things/completing tasks as possible.
Not very, the key is just not killing anyone and getting as many moral points from listening to people/discovering things/completing tasks as possible.

Or just kill everyone and go out what seems to be like a boss.

Put that in spoiler tags next time - Davey
Have started playing this, but it seriously cooks my 7990. Card hits 101C then throttles. No other game does this - trying to work out which setting I can turn down to stop this happening. Any ideas? Turning off tessellation doesn't seem to help.
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