Metro Last Light - Thread

I'm stuck on the bit where I reach the church and have to kill the big thing before I can get in. Comrades are shooting the little ones leaving me to kill the big one that slaps the crap out of me and I end up running out of ammo.


I assume there's a special way to kill it?

Yes there is. A pro tip :D

When you were in Venice, if you listened to the conversations you would have heard that they tried using the shrimp plate for armour, but it was useless as it became brittle after a while when it was taken out of the water.

Guess why you were given so many incendiary grenades stashes before you reached the Church? ;)

Claymores and Amo that thing will consume. Just use the grenades, set it on fire and pump a few mgr bullets whilst running around and it will be down in no time.
these latest beta drivers from nvidia make the game run like crap for me. Never had an issue before, so will probably revert back now the bf4 demo has finished and hopefully finish the Chronicles pack.
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