Poll: Mexican Grand Prix 2018, Mexico City - Race 19/21

Rate the 2018 Mexican Grand Prix out of ten!

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8 Dec 2002
North Yorkshire
Kinda funny to me that Renault have splurged out 30+mil a year on Ricciardo, a guy who clearly isn't at the same level when they don't have close to a car worth that kind of driver outlay yet. If you were going to bring a driver in to do something no one else can, you want that kind of money for ALonso, Ham or Verstappen, not a Bottas/Ricciardo.

Awkward :p
18 Oct 2002

Based on? You realise he's been battered all year and he's consistently finishing a big margin down on Max. Honestly tomorrow I think we'll see Max pass and pull away into the distance tomorrow but we'll see. Even if Ricciardo wins, does Bottas having a win mean Renault wouldn't have been crazy to give Bottas 30mil a year when he's been crapped all over by Hamilton?
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
Kinda funny to me that Renault have splurged out 30+mil a year on Ricciardo, a guy who clearly isn't at the same level when they don't have close to a car worth that kind of driver outlay yet. If you were going to bring a driver in to do something no one else can, you want that kind of money for ALonso, Ham or Verstappen, not a Bottas/Ricciardo.

Riccardo schooled Max last year, they're equal on wins this year, and it's only shocking reliability for Riccardo that's let Max outscore him this year.

There's no doubt Max is fast but his temperament continues to be terrible. Right now, Riccardo is the better driver.
18 Oct 2002
Can’t wait to see Hamilton vs vettel next to each other!

THe first corners will be interesting, Vettel has to win so.... banzai somewhere? Seems fairly likely, if Ham gets a good run under tow against the RBRs will he take it or think a late braking Vettel will try to get them all so just stay out of the way.

Honestly have no clue how the start will go. Both RBRs have nothing to lose and really only want a win, Vettel must win, has to go for it now, Hamilton... might well just see him go wide, brake early and try to stay safe through T1.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Hamilton will be looking around, Verstappen in front... known for being *cough* 'tough', Vettel behind him.... known for being clumsy.

I wonder if he's thinking "4th would be ok after T1. I don't need the hassle of dealing with both of them."
18 Oct 2002
Riccardo schooled Max last year, they're equal on wins this year, and it's only shocking reliability for Riccardo that's let Max outscore him this year.

There's no doubt Max is fast but his temperament continues to be terrible. Right now, Riccardo is the better driver.

Ricciardo didn't in any way school Max last year, what planet are you from? Singapore, beat Ricciardo in qualifying by a margin, Malaysia, won with Ricciardo what 20 seconds down, Japan, was fighting for the win and being held up by Hamilton, gap to Ricciardo got to 16 seconds with Max held up by Ham and Ricciardo in clean air. Cota, Max in 16th and was gaining on Ricciardo when Ricciardo's car failed (as he was this year) despite going through traffic.

Last year in qualifying Max beat Ricciardo 13 to 7, and in races they both finished it was 5-2 in favour of Max again. Ricciardo had more points purely because of the luck of the draw in terms of where their cars failed. Most of Max's failures he was ahead of Ricciardo and so Ricciardo gained points, when Ricciardo had failures he was often the slower car so Max gained nothing. Most of Ricciardo's failures were in tracks he qualified and was behind and in which Verstappen didn't get a podium. Basically Ricciardo got lucky that most of his DNFs were in less competitive lower points races, Max got terrible luck and lost a hell of a lot more points than RIcciardo.

It hasn't even been close on raw pace on average since the first 4 races of 2017, in race or qualifying.
18 Oct 2002
Should we start taking bets now? Who is Grosjean going to hit and who will drive for Haas in Brazil while Grosjean is banned?

Hartley's also in a bit of a "I'm going to be over the limit to keep my drive" mode... so I wouldn't put it past him doing something utterly stupid at the start trying to make a big move.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Should we start taking bets now? Who is Grosjean going to hit and who will drive for Haas in Brazil while Grosjean is banned?

Well, their test and junior drivers are that F2 twonk who drove into his teammate deliberately, got a multiple race ban, fired from his team, now being chased for money by said team and ran off to the USA again, Ferrucci... And his former teammate F2 Maini.

I'd prefer to look around and see if there's any other recently ex f1 driver who fancied a go.
8 Jul 2014
I wouldn't blame Lewis for letting the RBs and Vettel go at the start and just cruise around to a 4th place finish and a 5th title. I doubt he will, though.

I agree, Lewis is driving for points and from the US race last week - gave Max a large margin which is understandable, both drove fairly. Just like the US race, I think Lewis will drive with his head tomorrow and (hopefully) get the job done. I cannot see the benefit (apart from pride, why mix it up?) there will be another day/fight...

Lewis has demonstrated that time and again that he will go wheel to wheel with all comers and now has nothing to prove. Max, Daniel have their own fight. Daniel wants to put Max back in his box - let them get on with it. Vettel has his own fight.

Tomorrow, is not the day (for Hamilton) to be a hero in my view.
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