mice everywhere in house

Somebody said the problem was 'the mice were too small'
This is just a matter of getting the wooden block hinge right on the edge of tripping, I've caught plenty of baby mice and a few of my fingers...

Do not get the cheaper metal tongue type trip, it wouldn't catch a fat mouse tap dancing with welles on.
Peanut butter works fine, if you are not catching them with that then you are doing something wrong.

Putting the traps where the mice move is key, next to holes, in between jars and anywhere where bread is cut or toasted.

Mice pee and poo everywhere, so pretty much everything in your kitchen now needs cleaning.
Looks more like a Gerboa than a mouse with those large ears & extra long rear legs.

House mice are more squat with short legs on all four corners.
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I've seen cats bring things in and play with them, but never wait till you try to getbthem and then give you a haha look. Frankly, your cat sounds awesome :)

if your watching then cats always bloody just play with them. ''look at me i own this mouse''

if your not there they like to rip out its internal organs and leave them on the floor perfectly laid out. ''look at me , I'm a surgeon!''
I had about fifteen mice one time. Remove all foods they can get too, check your fridge!! Nothing in cardboard boxes.

Put down a load of traps, I used 4 at a time. Place them along 'runs', not in the middle of the floor. . Baited with small chunks of chocolate or peanut butter. Dispose of bodies in the morning.

It took two or three days before my 4 traps stopped going. No more mice. Yours look pretty tiny though! They might just walk over the spring plate without setting it off!
I had a mouse and got rid of it with a humane trap. The damn thing wouldn't eat any of the bait at first but after putting chocolate in it, it went straight for it.
I used to live in a bungalow with a mouse problem which sounded like a rat problem( never thought i lil mouse or two could make so much noise), phoned the local council and they sent a man around in a plain van who was very good.
first night after he came they were having a party with what was in the traps and after that never heard a thing.
A couple of visits later and all good
I used to live in a bungalow with a mouse problem which sounded like a rat problem( never thought i lil mouse or two could make so much noise), phoned the local council and they sent a man around in a plain van who was very good.
first night after he came they were having a party with what was in the traps and after that never heard a thing.
A couple of visits later and all good

I agree, call your local authority. They are very cheap, do a great job and give very good advice.:)
We had a similar issue a few months ago. I bought some of these. They work - 11 mice killed and disposed of.

Make sure you secure them with twine, one of the mice made off with a trap stuck to it's head, and we've yet to find either!
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