microsoft and machinima

27 Feb 2012
whats people's thoughts on whats going on regarding the whole contract thing and the sketchy plan to pay for positive xbox one coverage. i know microsoft are not the only ones doing this kind of thing but interested to hear people's thoughts on the subject.
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Don't see the problem if people want to ruin their reputation by taking a bung then so be it, many people still trust reviews in official PS/Xbox mags as well :D
I'm not bashing Microsoft,i have a xbox one but I'm just surprised at them for going down this route given the bad publicity they have received already since the very first announcement,in any case its more about how corrupt the gaming media is and how there are very few peoples opinions you can trust when it comes to reviews ext on the likes of youtube etc etc
whats people's thoughts on whats going on regarding the whole contract thing and the sketchy plan to pay for positive xbox one coverage. i know microsoft are not the only ones doing this kind of thing but interested to hear pols thoughts on the subject.
I don't think the promotion is a problem and people have always paid for coverage (which lets face it by definition is going to be positive). The interesting piece will be the Machinima piece that says you cannot disclose any details of the program.

I suppose there is a thin line between paying people who genuinely have positive feedback for their time, and on the other hand suggesting it's a bribe to produce false feedback. The machinima guidelines seem to suggest you won't get paid for negative feedback, which I suppose is par for the course, if you want to do a negative video go ahead, just MS isn't going to pay you for it surprisingly enough. The question is would people produce falsely positive videos in exchange for the money?

It probably deserves more detail but generally speaking I think if you've received money for saying something, good or bad you should say so people have context and the Machinima NDA seems to prevent that, which is a bad thing.
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I don't have a problem with it to be honest, so MS decided to pay YT'ers $$$'s to say nice things, hey it's marketing, now if people chose to take this and then spoke untruthfully about how amazing they though the XB1 was then that's a problem as they are basically sellouts.

Wonder what Trading Standards will have to say.......
If you are being paid to 'advertise' something you have to clearly state so - This whole 'advertising' NDA business is against the trading laws here in the UK....

more here:

Well if they are only people in the US then they cannot do ****.
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Yes...MS are the only ones to do this kind of thing.

Actually reading it, it seems like its the advertising company set this up, not MS directly.
Also being paid jsut to mention and use footgae from an XO is hardly massive.
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Yes...MS are the only ones to do this kind of thing.

Actually reading it, it seems like its the advertising company set this up, not MS directly.
Also being paid jsut to mention and use footgae from an XO is hardly massive.
The problem here isn't the advertising or the paying of people, it's that there was an NDA so that they could not reveal this was happening, which means there are potentially reviews on youtube that people believe to be unbiased, but in fact are biased as they are being paid to be positive
Their doesn't seem to be much mention that they had to be positive, just mentioning it seems to get them some money.

None...NONE of the so called Youtube personalties are doing it for free, I personally believe the likes of LevelCap et al have all been paid at various points.

As ive said, having seen the state some big titles have been released, im not buying any ones opinion..will wait for things from now on and see how people here review it.
Their doesn't seem to be much mention that they had to be positive, just mentioning it seems to get them some money.

None...NONE of the so called Youtube personalties are doing it for free, I personally believe the likes of LevelCap et al have all been paid at various points.

As ive said, having seen the state some big titles have been released, im not buying any ones opinion..will wait for things from now on and see how people here review it.
The Machinima release clearly states that it has to be positive or neutral towards the XB1. I know other people get paid for their videos too, but they haven't had to sign NDA's hiding the fact.

Btw hiding the fact you are being paid to advertise a product is in violation of US, UK and European advertising standards
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