microsoft and machinima

Do we have details of the non-disclosure Broken Hope? Thought that was still up in the air - kinda need people to stick their necks out :p

EDIT: I look forward to cu3ed reading the first line under the BF4 conditions section :p:D
EDIT2: Just seen EA's NDA details - ouch...

ps3ud0 :cool:

LMAO....did you hear that sound...that was my head exploding lol!
oh dear..

well all I want for Christmas is a PSP .....

see what I did there. they all do this, its just business no matter how lousy the tricks might be. Hardly new, just more news and to be honest will get ms more pr in a way.
'shady' practices happen in every industry. As someone who used to work in a mobile phone store for a while I can tell you that Sony and Samsung used to offer big perks - even paid holidays - for anyone who could sell x amount of their devices to anyone who came in looking for an iPhone.
Don't really see the problem, there's probably far worse practices within the industry that companies are not willing to be open about.
Macro must be very wealthy ;).
It's funny Tummy, all I see you post is personal, anti Microsoft or Xbox One stuff trying to stir up flames in XO threads. Why can't you just stay out of the thread? Would mean posters aren't going to have to wade through a lot of petty arguments.
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That EA one is quite funny "do not make videos that focus on glitches in the game"
I guess that explains why we didn't here anything about how broken the game was in the preview videos we saw :rolleyes:
Either that or the BF4 videos must have been very short :D
Oh not at all, just some will view this as MS bashing and considering all the other things weve discussed around MS over the last year, I expect this wont be conducive to a healthy discussion.

Assuming you're referring to me and my supposed defending of the XB1 and MS, I have no problems with this thread. Seems a discussion worthy topic IMO.
Now i'm not sure if you are just trolling or genuinely missing the point here, but as explained previously, the issue isn't with the advertising but with the fact that the advertising is secret, therefore any official magazine, be it Xbox, Playstation or Nintendo is not relevant here as we all know they are affiliated with the company in question from the start.

His passive-aggressive defence of MS is a mainstay on here, if you hadn't already noticed.
There's nothing wrong with advertising and buying people to say what you want. The wrong part is not disclosing that fact. Its against US law and probably UK law. There probably weazle out of the fact somehow even though the evidence is pretty damning.
As other people have stated this probably goes on more than we know with other companies, Where ever somebody is out to make money companies will always try to exploit what they can to get positive light for there products . Am sure Microsoft did it with the 360 at some point am sure Sony will of done it with there products wether that be playstation or Tv's or even Blu Ray when the battle for hi-def disc was happening

I bet after Micheal Bay exploded the other day at CES we will start seeing him talk about how good his films will look on a Samsung tv in behind the scenes stuff on Blu Rays hahahahah
So statements released, MS had nothing to do with it, all contracts\NDA's etc were from Machinima.

Those frothing at the mouth can stop now :D Nothing to see here, move along...
there has to be a deal in place somewhere along the lines davey,why Microsoft why not another console like one that needs it like the wii u ? its not like they have been completely honest with the public since first announcing the console,what would macinima gain from promoting xbox one ?
there has to be a deal in place somewhere along the lines davey,why Microsoft why not another console like one that needs it like the wii u ? its not like they have been completely honest with the public since first announcing the console,what would macinima gain from promoting xbox one ?

Money, exclusive content, more hits on their website.
I do believe that if something is paid for, it should be acknowledged somewhere so people aren't misled into believing they're watching something impartial. However, if the contract hiding those facts aren't from MS, but from Machinima, I don't think MS can be blamed for that, IMO of course.
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