Microwaved Chicken?!

Might try it tonight along with corned beef hash a la johnny. Or maybe tomorrow morning before i go to work

I know ill cook the chicken tonight and save it for tomorrow when i go to work

Can I have your PC if it all turns out badly? ;)
Just going to try this will post how it turns out.

At this time of night, I wish. Have no chicken and I err covered the microwave with soup earlier so it needs cleaned, having said that an hour ago my Spanish housemate made an ommelette. And it was nice.
Bah sorry people, just went to get chicken and it may have been in the fridge longer than I remembered, as it had a quite a bit of yellowy slime resembling puss and a rather nasty smell to it :(
Bah sorry people, just went to get chicken and it may have been in the fridge longer than I remembered, as it had a quite a bit of yellowy slime resembling puss and a rather nasty smell to it :(

Try defrosting it in the microwave, should be alright like.
Nah it wasn't frozen, and the "pus" made me retch, so I'm definatly not eating it.

did try to wash it but the actual meat underneath was yellow and smelled too.

I'd try, just for the hell of it really. But yea that doesn't sound like a good chicken. Could you not deep fat fry it in your 'tefal' deep fat fryer? (we were brought one for Christmas and it hasn't been used - care to send the manual?)

(Only kidding btw)
Fry= win.

Chicken breast in the fryer or Sir Fryor if you are lucky... Defrost first then put in the fryer. In the microwave is blatantly a lose compared to fried.
Sorry i own no camera and it just looks like white chicken :/

However as weired as it sound this actually is damn good chicken.

6 mins in an 800w microwave with a little butter in the water .

Unlike with frying etc the chicken has swollen rather than shrank.
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