Midweek Football Thread

Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
If he does go soon then I think Kenny would probably take over and it would be a situation of damage limitation, get the crap players out and buy some new ASAP.

Must admit, I would prefer Kenny over some of the other names mentioned (Mancini, Rijkaard, Koeman and co). At least Kenny has taken Liverpool to the league title before.

I love watching torres, I'm actually sad this year the side he has around him. He should see who they replace Rafa with and what money comes along to strengthen the side and make a choice about moving on otherwise he's going to flush away his career being a two part team with Gerrard and he's far too good to watch to have that waste of career :(

Could you imagine the transfer frenzy if Torres said he wanted to go. I mean is there actually any team out there who wouldnt want Torres?
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Also forgot to mention that i was quite impressed with Gibbs preformance last night...didnt think he would have handled the pressure coming in for Clichy but he did very well...hopefully he can keep up the standard whilst Clichy is out injured.
13 Oct 2006
Could you imagine the transfer frenzy if Torres said he wanted to go. I mean is there actually any team out there who wouldnt want Torres?

There'd probably be a bigger frenzy if Shola Ameobi handed in a transfer request. There's only a few clubs who could afford Torres and even less clubs that he actually want to leave for (i.e. not Man City).

I reckon Drogba is slightly better than Torres at the moment as well, so maybe Chelsea wouldn't want him? :p

As for any potential replacement for Benitez... Hughton has been tied down so hands off, I think Kinnear is looking for work though.
18 Oct 2002
Not heard any reports like that yet. Not saying that the Police are blameless and I'm sure the truth will come out soon.

I'm reporting from people who have returned. No Female Stewards yet stewards trying to search female fans.

Rangers fans walked through Romanian fans no police around no problems get up to the gate faced with riot police who pushed and shoved them into a temporary barrier to get searched before entering ground. Look the wrong way at then and you got hit/gassed. Fans having tickets taken off them by stewards and ripped up in their faces.

Masses of complaints going to uefa over the standard of the ground/aggressive stewarding and policing. Hopefully the club will back them up on that part as Bain said they would.
13 Oct 2006
Why wouldn't he go to Man City?

Even if Man City spend millions they'll still won't be any better than Barca, Man U or Chelsea. No matter how much money you offer, world class players won't sit on the bench.

So bearing the in mind why wouldn't he want to go to a club with better history, more prestigious etc.? It's probably the dream of the majority of Spanish kids to play for Barcelona or Real Madrid.



27 May 2003
Actually the buses turned up late and hence were late to arrive. Police refused fans entry into stadium. Fans beaten and sprayed with cs gas outside the stadium while trying to get in.

The police battoned and CS gassed fans who were queuing to get in?
7 Feb 2004
Great result for Arsenal. Bit unlucky conceding their goal but it was still a great game for them. Loved the fact that Arshavin was up front for once. I thought he linked well with the other players with some nice passes. I even saw him back covering for Gibbs as he made a run forward.

Great for Nasri as well after being out with a broken leg to get on the score sheet with a classy finish.

I cant be bothered to read DMs posts but im sure Diaby did something to upset him. Maybe scoring his goal?
12 Mar 2009
Great for Nasri as well after being out with a broken leg to get on the score sheet with a classy finish.

Great goal, his little dummy to get past the last defender was sublime. The guy just got turned inside out and then fell over trying to get the ball. The finish was good, but the keeper was absolutely abysmal!

I cant be bothered to read DMs posts but im sure Diaby did something to upset him. Maybe scoring his goal?

I actually, properly lolled at that. :)
18 Oct 2002
The police battoned and CS gassed fans who were queuing to get in?

Yup gassing and batons used on fans waiting to get in. used to get then into the makshift barriers to queue up. Welcome to Eastern Europe.

apparently the stadium was falling apart aswell dodgy stairwells with almost 0 light and holes inthe stairs. How no-one was seriously injured from stat of stadium is amazing. Makes you wonder what state unireas own stadium was like if UEFA deemed this stadium to be up to scratch :o
8 Jan 2006
Great to see Nasri back, are the other top teams supporters getting wary of Arsenal now? In a few weeks there will be Feo and Rosicky tearing it up too. To tell you the truth I wouldn't swap Arsenal's attacking options for anybody's at the minute, mainly because of the amazing depth.

I thought Gibbs did ok but he was getting out-muscled nearly every time their winger took him on which is understandable but very worrrying considering Chelsk are coming up in a few games

Also, I've been complaining about Arsh for a few weeks about his lack of any work rate, last night he worked his ass off and got rewarded with 3 assists, hopefully he'll realise that hard work gets rewarded now and start putting the work in every game because he was top class last night
Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
Aye, I've thought that Arshavin can be a bit inconsistant, good to see him reap the rewards last night. Nice to see us put 4 past the same team we played not so well a few weeks back. Pity that we conceded, got to say on the replay it looked a soft goal to concede and it's still slightly worrying that. On another night we won't be several goals to the good.
20 Nov 2002
The only thing that worries me about Arsenal is they are still shipping goals. Even if they win by a large margin (6-2 against Blackburn springs to mind) they're still conceding goals to crap teams.

If they could cut this down/out they'd be my picks for the title, but as it stands I can't look past Chelsea.
7 Feb 2004
Aye, I've thought that Arshavin can be a bit inconsistant, good to see him reap the rewards last night. Nice to see us put 4 past the same team we played not so well a few weeks back. Pity that we conceded, got to say on the replay it looked a soft goal to concede and it's still slightly worrying that. On another night we won't be several goals to the good.

I think if you watch it again the players were sill complaining about the possibilty of handball up the other end. You would have thought that them of all people would have realised that you dont stop until the whistle blows, especially after the goal we scored against spurs ;)

I second the thought on our attacking options. When Rosicky is back with Walcott we are going to have a very agressive bench to full back on.
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