Milo/UC Berkley protestors stop 'hate speech' by using violence and hate...

Dave Rubin interviewed Milo a couple of years ago so as far as the left go it's generally guilt by association, just giving him a platform is proof enough of guilt.

Very few people who are called far left are actually far left, they're just a derogatory term that the alt/far right use against anyone they see as threats.

That's probably true but in the case of the left they are so scared of being attacked by the far left or called an alt righter or one of the lefts other derogatory terms for a heretic that the moderates just stay silent or fall in line. Most on the right are happy to distance themselves from the extremists (as in publically denounce or disagree with) but it still doesn't stop them being falsely labelled.
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Not seen much from Milo in a while now, thought he had dropped off the face off the planet.

Oddly enough I was having a discussion with a colleague a couple days ago about the school with 70 trans gender students and the school teacher that's getting 6 year old kids to write love letters to same sex partners. He bought up something about another colleague who lectures at a local university, something about them putting in a "non binary toilet". other than saying WTF, that colleague happened to walk in at the time, to which it was asked about the toilets being non binary and he said, yes they are. Something about being "inclusive" of all. I said it's a load of rubbish really, he didn't like that. So I said well that's just my opinion, he said you can't say that sort of thing. So what I'm not allowed an opinion because you don't agree with it. Not very "inclusive" now is it.
Alt right? How so?

He's libertarian by his own words.

It's possible to be libertarian and alt right. They're not incompatible.

If you have a source where he states he's alt-right, then post, but as it doesn't exist, your pathetic for saying so.

Few public figures of Rubin's stature will admit to being alt right, because they don't want to lose those sweet Patreon bucks. Nevertheless, he recites most of the usual alt right talking points, though not as aggressively (which is why he's typically branded 'alt-lite.') But there's no mistaking his dog whistle politics.

Rubin is notable for the regular appearance of alt right figures on his show. He lets them spout their gibberish, and never pushes back.
Stop telling blatant lies. The guy is gay. Alt righters hate gays.

Wrong. The alt right is divided between those who are blatantly anti-gay, and those who are tolerant. They support any gay who supports and/or tolerates their views.

Notable gay figures praised by the alt right include white nationalist Jack Donovan, and openly alt right writer James O'Meara.

'How the Alt-Right Is Using Sex and Camp to Attract Gay Men to Fascism.'

He is Jewish. Alt righters hate Jews.

They typically do, but they're willing to give Jews a pass if they make the right noises. That's why Milo has always been popular with the alt right.
How about people like you do the same? People who watch people like Rogan are interested in what other people have to say, strange I know. Rogan has all sorts of interesting people on his show. He has his opinions (not allowed you say), and he shares his ideas and uses the view of keeping an open mind.

Milo, meh he was a ***** but had some point. And made some. His comments while I didn't agree with them are certainly in my view not overtly embracing paedophilia but tried to explain his view based on personal actions.

As for Professor Jordan Peterson, you ignore him because you are both arrogant and ignorant. He has a message that holds a great deal of interest. This is because ironically people like yourself constantly disparage and "complain" while not listening to anything the man has to say. And then like some Muppet might make a comment "did you clean your room" :rolleyes: Yeah like I've never heard that before and it isn't even funny.

Bloody hell, I don't even know where to start :eek:

Let me clear out the lowest hanging fruit first:

I don't know what this whole "cleaning your room" thing is about, I can only assume it's some joke amongst these circles. So that's out.

Secondly, it's neither ignorance or arrogance which brought me to this train of thought, it's just having to hear the incessant whinging that comes with it. I have watched many of Peterson's videos, many of Milo's videos and many of Rogan's podcasts. They all make valid points, many of which I agree with. The problem isn't that I disagree with their opinions or posts, the problem is that they're feeding this rubbish. For Milo it became a game, he just got to the point of being an irritating prat. Peterson again makes some very valid points and I agree with them, but these "omg feminist rekt" videos are childish and counter productive.

These guys (Rogan doesn't do it himself in fairness, he just facilitates it) just rile them up and make them scream louder, when what we should be doing is just ignoring them. Let them whinge, let them scream, cry, throw their toys, whatever. They'll get bored very quickly once they realise nobody gives a toss.
It's possible to be libertarian and alt right. They're not incompatible.

Few public figures of Rubin's stature will admit to being alt right, because they don't want to lose those sweet Patreon bucks. Nevertheless, he recites most of the usual alt right talking points, though not as aggressively (which is why he's typically branded 'alt-lite.') But there's no mistaking his dog whistle politics.

Rubin is notable for the regular appearance of alt right figures on his show. He lets them spout their gibberish, and never pushes back.

You seem to have an issue with him making money.

Okay fine I'll bite. what alt right talking points has he "recited"? Be specific. Dave is guilty is not pushing back and one of the reasons I don't particularly like listening to him, though he has had some interesting guests no doubt. Branding him alt right is ridiculous though.
All of these people are idiots and the sooner they get bored and **** off, the better. Joe Rogan and his podcast, Milo Poppadoms and his and that other professor who spends all his time "rekking feminists", just **** off, all of them.

The reason we have all the SJW / PC rubbish is because these idiots give them a voice, a podium, and legitimize their incessant whinging by arguing with them.

When someone says something like "you need to pull that video of a woman getting beaten in a videogame off youtube because it's sexist" you don't engage with them, you roll your eyes, tell them to shut the **** up and get on with life. They'll soon get bored and realise that beyond their little echo chambers nobody cares about their opinions.

They have far too much power to be ignored. Ignoring them would be like ignoring facism in Germany in the late 1920s. Tempting, but dangerous. It's only safe to ignore powerless extremist bigots who are failing to gain power.

Your own reply refutes your own point, since it clearly states that Milo was not speaking in favour of paedophilia.

Not that the truth matters in politics. It never has.

I think it's also relevant that you didn't quote anything Milo said. You just quoted other people claiming Milo said something that they wanted him to have said. That's a very different thing.
Childish labelling of everything is beginning to bore me. Sticking alt- Infront of everything.. please just stop it , it's pathetic.

Is the world just becoming more stupid??
Wrong. The alt right is divided between those who are blatantly anti-gay, and those who are tolerant. They support any gay who supports and/or tolerates their views.

No Evan. You are just throwing around labels left right and centre. It makes you look ridiculous to call a gay Jew alt right when the alt right as an ethno nationalist entity. This entity also does not like Jews. In fact if anything is to be believed regarding people who are "the" alt right they are virulently anti-Semitic.

Notable gay figures praised by the alt right include white nationalist Jack Donovan, and openly alt right writer James O'Meara.

White nationalist. White nationalist. White nationalist. Rubin is not a white nationalist. He hates alt right thinking.

They typically do, but they're willing to give Jews a pass if they make the right noises. That's why Milo has always been popular with the alt right.

The alt right hate milo. You realize he is married to a black man yes? But he is definitely a white nationalist.

Bloody hell, I don't even know where to start :eek:

Let me clear out the lowest hanging fruit first:

I don't know what this whole "cleaning your room" thing is about, I can only assume it's some joke amongst these circles. So that's out.

If you say so.

Secondly, it's neither ignorance or arrogance which brought me to this train of thought, it's just having to hear the incessant whinging that comes with it. I have watched many of Peterson's videos

So, something you disagree with should just **** off? Or be deplatformed? Why not just accept some people like listening to discussions. I've watched a couple of hundred of Joe "alt-right" Rogans podcasts. He has scientists on, nutters, fighters, thinkers, physicists, business owners, actors, artists etc. What could possibly be more diverse?

of Milo's videos and many of Rogan's podcasts. They all make valid points, many of which I agree with. The problem isn't that I disagree with their opinions or posts,

Here the mask slips. You disagree with them. Well do one or of two things. Write and refute what they say (don't do what Evan, Strider or DP do and make stuff up or label them) or just ignore them. To make a comment wishing they would f off just shows an immature (intellectually) element that is quite inherent in your posts (certainly these couple). I don't like Hate Not Hope, but I don't go wishing they should be banned. I'd rather try showing who they are with a justifiable unskewed basis.

the problem is that they're feeding this rubbish.

No, these people arose precisely because of the actions of authority. Have you ever heard the saying that nothing strengthens authority as much as silence? You want these people to go away. People who question or want to know things.

I know its difficult for a lot of people to listen to those who they disagree with but inclusion of exclusion is the key to survival (so says one of my favorite films).

Milo it became a game, he just got to the point of being an irritating prat

I'm not a massive fan of Milo, but I have watched a few of his more controversial videos. The one where that Chinese guy calls him a racist or white supremacist. His best remarks are around those who don't value diversity of opinion are the worst kind of bigot. Nudge nudge.

Peterson again makes some very valid points and I agree with them, but these "omg feminist rekt" videos are childish and counter productive.

That's not Peterson then. Its the makers of the videos. Peterson is precisely so annoying because he presents things with such a difficulty to counter. If you ever listen to how he refutes an argument he uses science, history, sometimes religious, current affairs and some very well thought out reasoning to form the crux of his response. To the unintelligent it seems like waffle. To those who think... Think... We see what the salience is of the argument.

As he said recently he has seen over 250,000 people in his lectures and other than one heckler there have been zero instances of violence. The weak willed prey on trying to link him to some conspiracy. They fail, every time precisely because they have to cognitively ignore his points and use doublethink to deny a lot of it.

guys (Rogan doesn't do it himself in fairness, he just facilitates it)

Who gets to tell other people who they can talk to? Why them? How did they get that power to tell them why how where and when they can choose freely to interact? Sorry, unless you want a totalitarian system the guy can talk to whoever he DAMN WELL PLEASES!

They'll get bored very quickly once they realise nobody gives a toss.

Great idea to ignore them. You do that but don't tell others what to do, otherwise I might have to tell you to log off OcUK as I don't want to hear your opinion and you would HAVE to do that it realize people were ignoring you and not bother.
Milo owes at least $500,000 and has no way of paying it.

Milo Inc. (the company that was supposed to resurrect his career) is insolvent. He had to cancel his Australian tour after the promoters refused to meet his demands (including a payment of $40,000 up front).

When Milo left Breitbart his followers claimed it could only lead to greater things; that he was now completely unfettered, and free to soar like an eagle on the wings of alt-right dog whistle identity politics. More sensible voices warned it was actually the beginning of the end.

They were right. Milo is ******.
My heart bleeds, maybe he could use fabled oral skills on the streets of whatever city he lives in to earn a buck or two.

Much in there I disagree with, but it's not support for paedophilia which is what he was accused of and which I (correctly) said he never did.

Dave Rubin is gay and alt right, and he makes $27,000 a month from his YouTube channel. They don't care that he's gay.

It's possible to be libertarian and alt right. They're not incompatible.

Dave Rubin is not Alt-Right. Nor is Classical Liberal (what he styles himself as) compatible with being Alt-Right which is a reactionary Identity Politics movement that is anti-Semitic and which is in favour of ethno-states. Both conflicting with Classical Liberalism.
First rule of the alt-right: deny being in the alt-right.

Saying "the alt-right actually hate me because xyz!" is even better.
Wow, Milo's debts are even larger than I thought!

The far right activist Milo Yiannopoulos was more than $2m in debt during 2018, according to a collection of documents assembled by his former Australian tour promoters and seen by Guardian Australia. Creditors listed in the documents include employees of his company, a wedding venue and his former sponsors, the billionaire Mercer family.

The documents indicate that as of April 2018, Yiannopoulos owed $1.6m to his own company, $400,000 to the Mercers, $153,215 to his former lawyers, $76,574 to former collaborator and Breitbart writer Allum Bokhari, and $20,000 to the luxury jewellery brand Cartier.

As of 2 October, Yiannopoulos owed sums of several thousand dollars to far right writers including Ian Miles Cheong, anti-Islamic ideologue Pamela Geller and science fiction writer Theodore Beale, aka Vox Day, the documents indicate, amongst others.


This is just amazing.

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