Fair enough. But does he not speak the truth?
Sometimes, he also cherry picks facts to support his politics and generally tries to be as offensive as possible. He's a bit of a dick but he's not a facist or a white nationalist.
Fair enough. But does he not speak the truth?
He criticised the movie for being terrible and got banned from Twitter because of what people who follow him said to the actress, he didn't agree with the things they were saying at all, nor did he post anything abusive or out of order.
There's no truth, only subjective opinion.
He compared her to a man afaik, which was abusive.
And back to reality, just listen to the vile hatred spewed by this Nazi woman, the assault on her is totally deserved... (well in the mind of herp derp at least)
How? You're not making any sense, he's criticised Islam so he's fascist? AFAIK the guy is a libertarian who has been quite rude in his criticisms of feminism, Islam and priveledge/identity politics - all that combined doesn't seem to make someone a facist. He's rude and offensive sure but you're just using facist as a throwaway term here and have provided no good argument for it.
How is he doing that? Trump is a big Israeli supporter AFAIK, the college events Milo speaks at are organised by student Republican groups. You seem to have made a circular argument in labelling him a facist then concluding that people watching him are facist and therefore hate jews(despite going to an event hosted by a gay person with Jewish heritage who is quite open about his relationships with black men).
I think what you'll actually find is that right wing racist types don't like Milo very much
This is not true.
Have you even read the article you posted? The only thing he did was criticise her grammar. What did he post that was abusive? All you've done is post unsubstantiated claims in this thread
He is a fascist as anyone who criticises him he immediately trolls them with his followers and they end up quiet which is what he wants. His way, his view is right and the rest are all wrong.
It's not just polite criticism, him and his ilk stir up hatred against minorities.
Within every eloborate lie is a kernel of truth. But that's irrelevant. Milo doesn't care about the truth, he cares about saying the things that will get him the most attention. He's a self-styled cult leader who preys on the disenfranchised.
Ahhh i get it now what hurduf is sayinf is that wr should violently beat up these people?
You should be careful posting things like that hurf you could be done with inciting religious/political hatred calling for peoplw to bruttaly beat those who they dissagree with.
If thats true why do the university conference circuit and not the tv chatshow one? Like kate Hopkins
If thats true why do the university conference circuit and not the tv chatshow one? Like kate Hopkins
Because his target audience doesn't watch broadcast TV?
Because he is an incredibly gifted orator and devilishly intelligent to be frank.
He's just a freakshow to Americans. An openly gay, British, currently republican loving, anti semitic, self loathing sideshow.
Every now and then a Brit conquers the US media, usually via hideous chat or reality music shows. He is having his 15mins he'll make it to mainstream TV for a few months and earn a few million in the process, he knows it, he has his eyes on the prize.
He knows the format very well too after his experiences at university.
Ahhh i get it now what hurduf is sayinf is that wr should violently beat up these people?
You should be careful posting things like that hurf you could be done with inciting religious/political hatred calling for peoplw to bruttaly beat those who they dissagree with.
Yes it was the Allies who were the true Nazi's in WW2, not allowing their freedom of speech and what not, resorting to violence to stop them as well, disgraceful.