Minecraft 1.15.2 Vanilla Server now up and running!!

The Guardian Farm is complete- you'll find it out at -3280 2250 - I'll put in a rail via the nether later today probably. I don't personally use the rails, I go on top of the nether and fly to the portals - the Nether Portal coords are -403 267 so not far at all.

There are two modes - auto afk mode and XP mode. There are two levers. One turns the supply of guardians on or off, and the other changes the mode. To use xp mode, throw the lever, crouch under the exposed wall, close the gates behind you and start slashing away. Do be aware the Guardians have thorns. There are a few beacons with Resistance and Regen there.

It's very noisy with the Guardians and the loot storage systems. There rates are so good I was having trouble using a standard hopper sorter, so had to make a bespoke water/ice/hopper arangement so as to lose as little loot as possible. Yeah it, s a mess - sue me - it's back of house :p There's two of these ice/hopper sorters up there!!

Feel free to use it. I still need a decent ink farm :)


The rates at the iron farm at spawn are so mad that I've made a few changes - there's no longer an AFK spot - the chests on the far right of the array fill up first and are all publicly accessible, so if you need iron you can just grab it out of the chests.

There's nearly 25 double chests of iron blocks in stock in the back room at the farm atm, and I'm having to empty it every other day (42 double chests of iron ingots, or 2,268 stacks of ingots every 48 hours or so :p)

I got round to doing a rate test at the Guardian farm - this is 10 minutes of afk looting, and and you can see, there is a metric but-ton of loot. There's a similar amount of Raw Cod as the Prismarine Crystals. You can see why I had to design a decent sorting system as there's no way a standard hopper sorter can even hope to keep up! Feel free to use the farm and have fun! Laters - Ham

Found a nice, easy ink farm and spent the last two days building it up. Hardest part was finding a river biome 8x21 blocks in size, but found one out to the West. Had to do a little bit of land conditioning to get rid of all the other river biomes which was a little tedious, but was done in a few hours. The other pita was getting 7 endermites spawned in, named, caught in a boat and manoeuvred into place, but I got the in the end!

The design has 2x2x21 blocks long water spawning areas for the squid that then go into one of 4 maximum size Nether Portals. In the Nether, they drop to their death (The entity going through the portal loads the nether for 5 seconds, more than enough time, bearing in mind the amount of squid going through)

A dropper elevator takes the drops up to the upper area in the Nether. Pigmen also get caught up in it, so it will give a few gold nuggets and rotten flesh as a by-product. The rates seem to be around 9000 ink sacs per hour - the picture below shows just 15 minutes of afk.

I still have to decorate it and make it look nice, but it's certainly ready for use. There is a tunnel off the main East/West line in the Nether, plus a portal up on the Nether roof. Bear in mind this is a Force Spawn design and as such will only work if you are the only player in the Overworld. There is a very specific block to afk on - you'll see it marked out in the Overworld. Feel free to use - have fun. Ham!

The actual farm dug out down to y=42 with four portals


The Nether area showing portals and drop chute


Not too much terrain conditioning - you can see the area I had to do and used Netherrack and Stone to fill in any river biome


This is just 15 mins afk - this farm should produce about 2 and a half double chests of ink per hour!!

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It's been a few weeks since I last posted - two things of note - the storage at the iron farm has reached capacity. I have in store 96 double chests full of iron blocks, 5184 stacks to be precise, or 331,776 blocks of iron. That's 2,985,964 ingots!!!!!! That's in my own personal store. I've changed all the ingot chests to public access, so there should always be iron for whoever want to help themselves. There should always be about 4000 stacks on ingots in stock, not including the stuff in the hoppers, so ~250,000 ingots available at all times. Any overflow is voided, but the chests will restock when you take the iron.

The other thing is I've just hit 1,000 levels of xp - not too shabby lol!

These are all FULL of iron blocks!!


These chests are (will be in a few days) all full of iron ingots, available to anyone who wants them - help yourselves!!

It's been a few weeks since I last posted - two things of note - the storage at the iron farm has reached capacity. I have in store 96 double chests full of iron blocks, 5184 stacks to be precise, or 331,776 blocks of iron. That's 2,985,964 ingots!!!!!! That's in my own personal store. I've changed all the ingot chests to public access, so there should always be iron for whoever want to help themselves. There should always be about 4000 stacks on ingots in stock, not including the stuff in the hoppers, so ~250,000 ingots available at all times. Any overflow is voided, but the chests will restock when you take the iron.

The other thing is I've just hit 1,000 levels of xp - not too shabby lol!

These are all FULL of iron blocks!!


These chests are (will be in a few days) all full of iron ingots, available to anyone who wants them - help yourselves!!


Can I build a tunnel to your base?

I'm trying to build some under/overground tunnels to key arears to avoid the baddies, you may have noticed some of my tunnels so far constructed.
How much?!? O.o The farm has been hard at work then :p


Can I build a tunnel to your base?

I'm trying to build some under/overground tunnels to key arears to avoid the baddies, you may have noticed some of my tunnels so far constructed.

Of course - be my guest. You might run into my claim at some point, so give me a yell and I can continue the tunnel/build :)
The server will be updating to 1.15.1 as soon as the plugins catch up. Dynmap, UltimateTimber and GriefPrevention are all good to go, just need to wait for CoreProtect to be updated.

Forge is available for your client 1.15.1 but as of yet Voxelmap and Optifine have not been updated.

I'll bump this post and get the title changed once the server has updated :)
Awww naww going to take ages to get the ray tracing pack installed such a nightmare lol

is this Java version or windows 10 you’re playing? Sorry that’s probably in the opening post isn’t it. What ray tracing shaders are you using? (hence java Q) how does it run? Would love to get it working on my Titan pascal
is this Java version or windows 10 you’re playing? Sorry that’s probably in the opening post isn’t it. What ray tracing shaders are you using? (hence java Q) how does it run? Would love to get it working on my Titan pascal

Its java version, use it through Multi MC.

Can't remember the name but there is only one ray tracing version, should run fine for you as it doesn't use sensor cores. I get about 20 to 30fps at 1440p but its enough for me.

Does anyone know what texture pack is used in Minecrafts official latest trailer showcasing the buzzy beers?
The server is now updated to 1.15.1 All plugins are working fine. Voxelmap is available for your client using the Fabric api. Optifine is currently not out for 1.15.1 I'll ask a mod to change the title!

Fabric Loader: https://fabricmc.net/use/
Fabric files: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-api/files
Voxelmap: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/voxelmap/files

Use the first link to get a 1.15.1 instance. Download the 2nd and 3rd links and place them in the mods folder (press windows key then type in %appdata% hit return double click on .minecraft to find the mods folder


Just a heads up. Had a message from the host company saying the server will be offline for ~30 mins sometime between 09:00 and 15:00 tomorrow for maintenance.

There should be a 5 minute warning before the server closes :)
Just thought I'd bump this seeing as a lot of us are confined to barracks. The server is still up and running. Feel free to hop on - it's a family safe server and the few plugins we have a re designed to stop griefing. Just add your ign if you want to be added to the whitelist. Cheers - Ham
Any idea when you would be able to update to 1.5.2? I switched to my server to play with some of the bee mechanics!
Although I am pretty addicted to stardew right now :D
Any idea when you would be able to update to 1.5.2? I switched to my server to play with some of the bee mechanics!
Although I am pretty addicted to stardew right now :D
I'll do it later today once I'm done beating home teaching the kids..... :D:D
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