Minecraft OCuK Forum Members Server Thread

i want the station to be kept as simple as possible, really. if that means having multiple platforms or even multiple rooms then thats fine, id rather than then over-complicating it with banks of switches and tracks with multiple directionss.

there's enough room for 8 completely separate tracks (or 4x pairs) as it currently is, im sure that;s enough for the time being. Id rather have junction points outside of the station :)

With the new mod the station will be VERY simple. the only redstone stuff that needs to be there is to press button to request a cart from the cart dispenser. All of the switching can be done with a 'station block' at each junction and that requires no redstone, just a simple slash command to choose direction. And with boosters being a simple gold block placed under the track there is no need for any room to be taken up with sections of 'booster' track.
Sounds cool Gars.

I'll go back to the Arena for a bit then till the 20th to see what happens with mods/carts in the update.

That mine cart mod does look very interesting and useful, hope it works after the beta (unless notch steals some of it's features)
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Who is it who has started building all this stuff near the water mountain? I've been building underground there for a long time with all my production and testing area so that I can have a clean looking castle above ground. I covered the mountain with water so people would assume it is in use and that someone already is there. But now I log on to find that someone else has started building right outside the door to my house.

Considering how many hours it took to do all the digging underground for materails and space there is no way I'm going to be moving elsewhere, so I will start to build above ground and if that gets in the way of whoever else is trying to build there, tough.
Can I get on the whitelist please? Like to have a look about at the very least :)
user tostring

edit: why did i get kicked??
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Can I get on the whitelist please? Like to have a look about at the very least :)
user tostring

edit: why did i get kicked??


I am sure you already know ^^^^ I have to ask why ?
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And i'd imagine that people suspect you of getting other people onto the whitelist by pretending their game names are your own.

After all, why would you pay twice? :)
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