Yes you are right & I was waiting to see if this would be bought up.
This is the plan
I will give every player say 5,000 OCUKs to spend at the server shop,
95% of items will be listed at the shop to buy at 1 OCUKs each from the server shop,
Some items I will give to every player in a pack such as tools, diamonds ect
The problem is we have players that have dupped loads of items & hidden them in chests thinking they are going to be safe, the only way I can remove the items is to clear everyones chests out. I dont really want someone to have 5,000 diamonds, it will stopped extra fun mods been added to the server later on.
I want to build a economy on the server & paid warps extra but this can't be done unless the extra items that should not be there in the first place are removed.
This has to be done for the long term good of the server, this is a aplha soon to be beta game things like this are going to have to happen I am not doing it for the fun of it or out of spite its for the long term good of the server.
Who know as I said before we could end up with a whole world restart, that would be even worse.
If I could have put a stopped to the duping in the first place I would have but I was powerless.
Players would still do it behind my back & I don't want any sneeky stuff going on, on the server as its not nice, so I left players to dupe.