Gars i downloaded the old map but was wondering if there is any way you can upload the warp points etc? Or is that not accessible any more?
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Did you miss the BIG text in red before the button ?
'Donations are on hold till 04/01/11 when the server upped to a 24 slot'
Do you want me to hold the funds or you want a refund ?
No sorry thats the only file that I get when I do a world save, think /warps are save are part of the hmod but I dont get thoses files.
Giving people free stuff to start with sounds wrong. Starting from nothing and working your way up is the game to me. imo.
Not even giving them wood/stone tools? They won't last long, but will at least get people started.
Not even giving them wood/stone tools? They won't last long, but will at least get people started.
pointless trying to 'play the game properly' when we mod the **** out of it just to get it working. pretty humorous that you dont entertain the idea of giving people wood tools yet your happy with warp points, protected zones, restricted fire / tnt ect ect.
...none of that is supposed to be there.