Minecraft OCuK Forum Members Server Thread

Garsands, how great are your powers? Are you able to delete my tower and give me some cobble stone in exchange? :) I think I've built too close to spawn :/

I will only remove buildings if they are in bad state of repair , they have been built in a no build zone (spawn) , they have been built to close to someones own land/building.

I am trying to keep the use of my powers to a min as it can mess up the balance of the server, as learnt on world number 2 (this is 3)

So you are going to have to remove it the hard way or tell the server to help themselves to it.
sigh, setting up my friends aquarium is a pain, been at it all day and it's not until we turn it on at about 6pm that we find the pump supplied by the shop (as part of their suggested bundle) is FAR too powerful (like 20x too powerful), you'd think for £2k they'd know what they are doing! now we've got to hope they can get hold of a lower capacity model tomorrow and then bang goes my evening. not sure i'm going to be on now much until sunday, darn it!
Can we have the vault warp back? Just the vault. A lot of hastle building stuff if all your blocks are stored in your vault and you have to run back and forth.

No, you will have to /spawn & walk it's not that far.

Thanks sylvet

vincent1989 well theres lots of work left on the server for you to do :D
You have done a good job with the spawn (troy-town) layout.
Was to rushed off my feet last few days & wanted to sort the vaults out to say what a good job you done.
All YOU need to do now is give the main town a name. Have named it troy-town as a temp name.

Server shop still on hold just looked at the settings & its going to take a while to fill it in, has come along way from when I installed it on world 2.
See below.
apeZ could be in luck looking at the settings belosw quickly I thnk it can be set so they need to be standing in the shop to buy & sell, maybe wrong tho.

oh & will try & finsh off protecting the vaults.

#Minecraft Properties File
#Fri Dec 24 10:43:40 GMT 2010
shop-invalid-amount=Invalid amount specified\!
shop-selling-stock=Current flux is at %1$s per item.
sign-upgrade-exists=\u00C2\u00A7cSorry\! Cannot upgrade, you must create a sign first\!
sign-bought-amount=\u00C2\u00A72You bought \u00C2\u00A7f%d \u00C2\u00A72of \u00C2\u00A7f%s\u00C2\u00A72, it cost you \u00C2\u00A7f%s
lottery-loser=The lady looks at you and shakes her head. Try Again\!
sign-stock-full=Sorry, currently your stock is full\!
shop-doesnt-exist=Sorry store [%1$s] doesn't exist\!
shop-purchase-list-bundle=%1$s costs %2$s at %3$d per bundle.
shop-selling-list-single=%1$s is worth %2$s per item
buy-not-enough=Sorry, you currently don't have enough to buy that\!
lottery-not-enough=Sorry, you do not have enough to buy a ticket\!
sign-max-buysell=\u00C2\u00A7cYou may not sell or buy items in amounts over \u00C2\u00A7f%d
sign-amount-greater-than=\u00C2\u00A7cAmount must be greater then \u00C2\u00A7f%d
shop-selling-no-items=No items are available for selling.
trade-rates-for-money=\    - %1$sx %2$s for %3$s.
shop-selling-unavailable=Currently cannot be sold\!
shop-item-data=Item\: %1$s [\# %2$d] Details\:
buy-success=Your purchase cost you %s\! Here you go \:)\!
sign-owner-no-stock=\u00C2\u00A7f%s \u00C2\u00A7cdoesn't have that in stock\!
shop-selling-list-start=Shop Selling (Page %1$d of %2$d)\:
trade-item-amount=Trading\: %1$s - Amount\: %2$d.
lottery-winner=Congratulations %s won %d %s in the lottery\!
sell-invalid-amount=Sorry, you must sell these in increments of %d\!
sign-values-numerical=\u00C2\u00A7cValues are not numerical\: \u00C2\u00A7f%s
trade-money-recieve=You recieved %1$s.
trade-global-item-recieve=%1$s got %2$d %3$s from trading.
trade-item-remainder=There are %1$d %2$s left in the chest.
shop-not-inside=You must be inside the shop to do that\!
shop-purchase-amount-bundle=%1$d bundles cost %2$s.
money-reset=Your account has been reset.
shop-create=Store [%3$s] created at\: %1$dx, %2$dz\!
shop-selling-list-stock=%1$s in flux at %2$s per item.
shop-selling-bundle=Must be sold in bundles of %1$d for %2$s.
sign-player-sold=\u00C2\u00A72You sold \u00C2\u00A7f%d %s \u00C2\u00A72giving you \u00C2\u00A7f%s
shop-purchase-unavailable=Currently cannot be bought\!
shop-purchase-list-single=%1$s costs %2$s per item
money-pay-self=You cannot send money to yourself.
valid=\u00C2\u00A7cShop no longer exists, resetting text\!
sign-non-existant=\u00C2\u00A7cYou don't have a sign with that item.
lottery-cost=The lady snatches %s from your hand and gives you a ticket.
sign-owner-bankrupt=\u00C2\u00A7f%s \u00C2\u00A7cis currently out of \u00C2\u00A7f%s.
trade-item-not-usable=This item cannot be used for trade.
money-deducted=%1$s was deducted from your account.
sign-not-enough-player=\u00C2\u00A7cYou don't have enough \u00C2\u00A7f%s \u00C2\u00A7cto do that\!
shop-selling-amount-bundle=%1$d bundles are selling for %2$s.
money-not-enough=You do not have enough money.
trade-item-not-enough=Not enough items (%1$d/%2$d) for trade.
shop-goodbye=Thanks for shopping with us\!
shop-purchase-amount-stock=%1$d fluxuating at %2$s.
trade-item-first-slot=Add the items in the first slot.
shop-purchase-amount-single=%1$d will cost %2$s.
buy-rejected=Sorry, that item is currently unavailable\!
trade-global-money-recieve=%1$s got %2$s from trading.
sign-buy-created=\u00C2\u00A72Shop sign created\! \u00C2\u00A72People can buy \u00C2\u00A7f%d %s \u00C2\u00A72for \u00C2\u00A7f%s \u00C2\u00A72from you.
shop-welcome=Hello there %1$s, welcome to our shop\!
sign-owner-not-enough-stock=\u00C2\u00A7f%s \u00C2\u00A7cdoesn't have enough \u00C2\u00A7f%s \u00C2\u00A7cleft in stock\!
money-balance-player=%1$s's Balance\: %2$s
shop-purchase-list-start=Shop Buying (Page %1$d of %2$d)\:
trade-rates-for-item=\    - %1$sx %2$s for %3$d %4$s.
buy-not-enough-stock=Sorry, stock on that item is currently low\!
shop-selling-single=Can be sold for %1$s per item.
shop-stock-item=Current Stock\: %1$d
shop-selling-amount-single=%1$d will sell for %2$s.
money-pay-from=%1$s has sent you %2$s.
shop-purchase-list-stock=%1$s in flux at %2$s per item.
shop-purchase-no-items=No items are available for buying.
trade-rates=Trading rates are currently\:
valid-item=\u00C2\u00A7cInvalid item\!
sign-you-no-stock=\u00C2\u00A7f%s \u00C2\u00A7cdon't have that in stock\!
sell-rejected=Sorry, that item is currently unavailable\!
sell-success-sold=Sold %d out of %d\!
money-deposited=%1$s deposited into %2$s's account.
sign-owner-stock=\u00C2\u00A7f%d %s \u00C2\u00A72has been put into stock\!
trade-item-recieve=You received %1$d %2$s.
sell-none=Whoops, you seem to not have any of that item\!
shop-invalid-item=Invalid Item\!
shop-purchase-bundle=Must be bought in bundles of %1$d for %2$s.
money-balance=Balance\: \u00A72%1$s
sign-sell-created=\u00C2\u00A72Shop sign created\! \u00C2\u00A72People can sell \u00C2\u00A7f%d %s \u00C2\u00A72at \u00C2\u00A7f%s to you.
sign-transaction-greater-than=\u00C2\u00A7cTransaction amount must be greater then \u00C2\u00A7f%d
shop-invalid-page=Not a valid page number.
money-recieve=You recieved %1$s.
shop-exists=Store [%1$s] already exists\!
sign-failed-parse=\u00C2\u00A7cFailed to parse\: \u00C2\u00A7f%s
sign-stock-owner-full=Sorry, %1$s's stock is currently full\!
buy-invalid-amount=Sorry, you must buy these in increments of %d\!
lottery-not-available=Lottery seems to be unavailable this time. Try again\!
shop-invalid-name=Invalid store name [%1$s] (A-Za-z0-9) only\!
money-pay=You have sent %1$s to %2$s.
sign-upgrade-amount=\u00C2\u00A7cCannot upgrade\! You must have at least %s to upgrade.
money-reset-alert=%1$s's account has been reset.
shop-destroy=Store [%2$s] was destroyed\!
shop-selling-list-bundle=%1$s is worth %2$s at %3$d per bundle.
shop-stock-low=Currently stock on that item is low\!
sell-success=Your account has been credited with %s\!
sign-amount-left=\u00C2\u00A72You now have \u00C2\u00A7f%d \u00C2\u00A72left of \u00C2\u00A7f%s \u00C2\u00A72in your stock.
shop-purchase-stock=Currently flux is at %1$s per item.
shop-selling-amount-stock=%1$d fluxuating at %2$s.
shop-purchase-single=Can be bought for %1$s per item.
money-removed=%1$s removed from %2$s's account.
sign-wait=\u00C2\u00A7eYou need to wait \u00C2\u00A76%d seconds before shopping\!
vincent1989 well theres lots of work left on the server for you to do :D
You have done a good job with the spawn (troy-town) layout.
Was to rushed off my feet last few days & wanted to sort the vaults out to say what a good job you done.

Aww thanks, i kind of like 'atlantis', a supposed hub of culture and thinking and an architectural marvel.

sound good to everyone else?

Ok so depending on whether or not the garden centre get the pump tomorrow on either tomorrow night, or saturday night i'd like to build the main spawn building, i'll require lots of help, smooth stone and glass so if anyone is available to help or wants to contribute materials then i'd welcome it. Until then, again if people are available, there are a few jobs that need doing;
The floor of the station and the bank need half blocking and the gap between the walls could do with half blocking, after this spawn should be completely free of mobs.
The outer and inner walls need to also be raised by 4 blocks so they are each 7 blocks high, this is to incorporate the tube system which looks like it will need setting up within the next week or so.

Thanks for your continued cooperation in and help building a better spawn.
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Awesome map! I'm pretty much done with my glass retreat, not sure whether I can be bothered to extend it or not. It does everything I want it to, minus a cobble generator which I don't particularly need at the moment.

I might work with the two rizo's to create a small station near our area next, and link that to spawn :) Is Minecart Mania still installed? Is it working?

Edit: I'll have a sift through that shop code later garsands and see if I can do anything with it to save you the time. I still need to work on the interior of the shop, although I'd like to introduce items a few at a time rather than put everything in at once. Would be good to get the basics in e.g. wood, cobble, grass, dirt and also gives us a chance to test everything and make sure it works.

garsands, is there any chance I can have the sell (to shop) file as well? I can save you more time by doing that as well, and I need to work out a few prices so it would help. I'm happy to keep to your 4:1 buy/sell ratio where possible!
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I know it was your house on last server 4,400 blocks from spawn do /getpos for me and post how far you are out this time.

I don't know what it all means, but here we are.

I don't know what it all means, but here we are.

Means you have out done yourself this time you are 6710 by 2099 blocks from the spawn tuts.

Wooden sword?

Thanks, get a wooden sword & right click on a vault block.

Have all the vaults been secured now?

some have I will do some more tonight if you have a red rose in your vault then yes.

Can I be added to the Whitelist. Username is Spaghetti_Os. Any advice/tips for when I get on there? Have mucked about in singleplayer for a while.

If you played single player then no, just find a spot & build or help others.

Useful will add to first post on thread

whitelist updated
I am very pleased with the new World, and everyone is making cool things :)

I am going to make redstone circuits for doors, alarms or traps etc soon, just ask me and we can arrange it :)
spawn is fantastic, little barren once you step outside though - buildings are generally too far away to see and in every direction. I'd personally like to see more communal building outside of spawn, as well
I'm trying to get loads of iron to build a monorail, it's really short at the moment and starts on top of my base but it'd be good to get it to the current furthest buildings and then expand in other directions and then anyone could use it too.
i'm interested in joining my house up, but it kinda needs the station in spawn to be build so you know where to aim, what type of rail system to use, so its all the right shape/size/height.
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