Minecraft OCuK Forum Members Server Thread

garsands could you please tell me how you have got your whitelist working, i've got a minecraft server on multiplay too, i've had randoms stop by and it's starting to get a little annoying.
I've got this bit in my server.properties
and added my own name in the whitelist as so
is there something I'm missing?

Thats all you should need, you have removed the # before the text ?
I managed to get a server running at work, if you send me the files I'll set it up here and increase it to 24 players.

Sorry did not finsh work till 10pm last night & been to work all day today,
the last worldsave file I have is dated 17/10/10 so are old.

I did ask Multiplay for a new set of worldsave files for both servers on Wednesday they told me thay had uploaded them to clanforge but they had not.

I can ask again on Monday if you want to use your work server to see if you have better luck.

The file is 45mb so I can upload it to my website if you still want a copy.
Can somebody try joining my server, I'm trying to get my whitelist to work, only want this server for my mates, not the open to the internet!
Cheers let me know guys.
garsands can you add me to msn if you have it, it's in my trust. I'd love if you could give me a copy of your server.properties and whitelist so I can hopefully get mine working! thanks.
Pyramid coming along...


If anyone wants to join it that'd be great! It's just 3 rows of slabs & one row of glass.

The middle also needs digging out if you're after resources.
garsands have you put some new mod on or something I can't get lava to stay, it just disapres?

No I have not, it stopped working the day lovely multiplay added the server up grade :(

They are not replying to my tickets at the moment, I am not a happy bunny :mad:

Delvis if your minecraft name is Delvis then yes I put you on the list at 7pm

lava & water is now working as before, I have just tested it on server 2 & working fine but I server 1 I dont' own a bucket so could not test but should be fine as I have changed files on both servers.

Worldsaves on both servers are working again.

& Gornall you are now on the whitelist

Everything now seems to be back to normal

lava & water is now working as before, I have just tested it on server 2 & working fine but I server 1 I dont' own a bucket so could not test but should be fine as I have changed files on both servers.

Worldsaves on both servers are working again.

& Gornall you are now on the whitelist

Everything now seems to be back to normal

Good work fella, we can start filling those pits at PeadoBear !
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