Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

Definitely, i'm thinking old style Wembley

I think this is a very good idea.

How about splitting the map down the middle with a big wall (with doorways) one half can be random build like the first small map and the other half should be themed e.g Famous buildings from around the world??

If the new map is that big, space shouldn't be a problem?

I think we should just have a huge city in the middle with cool skyscrapers and then rivers and mountains and stuff outside of it. Areas for random statues like Mario and Pacman etc
Chill out shipinabottle. It was accidental the first time (dunno what happened the second time) and the guy who did it helped remove all the water.

nah i know about the first time whilst we were building it. somebody yesterday has come along n thought it'd be funny to delete two blocks of the steps flood the place n then seal the 2 blocks up so it looks like nothing happened.

wasn't you man.

but this time it was on purpose. clearly walked along saw the moat going round n delete 2 blocks n flooded the steps. its the only way to fill it that high with water.
Unfortunately that is the way of the internet, tards get everywhere!

The only way would be to email the link out to individuals who requested it, but then you wouldn't get the random inspiration that made the original map interesting!
right, ive started filling and recarving the base of the LOST jacob statue that me n tyrcian created a couple of days ago.

try not to fill it in please

and to whoever thought it'd be ******* clever to flood it the first time, **** ***. it wasn't smart, a lot of time went into that statue and you have destroyed it. well done, har har, ur a smart ***. i thought OCUKers would have a little respect for the things we do but apparantly your as childish as a pre school kid from Kindergarten Cop. so see if this bit of advice helps 'pick up your toys, and **** ***'

im a little drunk from my night out but even if i was sober id say the same thing.

people please dont dig caverns randomly underground either, we've all spent allot of time building areas to have somebody think its fun to dig dig dig dig around underground n they hit a room we've spent time on and kablam its flooded. im suprised nobodys hit REX yet....

Pingu Pi
I found the guy who did it, he had actually flooded everything he could find and was quite proud of it. Needless to say, he is IP banned.
nah i know about the first time whilst we were building it. somebody yesterday has come along n thought it'd be funny to delete two blocks of the steps flood the place n then seal the 2 blocks up so it looks like nothing happened.

wasn't you man.

but this time it was on purpose. clearly walked along saw the moat going round n delete 2 blocks n flooded the steps. its the only way to fill it that high with water.

Aww man, harsh. I thought it was ther underground bit that got flooded, but you meant the whole area?

Bet that was a pain in the arse to clear. :(
It happens sadly, is the risk of going below the water table. Just found things of mine flooded for the 3rd/4th day running. sigh :(
If your building underground its a good idea to block off a small area behind you at a time - and if you do hit water stop demolishing blocks and hit R if necessary or repair rather than risk flooding someones work.
Name and shame Lyon.

Smogsy -> Simples! - Just join and add/delete blocks. Repeat as required :p lol
im confused :confused:

ive register on the site as smogsy not sure how to join the server though?]

on single player i built a Church/chatherdal took me a hour or 2 just to do one side. thought id better stop incase i have to restart on ocuk server.
Anywhere there isn't a major structure already...

I wouldn't start anything too major yet until we decide if we are starting a new map from scratch or not - the current one is a bit full.
i built a terminator statue not finshed fully yet its oppsite the mario turtle

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