Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

I've removed a couple of names from the banlist - not sure if it has affect instantly...

I've tried to be as hands off as possible but if theres further griefing/arguments I will start to moderate the server.
Just a quick one - I was building an underground maze/secret basement room that was marked by some flotsam in the sewers (nearest entrance was the start). The flotsam's now gone as is the area if I'm looking in the right place - but the sewers do all look the same.

Yhojo and Pingu were down there with me and knew what I was building - it was 1 block above solid rock so in no danger of flooding anything. Just wondering if it's just the flotsam that's been removed or if the whole thing was deemed for deletion, OR if the server rolled back.

PS. Flotsam was some boxes and green stuff 'blocking' the sewer flow.
It wasn't deemed as fitting in with the theme.

Oh, well that's ok then.
I appreciate the work you've put into the map, but I put some effort into that house and to come back and to find it removed with "FREE" in it's place is a bit of a joke. It was in an obscure corner and out of the way, and was deleted just for the sake of it, the space still hasn't been used.

If it's not deemed by "the masses" as fitting with the theme someone could at least have notified me. Does that mean that I can prance round the map and delete what I deem inappropriate for the map?
No one knew who had built it - we marked it as for deletion after the majority of people on the server at the time agreed that it didn't fit the semi-realistic city theme. I'm not sure how long it was left in that state before someone wiped it as I didn't remove it myself.

I'm not really happy with all teh deleting and stuff going on - people should stick to their plot really - but at the same time the server was clearly marked as city themed construction only.
Still banned ;( bah. guess the latest project goes on hold then ;(

Seems like all hell is breaking loose, whats going on with things lately? Veggie is sound, shouldnt be banned.

I notice a lot of griefing happening like Rrnoffs place :(

Many people not willing to go bk on anymore, think we should start a new and stick to one huge building or like a giant boat like titanic or somert so its one big project, just some ideas
Oh, well that's ok then.
I appreciate the work you've put into the map, but I put some effort into that house and to come back and to find it removed with "FREE" in it's place is a bit of a joke. It was in an obscure corner and out of the way, and was deleted just for the sake of it, the space still hasn't been used.

If it's not deemed by "the masses" as fitting with the theme someone could at least have notified me. Does that mean that I can prance round the map and delete what I deem inappropriate for the map?

i think i speak for us all including rroff who asked for the 2nd servre. if you want to build daft stuff like upside down houses, rainbow towers and underground S&M Dungeons go do it on the other server we clearly set out for people who just want to have a mess on n build characters n stuff. this is the server all the serious people asked so we had a project to work. a full city with integrated sewers/subways etc.

dont come here n complain if you haven't read the rules. u wanna mess around go do it on the public server we have linked on the first page.

Ill Continue to delete anything that stands outside the theme of the server especially when it includes tunnels out of plots. u go outside your designated plot with tunneling n going crazy, ill delete it all n fill it in. you keep doing it and you get banned off the server. too many people come on now willy nilly and are playing with a project a lot of us have put hard work into.

a lot of it isnt just random crap though is it ?

for example what was wrong with Ease's building that got deleted ?

theres loads of huge and uninspiring poorly built building around but they havent been touched for ages.
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Oh, well that's ok then.
I appreciate the work you've put into the map, but I put some effort into that house and to come back and to find it removed with "FREE" in it's place is a bit of a joke. It was in an obscure corner and out of the way, and was deleted just for the sake of it, the space still hasn't been used.

If it's not deemed by "the masses" as fitting with the theme someone could at least have notified me. Does that mean that I can prance round the map and delete what I deem inappropriate for the map?

It only got deleted earlier this week and had been marked for deletion for some time. I thought it was cool though!
a lot of it isnt just random crap though is it ?

for example what was wrong with Ease's building that got deleted ?

theres loads of huge and uninspiring poorly built building around but they havent been touched for ages.

because it had sky writing irrelevent. and he was digging across plots and it had no relevance to a city. it had no rooms. just a big E inside then a tunnel going down. he crossed over the plot beside him where there is a house being Built.

you dont like it, go to the other server we have for ya. ya not really clicking to the idea, this is our server that we want for a specialist project, theres a reason we have 2 now.


there ya go, enjoy all ur creative freedom on that one.

ive tried spelling it out simple. THIS IS FOR A SPECFIC PURPOSE! you want to have all the creative freedom to build whatever, go on the other server, theres plenty of room...
building more and more pointless sewers and underground spars etc like most people seem to be doing is hardly making it look more like a city

why not start changing some of the horrid building into nicer city themed ones ?

ive been building city theme building for the last week but theres only so much that can be done on tiny plots in crappy areas

as for eases building then why not just ask him to fill the hole in and remove the E ? or someone could have used the base of that building for something else if you had actually of told people on here instead of it just vanishing
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underground spars shouldn't be happening. but sewers are a part of a city. they will stop being built once they cover the city in a reasonable fashion.

because it takes 1min to build the base of Ease's building. it was basic, it had no intricate design that couldn't be copied within a minute.

sorry i wasn't aware that you were the master of architecture. theres very few buildings that dont suit the place, id say the castles are very much out of place and should be changed but thats being discussed at the moment.

and i haven't the time to change the horrid ones because im too busy cleaning up the bloody tunneling escapades i keep finding whenever i do pop on. i haven't even had chance to finish my pub and house yet.
God i took a break from it today and looks like i've missed a lot gone on. I decided to buy Monkey island on Steam to give myself a break and sick of filling in tunnels and unflooding stuff like for example the subway that me and firestar and afew others had to re-enforce with sponges, took ages.

I have decided not to build anything on this map, apart from my igloo which was crap and was marked T so i deleted my own building and just helped others now like pingu's building, firestars tunnel (my ideas guys:p) and just going around looking after the map and maybe making it more city like, i added the Mc'd's billboard and made that area looking nice. It's just ashame how some people like ruining things :( It's taken bloody hard work for someone people to get that map working and looking good. Oh also did the locks for the barges early on at the start of map :)

So come on no more falling outs, whats done is done and lets get more buildings going and anything else out of place gets T'ed and questioned on here first. What you think?
shipinabottle (dont know what your name in MC is) you've got to understand that you're destroying stuff people have put a lot of time into. You can't do that just because in your opinion it doesn't fit with the theme. Atleast get a few others to look at it and decide together. If possible contact the owner, personally I think any buildings that are going to be deleted should be screenshot and put up in here and left for a day, if the owner complains then atleast you know whose it is and can talk about it and make a decision then.

For example, the castle. Show me one city without a castle. Seriously, have you seen edinburgh? Those scots know how to build a castle.

Just take it easy on the whole "I'm an admin I can do what I want" power you've got there mate. This isn't the place for a powertrip.
Well, someone seems to have it in for my Spar under the airport, someones had a good go of destroying it completley and I have a good idea who it is.

Seems like every time i unfill the entrance and log off then back on, someones filled it in again.
Someone come Ban Bibble, he is wrecking the spawn

Can you IP ban? if so at least they cant come back under a different name
shipinabottle (dont know what your name in MC is) you've got to understand that you're destroying stuff people have put a lot of time into. You can't do that just because in your opinion it doesn't fit with the theme. Atleast get a few others to look at it and decide together. If possible contact the owner, personally I think any buildings that are going to be deleted should be screenshot and put up in here and left for a day, if the owner complains then atleast you know whose it is and can talk about it and make a decision then.

For example, the castle. Show me one city without a castle. Seriously, have you seen edinburgh? Those scots know how to build a castle.

Just take it easy on the whole "I'm an admin I can do what I want" power you've got there mate. This isn't the place for a powertrip.

lol u dont get it do you, we had the first server. we had griefers. we got the 2nd server. we had griefers. we got the 3rd server and planned to be less colourful and more realistic, what happened. rainbows everywhere. so Rroff Lyon n a few of us thought we'd like a server built alongside the other one with rules and one that is monitored and taken care of. if you wanna build crazy things go on the other one. as for this one its stick to the rules or its gets deleted.

and no i dxont go running around deleting them without discussing it. Theres a few of us who are always on cleaning up damn tunneling and generally keeping an eye for griefers and being Admins. i dont run around waving my god stick or anything like that. Ease house had been marked T for 24 hours. i hadn't seen him on. a bunch of us admins on the server at the time agreed it was time to go because of the tunneling and out of place theme. it was a tiny sctrcuture, i haven't taken down anything of significance or large scale.

you try coming on and cleaning up tunneling down to the bottom and floods in the sewers every day because somebody got happy go larry on digging underground n flooded an area. This is a project aimed at a specific theme and we decided we'd admin it strongly from the beginning. you dont like it, go play mole man on the other server. why do people not get that? we have 2 servers for this reason!!!!
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