my serious chip is when fools like earlier today came in n destroyed a bunch of creations. dug tunnels n generally griefed.
u honestly dont see where we are coming from with this server? we got 2 servers running mate, 1 for ur general build whatever like have fun. then this 2nd a bunch of us asked for so we could control and regulate it and build something realistic.
i didn't make the 24 hour notice thing, im just an admin. your problem seems to be you wanna do whatever you like, when im all for that. just not on this server. use our creative freedom do what ya like server we specifically have for people like yourself who just want to have some fun.
nice attempt at trying to take the morale high ground with the pompous insult, but the fact is this server has rules, you dont like them. go on the other one. its very simple. im not power tripping, im just stating very clearly to you we have a controlled server and a freedom server. so step down, try not to be an **** and learn a bit of respect for the people who have spent the time developing what we've got to today. if you dont wanna concede to simple rules and sense then i dont care, just dont try n act all high and mighty when ur on the wrong side of this discussion.