Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

Version 1.5 preview:

Really looking forward to this one. Also looks like lightning can start fires, not sure what this means for people with wooden houses, lol.
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Just registered. Not sure if it's done correctly though.. I put a S at the start of my name bt when I clicked submit it was a lowercase?:confused: Hope that doesn't affect me:(
registered the other day on linktart and just got a message to say that I need to post in ocuk so i can get whitelisted. I hope this is the right place.

My minecraft login name is Lamo82 registered as lamo82 in linktart.
This game is poison!

I bought it in the half price sale this weekend. I stayed up till 4 last night building nothing more than a stairway to heaven and a giant glass diving board!

I have limited time for gaming now, and so ideally should play games which have clearly attainable goals and can eventually be completed. I can see that minecraft is none of these things and is best avoided!
I like this thread, while nobody is posting in it we have more people that post. New people to talk too! :D

Looking forward to 1.8, last content update but hell, it's gonna be a good one.
Good to see an independent post instead of server threads (of which I think there are 3)

Surely they will have to release 1.8 relatively soon? Isn't the final release scheduled for November? And a 1.9 update prior to that date... it must be due start/mid September. Looking forward to see what the new crafted items will be.
Good to see an independent post instead of server threads (of which I think there are 3)

Surely they will have to release 1.8 relatively soon? Isn't the final release scheduled for November? And a 1.9 update prior to that date... it must be due start/mid September. Looking forward to see what the new crafted items will be.

August 28th apparently.
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