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No, I just dont know what to do. Im not happy, and have a lot of choices about where to go and what to do, and literally cannot make up my mind. Another degree, go travelling, go mental, move to Canada, Germany, Australia, change career, god knows.

Ive an old-ish modern car which I use for crazy trips around Europe etc. Love to travel, but I do not fly.

You may find it difficult to move to Canada/Australia then unless you REALLY like boats :D

There's nothing wrong with expanding your horizons - if you fancy the idea of a van, why not just rent one and travel in that, that saves the initial outlay?
You are correct, I would likely drive to Australia in a car, (Russia, into the Asian countries, put it on a container, and try and get a berth on a freighter to Aus.) Given the cost this would likely be a one way trip so I'd have to be sure.

Canada is fairly straightforward, lots of cruises to NY from UK and Europe, so pop off in NY and travel up into Canada that way. Inexpensive? NEIN, quick? NEIN, but anything to avoid air travel!
I see you live in London, this would be my idea of literal hell on Earth. Where geographically, takes your fancy?
I was going to move further out in Kent but I'm now thinking of moving to Scotland. I'm spending some time up there in the new year to suss it out. I have friends in East Lothian. :)
You are correct, I would likely drive to Australia in a car, (Russia, into the Asian countries, put it on a container, and try and get a berth on a freighter to Aus.) Given the cost this would likely be a one way trip so I'd have to be sure.

Canada is fairly straightforward, lots of cruises to NY from UK and Europe, so pop off in NY and travel up into Canada that way. Inexpensive? NEIN, quick? NEIN, but anything to avoid air travel!

We're going majorly off topic here, but may I ask what your objection to air travel is?
I was going to move further out in Kent but I'm now thinking of moving to Scotland. I'm spending some time up there in the new year to suss it out. I have friends in East Lothian. :)

I live in Scotland (currently), and weather aside, it is by far and away the best place in the UK to stay. I was in Abingdon, a nice enough place recently, but could literally BARELY move in the local supermarket, and the roads where rammed with traffic. I was very grateful to return to Scotland, where the quality of life is an order of magnitude better than down south. However, the weather is a disgrace. Inverness is a strong up and coming area. Edinburgh is overpriced garbage, but a nice house out in the country can easily be got, with a 30 mins "commute" into cities on country roads.
I can't do minimalist. I like to make stuff and fix stuff, which means lots of different materials and lots of tools everywhere!

Minimalism isn't about getting rid of things for the sake of having less stuff. It's about removing things from your life that bring no joy/purpose/satisfaction. If you enjoy fixing things then that's totally fine. You can still apply minimalism to other areas of your life and home.

It's not... One of my sisters in law does this. She, her wet blanket husband and her two kids like in this house, that looks like she went into Ikea, swept a hand across the set-piece display for a room, and just said "That. Give me that. Put that whole thing in my house, exactly like that".

But somehow she actually maintains it like that. Very spartan, very minimalist, very spotless-showroom, very very freaky. Even the magazines in the wireframe magazine rack are ramrod-straight... and are the same ones that she put in there when she first furnished the place in 2007.
This is Keeping Up With The Joneses to the absolute extreme. She is weird and freaky as ****... and not a very happy person!!

That sounds like a neat freak and far away from minimalism. She is getting no joy from this Ikea catalogue house, then she should look to make a change so that it's no longer a burden.

There's a saying that I try to remind myself of often to keep me sane - "Perfect is the enemy of good". Often I would become unhappy because something isn't perfect, even if it's 90% good enough.

Having a play room is a very good way to keep the child paraphernalia to one area of the house. Unfortunately I don't have space for a play room.
I live in Scotland (currently), and weather aside, it is by far and away the best place in the UK to stay.

This is my biggest driver - Quality of Life. Happy to take a pay cut and downsize to get away from the dump that is London and live in peace. :)

I don't mind commuting into Edinburgh - I like the city having been there several times and can easily get work but I wouldn't want the expense of living there. I'd be looking at a place within reasonable distance of a train station tbh - don't like city driving.
I am a work minimalist but at home I need "stuff" to do the hobbies I enjoy. I do need a hobby downsize though, that will help.
I don't think minimalism means not having things for your hobby. It means you only have the minimum required for your lifestyle. If you need a motorbike, drone, computer, etc, for your hobby then get one. But if you have no use for them, or when you stop your hobby, then sell it. Only have what you need for the life you lead, and no more.
While I like stuff, probally have too much of it, will look at some of his ideas when we pack the house up to move over the next month or so

I've always thought of myself as a minimalist. I can fit everything I own into my bedroom and still have room. Honestly, being poor in the past has played a part. Not having much money as a young adult made me learn how to be happy without much. It also taught me to not be wasteful by having stuff I don't need. If something I have becomes of no use to me, I usually sell it. I also usually sell old stuff to help pay for new stuff. I like to think it's good for the environment too. I think many people around the world own way more stuff then they really need.
I can't do minimalist. I like to make stuff and fix stuff, which means lots of different materials and lots of tools everywhere!

It's not... One of my sisters in law does this. She, her wet blanket husband and her two kids like in this house, that looks like she went into Ikea, swept a hand across the set-piece display for a room, and just said "That. Give me that. Put that whole thing in my house, exactly like that".

But somehow she actually maintains it like that. Very spartan, very minimalist, very spotless-showroom, very very freaky. Even the magazines in the wireframe magazine rack are ramrod-straight... and are the same ones that she put in there when she first furnished the place in 2007.
This is Keeping Up With The Joneses to the absolute extreme. She is weird and freaky as ****... and not a very happy person!!

Sounds horrific, ill stick to my happy kids and odd toys scattered around lol
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