Mirrors Edge: Gameplay Video

This game looks very good, just my kind of fastish paced game and the graphics look amazing for its style (the same way TF2 looks amazing). I look forward to this game more than Farcry 2 in some ways!

Oh and Mouse and KB are the superior modes of transport for FPS games, FACT and it's the reason why some games on the consoles are slower paced online (you know the name...) because of this handicap.

No, not fact. Opinion. An opinion supported by a majority.

That said, I prefer Keyboard and Mouse in most first-person shooters as a matter of speed and accuracy.

That being said, most first-person shooters are limited in the character's involvement with the surroundings - most of the time they are holding a weapon, and their movement is somewhat limited - this game looks like it could stretch that and employ the sort of environment interaction that one gets with third-person games, in which case I might say that a console controller might give a better feel to the game.

Emphasis on the word 'feel'.
Shamikebab talks absolute sense, the keyboard+mouse in FPS argument is irrelevant here. It would seem this game does not reward fast paces shooting styles. I will say this still make no difference, Assassins Creed PC was the superior experience because it supported game pads, as do virtually all PC games. I see no difference here.

Also, good on you Dice for bringing back colours! In a generation dominated by brown this is quite refreshing.
Zzzzz, you bore me m8.

You post wrong info then throw the "rattle out the pram" once corrected.

I only corrected you because of your smartass attitude trying to correct me on something that was not wrong in the 1st place (although I am wrong many times every day).

So get over it and move on. :)
You're missing the point, this doesn't seem to be a first person shooter, although it has shooter elements (only briefly shown) it seems to be more about movement and disarming moves. Mouse doesn't really give you a great benefit here because its not about twitch aiming. I am not a kiddie saying 360 control is better for FPS, in fact if you read my post you'd notice I said the opposite for FPS.

Post #5 and #7 bacially say its crap (their opinions).

The English language has many words that can be used to mean the same, they did not use the word crap but still the same end result. :)
Is it, read his crap in this thread and the Farcry thread (telling others they gave wrong info, when he is wrong).

If you think Im Trolling you dont know what Trolling is.

I know exactly what it is, believe me.

I suggest you do not post in this thread again.
Having watched the video again, I think the thing I like most about this game is how aware you are that you're playing a person and not simply a floating gun. i really like it when FPS games show this (Bioshock with the hands, although disappointed you had no legs, Chronicles of Riddick was a great example of making you believe this) In fact now a days I find it really disappointing when I look down and theres just air.
Whats with the kb+mouse/joypad argument? This doesnt even look like a game that requires precision aiming...or any aiming at all for that matter. Judging from that footage the whole game looks like it could be played with 1 button and a fixed camera angle.
It is fact though, kb+m is superior but you can still prefer one or the other obviously.

No it's really not. For some things KB&M is worse - take movement in most modern shooters for example. It's either running or walking, controllers allow analogue movement rather than digital. It's all completely subjective and in this case I agree that this game will benefit from having a controller that is capable of that level of fluidity.
No it's really not. For some things KB&M is worse - take movement in most modern shooters for example. It's either running or walking, controllers allow analogue movement rather than digital. It's all completely subjective and in this case I agree that this game will benefit from having a controller that is capable of that level of fluidity.

I was mainly on about aiming myself, which is superior on a mouse and that can't be argued with.

The only point I agree on is the analogue movement, the keyboard is still vastly superior for hotkeys and the function of in-game chat. (obviously)
The only point I agree on is the analogue movement, the keyboard is still vastly superior for hotkeys and the function of in-game chat. (obviously)

Indeed, however in a game like this which seems to have no need for those functions and a demand for fluid movement a keyboard and mouse would prove counter productive.
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