Miss England- Having a laugh?

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Size 10 - 12? I would post a picture but you're not worth the time or bother.

Fine, I didn't ask for one.

Out of curiosity though... Do you know... by any chance... how seriously screwy with peoples heads that can be? Just those words alone. "you're fat". Even if it's by someone who that person doesn't actually giving a flying monkeys about? Even if it's said to a person who is incredibly skinny?

No, and I couldn't give a stuff either.
she is a bit on the larger side but I have to give her credit it is really quite brave to do what she is. I think she is quite nice in the bottom pic aswell. Size 10-14 is what I class as normal and with some curves can be nice ;)
One thing that people seem to be missing is that not all women think you need to be thin to be pretty, and not all women think that even a size 16 is fat. Some women are even very happy with their "bigger" figures, and think they should be shown off at every opportunity. What I'm trying to say, is that for some people it's not a show of courage at all to strip off in front of hundreds of people, and they've not necessarily overcome anything.

I can understand where the other girls are coming from, I suffered for years with weight issues and an eating disorder, I was even with a guy who told me if I put on weight he'd leave me. Not everyone is the same though, and I can't assume that just because I went through that experience that other people have too.
Me posting largely nonsensical rant? *hmmmm* ;)
Indeed, although your following posts have been much better.

Have you read my post? I think not! Did I say you didn't have the right to comment? Oh let me go look.... Hmmm no no I didn't. In fact I actually said somewhere there we all have our own opinions and that I was happy some people had posted their own opinions but managed to refrain from being childish and posting idiotic insults.
earlier post said:
Yes, fine, we all have our own definition of attractive but does that grant us the right to go slagging off this gir
Sounds like you're questioning that 'right' to me.

Yes mummy, very clear. I promise think such thoughts again, and will try and remain a size 0 like all the other pretty, beautiful models. They're much better role models definitely. *rollseyes*
Don't be so bloody childish. If you're just wading in to promote your own point of view and don't give a damn about anything else, don't get so uppity when people complain. Not once has anyone in this thread said size 0 is an ideal size. Stop making things up.

Irritional... Yes, obviously I am. I'm such an idiot. I really shouldn't have bothered posting my feelings and how shocked I am at such ridiculous... oops... I mean thoughtful comments so many people are posting. How silly of me. How dare I criticise people. Of course, my bad, they should be free to **** off the fatty. I shouldn't be offended at all.

Hell I'll join in. She's so fat! In fact, she's so fat she can stand up and lie down and still be the same height! LOL. (nb I would probably hit it though because I can't actually manage to get anything else out there cos I'm a moron.)
Wow, if ever a post in GD deserved the dreaded rolleye smiley, this is it.

Incidentally, why do you assume that people who find certain women unattractive can't find an attractive woman to sleep with? Or have you been burnt in the past.
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Too much effort reading the whole thread, she's fat, too fat, she's not pretty. Having little self control to keep body weight in check, or leading an overly sedentary lifestyle are both unhealthy and neither are characteristics a role model should have.

Frankly I don't find many "super" models that hot, some sure, some not. The hottest woman i find are the dancer types who all tend to be a perfect size 8, athletic, the right curves and extremely healthy. That is the kind of woman whose actually normally in these competitions, not size 0's.

Its always women complaining that men like these paperthin size 0 chicks and thats why we don't like fat chicks. Thats bull and is really just there to make bigger women feel better. Its a double standard too, women aren't massively attracted to fat guys, but can be happy married to one. Its fine for a woman to think Brad Pitt is hot but somehow men aren't allowed to think in shape healthy women are, thats seems fair.

Anyone that TRULY thinks a Miss World is a role model for their child, whatever size that Miss World is, is a crap parent and probably stupid. But also, anyone that thinks being overweight is healthy and fine is also, wrong. Get over it, men will always lust after the hottest women on the planet at least they admit it. Women pretend they don't do the same and constantly whinge that men do it.
nb. added stuff to my post above - people post too quickly here!

You think women in porn mags are like supermodels? :\

lol no no :) I didn't say that did I? *scans back quickly*

Nope :) They just add to the whole perfect-body syndrome that the world is so infatuated with.

Slightly off topic, I was reading an article the other day about James Bond and how in yeee olden days Mister Bond wasn't a six pack god like Daniel Craig, but a fairly wibble bellied man! They referred to other filums like Indiana Jones and such and thinking about it - it's true! All male actors in filums from yonks ago were never the muscle man you always see portrayed today (obviously excluding the Arni Schwarz) The article basically concluded in saying that it would seem the pressure is on with the men to be uber "attractive" in the muscle "perfect body" shape! It's all madness!

Fine, I didn't ask for one.

No, and I couldn't give a stuff either.

One thing that people seem to be missing is that not all women think you need to be thin to be pretty, and not all women think that even a size 16 is fat. Some women are even very happy with their "bigger" figures, and think they should be shown off at every opportunity. What I'm trying to say, is that for some people it's not a show of courage at all to strip off in front of hundreds of people, and they've not necessarily overcome anything.

I can understand where the other girls are coming from, I suffered for years with weight issues and an eating disorder, I was even with a guy who told me if I put on weight he'd leave me. Not everyone is the same though, and I can't assume that just because I went through that experience that other people have too.

I agree. Some women look sensational when slightly more voluptuous. I personally prefer a little podge over stick insects.

It's just that girl isn't pretty! :( She does look great with the right clothes, the bikini is not that flattering if we're honest.
why are her toes/feet black/bruised looking in the op's link?

Looks like the thing that happens with some diabetics :confused:

Dude. Lets stop here. We have a difference of opinion.

By what you're saying you're insinuating that what's been said throughout this thread by others is fine. You think I'm slightly ott in my comments and I think you're thinking I'm slightly melodramatic.

That's fab. If that's what you think then fair enough.

Agree to disagree else this will just continue.

If you want to take up any issues with me then fair enough but I don't think I'm willing to hog this thread with it :) (apologies to those who have had to put up with us ranting back and forth at each other) By all means PM me.
Oh my lordy lord.

Some of you guys are the WHOLE reason why us women have such complexes over our bodies.

Ok, the girls not a stick nor your standard size 0 model but CHRIST. Some of the things being said is exactly the kind of thing I would expect to hear from a bunch of pubescent, thick skulled, idiotic school children.

What is wrong with you people?!!?!

Yes, fine, we all have our own definition of attractive but does that grant us the right to go slagging off this girl, who I a) think is damn brave to do what she's doing when she has to contend with such dweebs as yourselves and b) you know NOTHING about. How on EARTH did someone come to the conclusion she's not a role model? Just because she's not a stick she's a bad influence?! I'm not being funny but if we are going to look at it like that - what about Dawn French? What a bloody fantastic woman we have there. You saying she's a poor role model too because she's obese? Rubbish.

And before you start ranting at me that this is a beauty competition and thus not a good role model as it will make girls run out and stuff their faces with "Pasties" and things... you're mad. Never ever in this world will we see this happen - please do prove me wrong and by all means point me in the direction of any case studies of women eating themselves silly so they can get larger and therefore "more attractive". I imagine you will find yourselves a realm of anorexia studies on your quest.

Oh yes, and coming back to comments like "pasty" muncher and thus... they are just not needed. For all you know she could be a bloody good healthy eater but nooooo. Just throw in the presumptions and insults and rip her apart like a pack of animals. Go on. No harm done in stuff like that is there?

Seriously... People like you make me sick. Literally too. I have been to hell and back with problems about how I look and feel about myself and it's because of the likes of some of you. Your comments and degrading thoughts WRECK peoples lives. WRECK them.

Please note, this isn't by any means directed at everyone on this thread. I'm sure it's quite evident which people I am referring to.

I cannot believe any of this. I am shocked and disgusted at so many of you it's unbelievable.

Can I just say I am so happy people haven't all jumped on the slagging-the-girl off bandwagon and have managed to state your opinions in a non offensive manner. Hopefully some idiots on here will learn from the likes of you guys.

Saves me posting as I agree with what you are saying 100%

I also cannot believe the insults some people are lumping on any woman that is either over size 8 (or whatever!) or isn't to their exact standards of attractiveness.

Women like the one in the Daily Mail article should be congratulated for giving the average woman confidence to show off what the Goddess has given them. I don't personally find the woman attractive, but I would not say she is unattractive nor would I say she is fat. Sure she could be defined as chubby but what the hell is wrong with that if she is happy? She could be very fit and healthy and live a long time but it is still better to be fat and happy that skinny and unhappy!

With regards to those people saying that it is natural to find slim/skinny/"healthy" women attractive are short of the mark. Biologically men would look for bigger hips, breasts and these are mostly found on the curvier women (note - not fat!).

I like lots of types of women, but prefer bigger ladies (I suppose people here will call me a freak or something then :rolleyes: ) but this doesn't stop me fancying (Sigorney Weaver, for example) or dating skinny women. I prefer taller ladies too but I am married to a woman who is 5 foot.

Welcome to OCUK home of the Alpha Male! ;) :p
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