Why? If she's going to post a largely nonsensical rant, she should expect some comeback.
I'm all for general discussion, but someone just shouting at the screen needs to take a step back and think for a minute.
Me posting largely nonsensical rant? *hmmmm*
*places mirror in front of platypus*
Don't complain as if it's a one way thing.
Sorry.. did I say it was? Or was I just referring to the general thread which is very much judging the attractiveness of females? *wonders*
We have the right to comment on how we think she looks because she's joined a competition to promote just that. Or are you unclear as to how the Miss-wherever competitions work?
Have you read the thread?
Have you read my post? I think not! Did I say you didn't have the right to comment? Oh let me go look.... Hmmm no no I didn't. In fact I actually said somewhere there we all have our own opinions and that I was happy some people had posted their own opinions but managed to refrain from being childish and posting idiotic insults.
Several people have questioned her validity as a role model because she's large. Size 16 may be the UK average, but that does not mean we should be celebrating it: ergo people have questioned her validity as a role model. Is that clear?
Yes mummy, very clear. I promise think such thoughts again, and will try and remain a size 0 like all the other pretty, beautiful models. They're much better role models definitely. *rollseyes*
I'd say you're being irrational but..
People will be childish every where. Your rather over the top ranting is also out of place.
Seriously. If you can't post in a sensible manner, you have no place criticising others.
Irritional... Yes, obviously I am. I'm such an idiot. I really shouldn't have bothered posting my feelings and how shocked I am at such ridiculous... oops... I mean thoughtful comments so many people are posting. How silly of me. How dare I criticise people. Of course, my bad, they should be free to **** off the fatty. I shouldn't be offended at all.
Hell I'll join in. She's so fat! In fact, she's so fat she can stand up and lie down and still be the same height! LOL. (nb I would probably hit it though because I can't actually manage to get anything else out there cos I'm a moron.)
I appreciate that you may of went through a tough time, but we're talking about a 'BEAUTY' contest here, the aim of this contest is to be judged, if your prepared to enter into a competition like this then you have to be prepared to take the rough with the smooth, do you think most of the people on here being critical would be the same if it was just some random on the street, I wouldn't, but in this case it's different, and also you can't blame your own insecurities on our opinions, you should stand and be proud of who you are no matter what people think of you, other wise your always living your life on the edge, your letting others peoples opinions dictate how you feel, you have to be stronger than that.
Yeh I know - I don't mind if people don't think she makes a good beauty contest model - everyone's entitled to their opinion after all and I think attractiveness is very much a personal taste
Heh, I remember there being a tv show about a chap who LOVED hairy women! I was like "wow, crazy" but he loved it! Very unconventional but if he's happy then so we all should be.
So yeh, it's not peoples own opinions, it's the whole slagging her off thing that's awful.
I have fought very long to be a stronger, better person, which I think if you ask people who know me would say I am very confident and a happy person
It's sad things like this can affect me, like so many other people (men included). I am proud of who I am and I know I am a much better person than others out there. Threads with comments in it like this one can make me realise that.
So she can have a Kit Kat.
I lolled so hard at that!