Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

Sunday Night

  • 12 cals Ski
  • 12 cals bike
  • 12 down n ups
  • 12 x 8m shuttle runs.
X 4 rounds

In teams of 3, one round for partner 1, then immediately partner 2 goes, and as soon as they are done partner 3 goes and then back to partner 1. Doesn't look that bad on paper but holy cow, it was a tough one as it was just a total sprint job.

1st round 2.05
2nd round 2.21
3rd Round 2.46
4th Round 2.45

Lifting. - 1 pwr cln / 1 sq cln / 2 front sq complex

45/50/55/60/65/70/75kg - Happy with this as I missed 75kg for a similar complex on Friday.

Single Squat Clean - 80kg and then missed a bucket load at 85kg. But some good pointers from a couple of the coaches to work on.


1 Power Snatch
1 Squat Snatch

35/37.5/40/42.5/45/47.5 - failed 50kg on squat snatch a couple of times.

Single squat Snatch - 50kg/52.5kg/54kg (current PR) - bucket loads of fails at 55kg

Squat Homework done - Dropped weight back a bit as out of sorts with my squatting currently. Need to get volume back in again.

10 @ 85kg
10 @ 87.5kg
10 @ 90kg
8 @ 92.5kg

Conditioning - 3km row, every 500m do 40 DU (singles for me) - hard but solid pace - 15.05 total time. Fairly happy with this time as cap was 18 minutes.

Lifting - 10 Power Snatch - touch and go - 4 sets progressive weight.

10 reps @ 34kg
10 reps @ 38kg
10 reps @ 42kg
8 reps @ 45kg

Shoulders decided 6.20am for snatch is too early! (son's swim training on a Wednesday at 6am so I go to gym)
Squat Bootcamp

Trying to drag myself out of the back squat "funk" that i'm in currently. Need to eat more calories!

Better session tonight -

10 reps @ 92.5kg
10 reps @ 95kg
Singles @ 100/105 and 110kg.

Test week next week but I've been out of sorts with my squatting so don't see me threatening my 121kg PR.

Felt better tonight - slightly wider stance and really trying to stay as upright as possible and not let my chest drop/fall.
Thursday PT Session - Finally 3 kipping pull ups!:D:D:D:D:D

Not got a great push away from the bar yet to link them as I need to rekip again to get myself up but pleased to finally get some kipping pull ups (still can't do strict!)

Nice to finally get another small piece in the backpocket!

Went to partner with the wife but she ended up with a friend of hers so I worked with one of the top fit guys from our box....I knew it was going to hurt from the start!!

Partner on/ Partner off....90 second rounds x 4 each

  • 200m Ski
  • Max 30" box jump overs
Tough going after 3rd round as legs more wobbly and 30" box jump is a mental battle more than anything!!!

12 mins - split reps anyway you want between you both.

  • 10 reps - 2 x 20kg kettlebell cleans
  • 10 Burpee over Kettlebells
  • 10 Pull ups/Ring rows
Add 4 reps to everything each round.

Sweaty mess this one - Partner has super fast butterfly pullups so he did most of them and I did most of the burpees overs etc - we went out very fast and I started to pay for that after 8 minutes or so.....we did well and got into the round of 26 - did 26 kettlebell cleans and 13 burpee overs done at the cap. Most of all the partners in the class. Good working with someone who is a top end crossfitter, I always push myself but it's easy to see how much more the fit/fast guys have on top of that.


Back Squat homework

I've upped my calories the last few weeks and numbers heading back up again.

10 @ 95kg
10 @ 97.5kg

3 @ 100kg
3 @ 105kg
3 @ 107.5kg

Testing week this week but I don't see a new 1RM getting set but will give it a go.

Conditioning - 7 mins - WOD1

  • 800m row
  • into max Burpee Box Jumps (24")
Offtt - row was fine - done in around 3.20, managed 33 BBJ in the cap.

WOD2 - 7 Mins
  • 20 on/40 off - Max Assault Bike Cals.
Just pure pain from round 4 onwards.....Managed 84 cal total.

Then it was supposed to be T2B EMOM etc but I've got a niggle in my shoulder/tricep so instead I did

5 15kg Ball slams
5 Air Squats

Alternate each one every 20 seconds for 10 minutes!


Squat Snatch
  • 85% of 1RM - 1 lift every 90 seconds - 10 rounds.
Then work to a heavy single.

Did 45kg as my 1RM is still stuck at 54kg. Hit all 10 rounds, one lift I did end up on my knees with the bar above my head but stood it up so I counted it! :p:p

Then hit 47.5kg/50kg/52.5kg and missed 4 or 5 at 55kg.......still stuck. Bar is high enough but maybe a bit soft in my arms locking it out.

  • 3 mins max Cal Ski
  • 3 Min max 50kg ball cleans
  • 3 Mins max cal row
  • 2 mins max Cal Ski
  • 2 Min max 50kg ball cleans
  • 2 Mins max cal row
  • 1 mins max Cal Ski
  • 1 Min max 50kg ball cleans
  • 1 Mins max cal row
Minging.......no rest and just a sweaty one. I really struggled with the Ball Cleans. Just nothing in my legs to help "pop" it up.

Anyway 51 Cals, 24 Cals, 11 cals Ski / 14, 5, 3 Ball Cleans (rubbish) / 47, 30, 17 Row Cals. - Total 229 reps.
Back Squat Test Night

Went into this not expecting too much due to holidays and nearly 3 weeks missed squatting, and being a bit out out of sorts with my squatting....Current 1RM 121kg

Warmed up and hit singles at 100kg/105kg/110kg/115kg/120kg. Decided to give 122.5kg a go despite having a battle with 120kg!

Managed to get it at 122.5kg. Pretty happy with this as I wasn't expecting a PR. Tried 125kg but head wasn't in it.

On to the next block of squat training and hopefully a full block and some good progress.

Weekly Comp WOD 8 min cap.
  • 8 x 42.5kg Thrusters
  • 24 Double Unders
Yuck - Ended up doing 48 Single unders. Cost me a bit of time but struggled with the Thrusters after last nights squats!!

4 Rounds, 8 Thrusters and 34 Singles.

3 x 10 GHD
Farmers Carries etc

  • 250m row - 49 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 500m - 1 min 44 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 250m - 51 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 500m -1 min 45 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 250m - 51 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 500m - 1 min 46 seconds
Out on the lash at the Races later today so just a bit of work this morning as short on time.

Conditioning - EMOM
  • 1st minute - 10 cal ski
  • 2nd minute - 10 cal row
  • 3rd minute - 10 burpees
  • 4th minute - 11 Cal Ski
  • 5th minute - 11 cal row
  • 6th minunte - 10 burpees
So add a cal to the ski & row every time but burpees stay the same. Keep going till you fail to complete the work in the minute.

Then managed 13 Cals on Ski before getting capped. Quite a gassy one this.....rest got less and less on the ski, burpees were ok but the ski got harder and harder. Paced first few rounds fine.

Squat Homework - 5 x 5 @ 100kg.
Squat Bootcamp

Moved to a 5 x 5 program for next block.


  • 5 @ 102.5kg
  • 5 @ 105kg
  • 5 @ 105kg
  • 5 @ 105kg
  • 5 @ 105kg

Heavy double at 110kg to finish.

Thursday PT Session

Mostly getting focused on gymnastics and core stuff. So included T2B work, Handstand walking up wall, L shaped hold using paralets, headstands etc.

Weekly Comp WOD - Re-run 18.1

I was planning to do this again at some point in the year, earlier this year in the open I had to do high knees as I didn't have T2B - I have a few now (2 or 3) so gave it what I have. I set myself a target of 4 T2B per round.

8 - T2B
10 - 22.5kg Hang Clean and Press KB
14 Cal Row

16 min cap.

5 rounds complete + 8 high Knees + 10 DB

(First 2 rounds were 4 T2B, 3rd was 3 T2B, 4th was 2TB and 6 High knee, 5th/6th Rounds was 8 high Knees)

Happy enough to get some T2B in there as I had none in 18.1 Open. A little disappointed as I lost a lot of time trying to get the 4 T2B in the 3rd/4th Rounds - got a bit frustrated and lost my rhythm.


10 x 250m runs - 50/48/47/45/45/45/45/45/45/45

Some longer endurance based workouts this week
  • 500m Row
  • 50 DU
  • 1 Round of Cindy
- 30min AMRAP:eek::eek:

- 500m row
- Mixture of singles and DU - some rounds were 100 singles, others were 10 DU and 80 singles, then 15 DU and 70 singles. I was trying to get DU in where possible.
- 5 blue banded pull ups
- 10 press ups
- 15 air squats

=6 rounds complete plus 287 metres row

Again not bad - time lost on the DU/Singles etc - not consistent enough yet but progress.

  • 15 min EMOM - 85% of 1RM - 2 Squat Cleans every minute.
all at 65kg - Hit 28/30 reps. No time for heavy single as class starting (also legs wrecked from conditioning!!)

Need to retest my squat clean 1RM as not hit a heavy one for a while. Feeling a little better that I'm pulling/extending up the way with the bar instead of my poor form when the bar goes out in front of me.

Conditioning - Row
  • 250m - 50 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 500m - 1 min 44.8 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 750m - 2 min 44.1 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 500m - 1 min 48.0 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 250m - 50.7 seconds.

Squat Bootcamp homework done - 5 x 5 @ 105kg

Conditioning - Max effort Cals
  • 3 Mins max assault bike
  • 90 seconds off
  • 3 Mins max assault bike
  • 90 seconds off
  • 3 Mins max assault bike
  • 90 seconds off
Then straight into
  • 30 second max assault bike
  • 60 seconds off
  • 30 second max assault bike
  • 60 seconds off
  • 30 second max assault bike
  • 60 seconds off
Probably one of the worse one's I've done for a while.....Assault bike is just a horror show. Just completely empties you everytime....there is simply nothing like it.

54 Cals /53 Cals /50 Cals
18 Cals /16 Cals /15 Cals

After this wander around in a daze for about 15 minutes and went home as I was gubbed - Was supposed to do lifting but I wasn't even close to be able to do anything.

Back at night for Squat Bootcamp

5 x 5 @ 105kg - solidifying my homework from this week.
Squat Snatch work in my PT session

Worked on a few technical things so took the weight down to 40kg. 15 min EMOM - 2 reps every minute.

Hit 20 out of 30 as there was a few new technical bits I was working on so missed a few whilst refining things.

Then singles at
- 45kg
- 50kg
- 55kg (woo hoo 1kg PR - been stuck for ages)
- 57.5kg (double woo hoo - 3.5kg PR
- 60kg - so damn close but no there yet!

Really really pleased - totally worth getting individual PT's to help with training/technique etc.
Friday Partner Class

Strength - 3 Rep Front Squat

Worked up to 80kg but didn't push it anymore knowing what was ahead of me!!

Conditioning - 6 mins
  • 40 cal assault bike
  • 20 burpee box jumps
  • 30 double dumbell cleans (22.5kg)
  • 40 9kg ball slams
  • max front squats for remainder (50kg)
3 Rounds with 6 mins off inbetween. Now I went with the wife to do this but she ended up with her friend and no other males without partners in the class so ended up with a female partner. She scaled her weights accordingly but it was mash up the reps anyway you want. Both of us pushed hard.

Did a good job between us and got 14 front squats in 1st round, 38 balls slams completed in 2nd round and 30 ball slams in 3rd round. A real gassy one. 6 mins doesn't sound a lot but 40 cals on assault bike is a brutal start.
Sunday night session.

This is always a great session - loads of people in and great atmosphere.

  • 12 Cal Ski
  • 12 Down and Ups
Max effort, you go then, partner goes, as soon as they are done, I go again. Round for round, 10 rounds!!!:eek::eek:

Utterly terrible - really hard going - probably one of the hardest sessions. Just felt like it was never going to end......

1.10/1.10/1.10/1.14/1.21/1.20/1.20/1.24/1.27/1.26 were my times.

  • 2 reps (reset) Power Snatch - 10 ascending sets
Tried to focus on the work I did last week on my squat snatch. So started fairly light.

30/34/40/44/47.5/50/52.5/54/55 (missed 1 rep at 55kg) - Then got a single at 58kg for a 0.5kg PR! - Pr is a Pr - I'll take it.
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